The light on the big screen shone in the dim cinema, and it was silent all around. Only the sound from the stereo is clear to the ear, and everyone’s expression is extremely focused.

The content of this film is similar to a heroic epic. The protagonist was born from the belly of a dead devil, and his natural constitution was submerged in demonic qi, stronger than many demons.

He fought against the demons on the wasteland by instinct, and survived like a wild beast, but he also possessed wisdom that ordinary wild beasts and monsters did not have.

Then a coincidence happened. An old hunter who went out to hunt demons found him. The old hunter was soft hearted and concealed his true identity, took him back to his village and taught him the words and common sense of the human world.

With his naturally strong physique, the protagonist followed the old hunter to repel many demons attacking the village and was gradually accepted by the villagers.

But the old hunter is not strong. He just went to the battlefield and mastered more advanced fighting skills than ordinary people. Within two years, an extremely powerful demon rushed into the village, and the old hunter died when saving people.

The protagonist lost control of his reason. Under the influence of the demonic qi in his blood, he rushed forward alone to fight with the demon. By the time his mind returned, it had only one breath left.

There was blood all over the place, and the demon corpse that was cut into several sections was scattered around. He lay on the ground, breathing haggard, and his one intact eye saw the villagers surrounding him through the blood smeared all over his face.

Their arms holding weapons are still trembling, but their eyes are full of suspicion, rejection, vigilance, and fear.

“Did he just use demonic qi? He’s not a human being at all. He’s a half demon.”

“A half demon sneaked in, he must not have good intentions. Those demons should have been attracted by his smell.”

“Such a powerful demon has been cut to pieces by him. Next time he goes mad, he will kill all of us. Half demons can’t be trusted. We need to kill him now.”

“Kill him, Kill this little demon!”

Through the gazes of the group of villagers, the main character is in danger. The sudden background music made Mo Qing’s heart beat rapidly.

Perhaps because of the shooting technique, every detail in this film gives her a very realistic feeling. With the soundtrack, she has a strong sense of substitution and tension. The audience seemed to watch the protagonist grow up with their own eyes, and unconsciously they had an inexplicable preference for him.

That is to say, logically they know that the protagonist will not die, but they just can’t help being nervous. Some people have a strong sense of substitution and can’t help but start to scold the villagers in their hearts.

“Do you want to cut him off as soon as he’s no longer useful? If the main character dies, who will protect you during the next demon attack?”

As a veteran film enthusiast, Mo Qing can still spare some time to analyse the plot: “Emotionally speaking, the reaction of these people can also be understood. Considering the world view within this film, it is almost the same as being infected with the zombie virus. It is normal for ordinary people to be afraid, not to mention that they have relatives killed by demons”

She stared at the screen without blinking, and guessed the plot with experience: “This should be a key turning point. Next, the protagonist will awaken when he was on the verge of death and escaped from the village, or the villagers’ suddenly found their conscience? Or create a wave of dog blood with a heroine who loved him appearing and saving him with her life.”

At this moment, Mo Qing’s brain was filled with many dog blood scripts, but none of them came true.

The villagers wanted to take the opportunity to kill the main character, but there was only one last breath left for him. Considering that he had made contributions to the village, they decided not to kill him on their own initiative, but to leave him to fend for himself at the back of the mountain.

In the dark scene of the film, the protagonist is thrown at the bottom of the mountain like garbage, bleeding all over, and unable to move. The camera lens was fixed on him, and then made a close-up of his fingers moving with difficulty.

The following series of slow-motion shots are of the struggle of the protagonist. He struggled to grab the mountain wall with his bloody fingers, and moved his body slowly. He doesn’t say a word from beginning to end, but his eyes, his movements, and every detail of his whole body speak for him.

“I want to live, I want to live”

At this moment, Mo Qing completely threw all the previous guesses out of the window. Looking at the main character’s eyes in the camera, she only felt deeply shocked.

In the cinema, there was no sound of eating popcorn, therefore it can be seen how impactful this scene is.

Until a pair of dark green eyes appeared in the camera. With warm breathing and snorting sound, a lone wolf stared out.

This scene came too suddenly. In an instant, there was a sound of inhalation in the cinema.

The main character is still unaware.

The wolf with green eyes was so hungry that it rushed forward with its mouth open, to bite the protagonist.

At the most dangerous moment, the protagonist finally reacted and tried his best to turn and avoid his vital points. His eyes met the gaze of dark green eyes and warm breath was sprayed on his face.

But he was no longer able to move.

This scene is shown on the big screen, which makes people’s adrenaline surge and makes them reluctant to blink. Mo Qing even heard a little girl in front of her saying, “Don’t die, don’t die.”

It seems that he heard the prayer of the audience. In response to the protagonist’s strong and unwilling shout, a seemingly indifferent voice responded to him:

“You don’t want to die? Then pray to me.”

