Chapter 1180: Doubts

Name:I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game Author:
Chapter 1180: Doubts

Stardust Dragon!

That's right, it's Yusei's representative trump card as the protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh, his soul card, and it's almost like his personal ID card.

It's also the card that Jack betrayed all his companions and took from Yusei.

"Jack..." Yusei looked up at him.

"Don't get me wrong, you won it yourself." Jack said coldly, "We all know the outcome of the duel earlier tonight if we continue to fight.

I was careless that time, but I won't next time!"

He waved his hand, pointed at Yusei, and shouted, "Take back your own Stardust Dragon, become stronger, and then challenge me again, Yu↑ sei↓!

But once you face me again, I will definitely win!"

Yuei Vu, who was watching the show next to him, almost laughed out loud.

Damn! That pose, that line, that tone! All are too much like the president...

What else can he say?

President Kaiba is awesome! Always be imitated but never be surpassed!

Take Jack for example. As a character in the sequel, he did not have the absolute strength of "only below the protagonist" like the president until the finale, and secondly, he was not as rich as the president...

President Kaiba won a bright future for himself since he was a child, fought his way out of the orphanage and reached the peak of his life, becoming the president of the world's largest international corporation. Even if he didn't play cards, he was still a billionaire and a scientific research leader, who has pushed human civilization forward for a generation by his own efforts.

On the contrary, since Jack left his throne, his character has been increasingly developing in the direction of a comedian.

In the late period of 5DS, the protagonists agreed to work hard to win the world championship. The three of them lived together. Yusei developed black technology to upgrade the performance of the three people's D-Wheel while doing part-time maintenance work to earn money. Crow got up early and went to bed late every day to deliver express packages.

Only Jack, who ate and slept all day, had no income, but his expenses were the highest in the family...

That's fine, but the key was that when the three brothers really went to the arena a year later, Jack was the first to lose in the first battle. In the relay team competition, he only took half of the opponent's LP and then crashed. If it weren't for Yusei who raised his main character aura to maximum and pulled out a one-on-three miracle, the 5DS protagonist group might have to say goodbye to the world arena in the first battle...

Fortunately, Jack did transform significantly in the later period. He didn't even lose in the serious boss battle. In the end, he really achieved the achievement of "only second to one person". As the second male lead, he was doing well.

Unlike a certain Mr. Thunder, who went too far on the road of a comedian and never returned...

Although Jack also wanted to catch Yusei for playing another game, he also knew that now was not the time.

Yusei was still a wanted criminal, and he may be suspected of "murdering the director of the Public Security Bureau" after just coming out of Godwin's room. He must leave before the police get here.

Sure enough, not long after Yusei left, the first batch of police arrived at the scene.

Several police officers quickly got off the car to check the condition of the unconscious man in black. At the same time, someone came up and respectfully asked Jack if he saw anything, such as the red D-Wheel driven by another suspect, or how the man in front of him turned over.

Jack insisted that he knew nothing. He refused to stay and cooperate with the investigation, stepped on the D-Wheel and turned around and drove away from the scene.

The sheriffs had no way to deal with this.

After all, Jack was a popular king and had many privileges in the Public Security Bureau. If he refused to cooperate, the errand boys below could not do anything to him.

But in fact, most of his privileges as a king came from Rex Godwin.

If the new version was really the 5DS timeline where he was now, even he hasn't been able to find his future self for the time being, there was no chance for screwball players to find him.

And Yuei Vu was in a ghost-like state now. He estimated that the screwball players may not be able to see his existence at all like others, and he was afraid that he may not be able to cut leeks as easily as in the past...

...Well, wait a minute.

Thinking of this, Yuei Vu couldn't help but look at Brother Crabhead who was working hard on the code.

Maybe... he might have a way.

Although the players may not be able to see me, they can see Brother Crabhead, right?

Isn't Brother Crabhead also the protagonist of the world?

No, it should be said that in front of Brother Crabhead, the real protagonist, I am the fake protagonist.

Maybe I can think of some way to cooperate with Brother Crabhead to harvest?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there may be hope.

At this time, Yuei Vu couldn't help but think of some of the details before. For example, the future Brother Crabhead's attitude towards him seemed to be a little special when he traveled back, and why his future self had the "Shooting Quasar Dragon" in his hand, which was obviously owned only by Brother Crabhead, and many other details. At that time, Yuei Vu couldn't help but think about what the relationship between the future self and Brother Crabhead would be.

Now he seemed to have figured it out a little.

After all this time, I am his spirit partner.

In this way, many things do make sense...

Thinking of this, Yuei Vu looked at Yusei who was working hard again, and couldn't help but smile.

He had never thought that Brother Crabhead was as cute as he was now.

At least for a while in the future, his road to wealth might depend on Yusei.

However, he stared at Brother Crabhead for a moment, and suddenly noticed a small detail, and he was stunned.

There was no yellow lightning-shaped mark on Yusei's face...his signature.

Yuei Vu didn't realize this problem until then.

This really didn't seem strange. In the original animation, the yellow mark on Yusei's face was the mark he got when he was caught by the Public Security Bureau for playing cards with Jack in the first few episodes of the animation and was put in prison.

Once this mark was put on, it would accompany a person for life, and it was impossible to remove it no matter what method was used.

But now Yusei has not been imprisoned yet, and he has been intercepted by Yuei Vu. The world timeline had changed, history had shifted, and of course, there was no mark on his face.

But Yuei Vu only now remembered that the Brother Crabhead from the future he met before...also had that lightning-shaped mark on his face.

So here comes the question.

If Yusei was not taken to jail because of his interference...

...then where did the lightning mark on his face come from?