Looking at Xie Ze, who came to Yuan Buwei as soon as the filming was over, handed towels and tea, and even seriously asked Yuan Buwei to point out his shortcomings, everyone fell silent.

——Only this simple person can completely ignore the powerful deterrent force of the “tyrant on the set” and take the initiative to get close to him.

No one is jealous of Xie Ze.

Because Yuan Buwei didn’t treat him differently because of this. Instead, he instructed him more and more severely, spoke more unkindly than to others, and frantically squeezed this tool man who delivered himself to the door for free. However, from another perspective, maybe this is also a type of different treatment?

In short, Xie Ze did not give up, but instead continued to take the initiative to be scolded. Moreover, through careful observation, he also understood the preferences and habits of Yuan Buwei. Therefore knowing all kinds of milk tea, desserts and snacks.

Other actors in the crew joked privately that he seemed to have become director Yan’s little loyal licking dog.

They even compared secretary Jiang to him.

After all, one is to sincerely repay the director’s appreciation and help to him; the other is to serve the unscrupulous boss for money.

Which one is more careful and considerate can be imagined.

So when Xie Ze came over, he would sometimes feel coolness at his back and percieve murderous intent.

That was the death ray emitted by secretary Jiang.

He has long resented Xie Ze. This guy licked the president to a new height, creating the comparison that his secretary was not considerate enough. What if the president is dissatisfied with him because of this, and all the bonuses he will get are gone ? !

——Ah, ah, licking dog, licking to the end will end up with nothing ! ! !

Secretary Jiang’s heart roared wildly.

Not long after, not only secretary Jiang, but also other members of the crew began to stare at Xie Ze with resentful eyes. The reason is, after careful consideration he introduced a super delicious milk tea shop to Yuan Buwei.

According to Yuan Buwei’s request, the shop owner made a special customised version of milk tea for him and sent it to the production team regularly every day.

And when this “tyrant on the set” faced the frequent NG actors, he no longer gave sharp criticism.

He would bring people to his side with a smile and cordially greet them: “I don’t think you are in good shape today. Come and have a cup of milk tea first.”

Anyone who has drunk director Yan’s exclusive milk tea once can understand what the taste that Qi Yu once evaluated as “sweet death” is.

It’s the type that they don’t want to drink for a second time in their life.

The efficiency of the production team is suddenly unprecedented. Every actor is focused to the extreme when shooting, and they are all energetic and in excellent condition. It seems that they have ten buffs stacked on them.

Of course, Yuan Buwei was very satisfied.

Sure enough, there are no tool people in the world who completely meet your needs. But as long as you use them in a smart way, you can always shape them into what you want.

In this way, everything part of the crew gradually went on the right track. One day, secretary Jiang suddenly relayed a message.

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——The filming of Star Entertainment’s new movie has begun. It is said that Wen JiaoJiao is the female lead, and this is also a movie concentrating on the big female owner.

During this time on the production team, Yuan Buwei didn’t pay much attention to the outside world. On the one hand there was secretary Jiang handling matters related to Shengshi. And on the other hand, there was system 999 to pay attention to the news on the Internet. Generally, he wouldn’t pay attention to anything unimportant.

When he heard the news, he said, “Wen JiaoJiao is getting up again?”

[the host guessed correctly.] System 999 replied, “during this period, Wen JiaoJiao has recovered her previous fame under the operation of Star Entertainment.”

When he opened the network, he saw the overwhelming news. The system 999 had sorted everything out long ago and waited for the host to read the cause and effects.

Previously, Fu Han was busy with his work and didn’t want to pay attention to Wen Jiaojiao. Yet the latter only needed to care for him a few times, and Fu Han was immediately hooked by her again.

At his instigation, the public relations department of Star Entertainment worked endlessly. First of all, he stepped on Zhou Yao and made Wen JiaoJiao an innocent victim who was cheated. He not only cheated her feelings, but was also taken away by the police for investigation because of him. After describing her fright, he also recounted how Wen JiaoJiao worked hard over the years and her achievements in the past… In short, he sold pity, while boasting, which made Wen JiaoJiao’s fans have heartache.

Then there were a large number of press releases, various kinds of pulling and stepping, and several variety shows for Wen JiaoJiao, before completely separating her from Zhou Yao.

Under the operation of Star Entertainment, there are now voices of “distressed for Wen Jiaojiao” on the Internet. Then Star Entertainment took the opportunity to announce that Wen Jiaojiao is the absolute female lead when the new movie begins.

Suddenly, the popularity of the movie suddenly rose up!

In contrast, Yuan Buwei’s side is quiet.

The main reason why is not because their filming started in a low-key manner, but because of the joint crackdown of several other major companies. Otherwise, with Yuan Buwei’s fame, there should be many reporters chasing the crew to cover the story.

This is related to star entertainment.

After Wen Jiaojiao failed Yuan Buwei’s route, she simply focused on catching Fu Han.

She told Fu Han that Yuan Buwei had chosen Xie Ze as the main character, and Fu Han sneered.

“Xie Ze? How dare he give him a role? It seems that he has been sailing too smoothly recently.”

Xie Ze himself is insignificant and does not deserve to be cared about. However, in those days, several large companies joined hands to suppress the person that he now wants to lift up. Which obviously does not give face to the other large companies.

Without Fu Han’s involvement, several other companies would not compete with Shengshi for Xie Ze, someone insignificant, but Fu Han made a fuss.