The protagonist’s dark eyes suddenly burst out with light. It had to be said that Xie Ze’s acting skills were incredible, that this kind of illusory feeling could be demonstrated by him. Everyone heard his strong inner voice responding.

“I promise I will pray to you.”

On the mountain wall behind the protagonist, a dark devilish energy diffused out of an imperceptible gap, and a ray of devilish energy rushed directly into his right eye.

He raised his head and his entire demeanour had changed.

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The movie theatre was filled with fast-paced background music, and the editing of each shot was so fierce that all the audience seemed to be riding a roller coaster. Watching the main character or the mysterious person behind the devilish energy fight using the weak body of the main character, which was on the verge of collapse. Using efficient movements that seemed to have been tempered by over a thousand years, against the wild wolf who jumped onto him. In the fast-paced scene, every move is crisp and pleasing to the eye.

Until he finally bit the wolf’s throat, and warm blood splashed all over his face.

The mysterious man licked the blood on his lips curiously.

Immediately after…

“Ah, pa, pa”

His eyes widened with surprise, and his voice was full of shock: “The living creatures in this world are so disgusting.”

After saying this, the devilish spirit in the male lead’s right eye quickly faded, and he regained his usual disposition.

He quickly threw himself at the wolf and continued to drink blood. After a long time, he finally came to his senses.

The sun was setting bit by bit, and the residual light cast his shadow on the mountain wall, where the gap from before had disappeared.

“Who are you?” he asked. “Are you a demon?”

In the current period, the world is torn open. Although the main passage had been closed, there were still many broken space gaps connected with the Demon World. Obviously, there was one here.

“I guess so.” The voice replied lazily, “In the Demon Abyss, there are nothing but demons.”

“Probably, there is also a Son of God”

The camera slowed down again and pulled away bit by bit.

The forest was lush, the mountains seemed to be engulfed by darkness, the moonlight was shining on the cliff, the blood stained boy set up a campfire and dealt with the wolf corpse.

From within the screen came the dialogue between the two.

“I heard that when the demon world tore apart a gap between them and the human world to find the reincarnation of the Son of God. It was the High Priest of the Cang Kingdom who found the newborn Son of God in time and sacrificed them to the demon world, so that the human world was saved. Is that true?”

“Maybe, but the demons of the demon abyss are not friendly and have sharp teeth. Twenty years later, there is no Son of God here, only demons.”

“Even an important person like the Son of God can’t decide his own fate, and can’t escape being eaten by demons?” The protagonist sighed gently, and there seemed to be some emotions brewing in his voice.

He wanted to become stronger and control his own destiny.

The camera gave a close-up of the main character.

At this time, a light chewing sound happened to sound in the background, and he subconsciously asked: “What are you doing?”

“Ah, it’s not very delicious eating demons. The demons in the demon abyss taste really disgusting.” The other side complained.

It’s strange. It’s obviously a strong demon from the Demon World, and it said something so threatening so casually, but there was an unexpected frankness and innocence in his voice. Neither the protagonist in the movie nor the audience outside could hate this mysterious entity, but instead it created a strange sense of curiosity.

The protagonist took the roasted wolf meat and suddenly asked, “Do you want to try this? It should be good.”

The next moment, a wisp of black gas quickly floated into his eyes.

After a while, he successfully bribed the mysterious entity with barbecue meat.

The camera changed naturally. When the sun rose, the protagonist appeared on the wasteland alone. There are scenes of him fighting all kinds of monsters and wandering around. The battle scenes are very realistic.

In these neatly edited shots and highly infectious scenes, the protagonist occasionally has a dialogue with his “new friend”.

“My name is Ash, which means the ashes of the fire. What should I call you?”

“Just call me the demon. The demon doesn’t need a name.”

“Do you want something from helping me? Do you need me to offer sacrifices?”

“No, I’m just curious about the world and see how far you can go along the way.”

Then, the rhythm of the film suddenly accelerated. Amidst dialogue between the two, the protagonist stepped away from the village, travelled all over the wilderness, and spread his footsteps all over the kingdom.

He met with all kinds of people, saw crazy and irrational monsters, half demons who were rejected by both sides like him, and ordinary people who died in the disasters and those who mourned them. Greedy and ruthless people and people who sacrificed their lives, were all vividly displayed in the film lens. Occasionally, stories of others were interspersed among them, moving many of the audience, detesting them, pitied them, and felt remorse from them.

In this process, the protagonist has become more and more powerful under the guidance of the “demon”, and his heart has matured in the process of struggling. His initial hatred for the villagers gradually disappeared, because he knew that their fear was caused by the tragedies following the demons coming in from the gap.

And he wants to change it.

He wanted to eliminate all the demons and return the world to peace, so that half demons and ordinary people could live and work in peace and contentment.

