Lu Mingshi's men searched all nightclubs in the city.

Finally came to the room where Gu Yixin worked.

Why is it so late?

Because this nightclub is too shabby, old and vulgar.

It's nothing like the taste that the Lu family can cultivate.

Although they all looked down on Gu Yixin's little rabbit, his men still affirmed his looks and aesthetics.

Fighter A stood at the door of the nightclub, almost smashed by the vulgar decoration taste.

Beater B quickly supported the boss.

Fighter A stood tremblingly, and said in a deep voice to go in and take a look.

Gu Yixin didn't work in front this day.

The shop owner rushed over in a hurry, saying that there was a shortage of people today, and begging him to go and top the bakery.

Gu Yixin thought that he couldn't suffer any loss, so he patted his **** and went on.

This is amazing.

This way, he opened twenty-eight bottles of Louis XIII overnight.

Made eighty thousand.

Gu Yixin thought that the money was easy to make.

But I found the richest in the crowd, and looked at people more.

Sit over to toast two wines, but at most they were touched twice.

Two pieces of meat were indispensable, Gu Yixin didn't change his face, letting Lin Shao's hand patrol him.

Feel free to touch.

Lin Shao's hands are very soft and tender.

"What's your name?" Lin Rui was fascinated by the touch of his subordinates. This young man looked gentle and thin, but he was full of strength while touching the bottom of his hand.

The waist is very thin and the legs are straight.

He couldn't hold back the fire.

Lin Rui will come to this broken nightclub entirely by his subordinates, and he doesn't usually even look at this kind of nightclub.

Recently, several of his thugs have not kept the house, and they have received the wrong accounts.

After repeated inquiries, I immediately confessed that there was a small security guard in a nightclub who looked more beautiful than Luoyu.

Looks like a figure, has romantic eyes, and everything is superb.

Lin Rui didn't believe it at first, but was also aroused by curiosity.

Gu Yixin curled his lips and smiled: "My name is Xiao Lu."

Lin Rui clapped his hands: "Good deer, this name is good!"

Gu Yixin and Lin Rui play in the private room.

Beater A and Beater B were caught blindly outside.

This is the last nightclub I haven't found. If I can't find Gu Yixin's trace, I am afraid that I will be expelled by the increasingly bad tempered master.

The two of them first checked the list and photos of the customers in the store. They couldn't find Gu Yixin, and they didn't know whether it was disappointment or disappointment.

After all, in their opinion, Gu Yixin is the kind of person who is greedy for pleasure and lazy, and it is not surprising that he will lose his life.

Beater A and Beater B decided to fight.

They stunned the waiter and got two sets of waiter's clothes.

Find a private room for a private room.

It's too easy to find in the private room.

There are only twelve private rooms in this small shop.

Two security guards.

One of them was dragged to sell alcohol.

"Not here."

"Neither here."

"This room..."

Soon, only the last one was left.

Beater A and Beater B are not in a bright mood.

They glanced at each other and pushed open the last door without much hope.

"My name is Xiao Lu."

This voice...

The person they were looking for!

The two were overjoyed.



The door closed tightly.

A beautiful woman with long hair and no two pieces of cloth rushed up and slapped the door aggressively: "What are you doing, I didn't tell you not to come in, so let's not delay our happy young Lin!"


Beater A and Beater B lay flat on the ground, their dignity as the underworld was completely trampled on.

It hasn't been for a long time.

Fighter A: "...she just said that Lin Shao was not? Which Lin Shao?"

Beater B: "Lin Rui."

Beater A: "The Master Lin who dislikes the most?"

Beater B: "Right."

Beater A: "What should I do now?"

Beater B: "Go back and tell the boss."

Then they went back.