Shengshi is now prosperous, but compared with those large companies that have been developing for a long time, it still lacks a lot. What’s more, the whole prosperity is relying on Yuan Buwei alone, and Yuan Buwei needs continued investment.

Star entertainment can afford the loss of a film, but Shengshi may not. If the film makes a loss, it may affect the whole capital chain of Shengshi, resulting in a series of chain consequences.

Taking this as an opportunity, or as an excuse, Fu Han promised to divide Shengshi’s interests, as well as other resources and benefits, and secretly united with three other entertainment companies to suppress Shengshi.

The first step is to target the new movie by Yuan Buwei.

As a result, most of the filming was complete, and it was about to come to an end. Suddenly, a lot of black material about the cast members has suddenly been exposed on the Internet. Xie Ze’s are the most severe.

Many people still think that the news of his drug addiction is true. It is easier to spread rumours than to refute them. Besides, in addition to this, there are many black materials that are difficult to distinguish the true from the false. Such as being arrogant, bullying newcomers, or exchanging favours with investors. Many of the rumours were extremely difficult to clarify.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of abuse on the Internet.

Even the new film, made by Yuan Buwei, was boycotted.

[Why hasn’t this kind of cancer Xie Ze got out of the entertainment circle? Director Yan cast him to be the protagonist, does he want to be black and red together?]

[You just found out? Yan Xun has always jumped high, simply to get exposure and popularity by all means. This time, I guess he also liked the topic of Xie Ze, but he didn’t expect to capsize, did he? Hee hee, you deserve it.]

It is estimated that only the people behind the scenes know how many of these dark and strange comments are by water army.

However the achievements of Yuan Buwei in these few months since he came to this world, showed effect now. 

When these blackspots and the water army were dancing happily, the fans of Yuan Buwei also appeared. They learned a more calm and rational way of doing things from Yuan Buwei.

Many people collected the so-called black materials without saying a word at first, and then hammered them one by one. Finally, the evidence was gathered together, and a big fan posted it directly on his Weibo. It was clear and methodical, and even passers-by could see who was right and who was wrong.

After posting this long weibo, they did not forget to add a sentence after it:

[All the above evidence is true, if you are dissatisfied, please report it [Report Link]. Law-abiding citizens, starting with me. ]

[Ha ha ha ha ha! Have the sunspots learned? Remember to report it directly next time.]

[Don’t start rumours, don’t spread rumours, don’t believe rumours. We are the legendary pioneers of civilization [Funny. jpg]! ]

The speeches from fans gave an inexplicable sand sculpture feeling. Yuan Buwei helplessly shook his head and gave them a compliment.

The actions of fans surprised him, so much so that they solved everything before he had time to act. It can be seen that they are not a plate of loose sand, but organised and disciplined.

Yuan Buwei asked curiously, only to find out that someone had spontaneously set up a fan group for him. This time, after everyone in the fan group discussed the plans, then took action together under the arrangement of the group owner.

They not only gave evidence to whitewash, but also attached the links of the two films as evidence. As the protagonist of this event, Xie Ze also benefited from it. Gaining fans among Yuan Buwei’s fans.

Due to their crazy recommendation and forwarding, many passers-by were unknowingly brainwashed, and some curious people followed the link to watch it, but as soon as they entered the pit, they could not climb out.

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In the end, he gained many fans.

After all, he is good-looking and has high acting skills, which are enough to attract passers-by to turn into fans.

The crew is not isolated from the world. The actors saw the black news just after Shengshi found out.

Xie Ze is no exception. At the beginning, he was still depressed, feeling that he had implicated the crew. Unexpectedly, the online atmosphere changed rapidly. Within a few days, his long deserted weibo unexpectedly welcomed a group of fans.

His face lit up with joy.

Director Yan is indeed his benefactor. After being selected by director Yan, his luck turned around. Needless to say, he must express his feelings properly!

As a result, the crew saw Xie Ze wagging his tail and coming up to Yuan Buwei, holding up his “tribute”: “director Yan, this is a small cake I made myself. I specially added more sugar. It’s a brand new flavour.”

Everyone: “…”

“… I’m stupid, really. I only know that a licking dog will get nothing in the end. How can I forget that there is another possibility, that is, licking dog in the end to get everything?” 2

Before, they thought that he had been taking the initiative to find abuse, but now they have all become lemonade (jealous).

It turns out that Xie Ze is not stupid at all. They are the ones who are really stupid. If they knew that licking dogs could get such treatment, they would be willing to lick too! And come up with fancy licking methods!

From that day on, Yuan Buwei changed from a “tyrant on the set” to a veritable “emperor” who won the top VIP treatment in the whole crew.

The atmosphere of the crew became more and more harmonious.

The day before filming was finished, Fang Yao suddenly received a text message.

“At the end of the killing banquet, I want to see the gossip photos / videos of Yan Xun and Xie Ze spread all over the Internet, thoroughly implementing hidden rules – F”

1 MMP = Motherfcker

2 舔狗= licking dog or simp.

After the word licking a dog became popular, it was made into a related emoticon package by netizens , which was warmly welcomed by everyone, and was widely used and reused. Among them, the more popular emojis are “Licking dog to the end and have nothing”, “Licking dog to the end and get everything”, “Promise me, don’t be a licking dog, okay?”. 

Chinese: gege I’m here to lick you.

This is an example.