All the audience in the cinema are completely addicted to it. The appeal of this film is unexpectedly strong, as if this is a true story of another world, making the audience deeply trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves.

In this way, everyone watched the protagonist overcome many difficulties step by step, and finally established his kingdom from scratch with the half demons who followed him and more and more ordinary people who trusted him.

This process is undoubtedly arduous.

He was once chased and killed by countless people as a demon, but later he was followed and worshipped by countless people. Even the proud princess of Ze kingdom was convinced by his personal charm and his seemingly naive ideal, so she followed him and fought with him without hesitation.

The old kingdom was burned down in flames, and the new king ascended the throne. When Ze kingdom was teetering on the edge of collapse from a demonic tide, the newly established Ash kingdom, which was regarded as blasphemous, stood up.

He drew his sword.

This is an unprecedentedly huge demonic tide, and it is also the counterattack of all the demons who are forced to a desperate situation. The victory or defeat determines the fate of all the people of Ash Kingdom.

“You said you wanted to see how far I could go. Are you satisfied with my current level?”

The picture in the camera is very shocking. The demon tide in the sky collides with the army, and the main character cuts at the largest demon that looks like the commander with his sword.

The dark demonic qi burned from his sword like a fire. In the fierce sounds of fighting, blood splashed and demons howled. And the protagonist’s hand holding the sword was about to drop powerlessly.

In the close-up of the camera, the scene of this battle is so exciting that everyone’s blood uncontrollably boils.

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The protagonist’s eyes burning with demonic qi appear in the camera.

“Whether a demon or a son of God”

For the last time.

“I pray to you”

The raging demonic qi surged from the sword and swept across the whole battlefield. Under the final attack, the gigantic demon fell down with a wail and the long sword broke into pieces.

And the King of Ash also burned all the blood and demonic qi in his body.

The cheering started from very far away.

There were crows flying over the battlefield, and the fallen feathers covered him. Just like the day he was born.

“You’re dying.”

“Oh, what a pity. I promised to let you try the desserts from the shop in the east of the city next time.”

“That shop has been destroyed.”

“The demon tide has gone, and it will be rebuilt soon. Next time remember to find a target with a longer lifespan to use as your body. I haven’t eaten many snacks. It’s too unfruitful.”

At the end, he smiled softly.

“Thank you, Demon.”

In the end, he still chose to use this name.

“I didn’t even think I could get this far.”

The firelight is burning, along with cheering and weeping. The camera sweeps over the land burning with blood and fire and over the city, higher and farther.

The crow’s dark feathers fell from the sky and gradually turned into a black snow, like the ashes after the flames burned.

The lights of the cinema came on, and many people were still sitting in their seats, immersed in the plot of the film.

Soon, applause broke out.

“It’s really an epic blockbuster. The camera, rhythm, plot, special effects and music are all impeccable, especially Xie Ze. His acting skills have exploded. I know now why director Yan chose him for the leading role.”

“I want to give this movie full marks. It’s obviously a fantasy style, but it’s so realistic and delicate. While giving consideration to special effects, the details are also impeccable. There were also some infectious stories that almost made me cry.”

“After watching this, I have only one feeling. Everyone in it seems to be alive, and the world is real.”

From silence to an uproar, it took only a few minutes.

The whole theatre was full of audience discussions about the plot and characters in the film.

Many people took out their mobile phones the moment they left the cinema, gave the film a high score, and then promoted it in various forums and circles of friends.

Mo Qing’s eyes lit up, and her fingers danced on the mobile phone screen. Following the emotion in her heart, she wrote a thousand word long review in minutes, with another five hundred words of rainbow fart worshipping director Yan, which was then posted on the Internet.

At this time, the whole network was full of its high praise, and some professional film critics have given extremely positive comments about the level of directing, editing, screenwriting, acting, and even the soundtrack of the film.

Another film critic speculated:

[The world constructed in this film is extremely grand, and Ze kingdom is just one of the countless fragments in the world.

When the protagonist travels around the world, every ordinary person he meets has their own story; The protagonist and supporting roles are all vivid. The scale myths and legends that occasionally appear in the film seem to form a system of their own. Different places have different folk cultures, which makes me feel that the whole huge and beautiful world has already formed in the director’s mind.

I have a bold guess that the director is going to create a movie universe of his own. Many unanswered questions in this film, such as why the ancient war broke out, whether the world could eliminate the demons, what was the truth 20 years ago, and the special myth system that occasionally appeared in the film may be answered in the next series of films. I can’t wait to find the answer.]

The number of discussions on the Internet has increased rapidly.

Different people may have different views on the plot of the film and some unresolved questions, but almost all people agree with this comment on the overall evaluation of the film

[The truth in the illusion, taking into consideration both grandeur and delicacy, is an epic work that has never been seen before.]