Lu Mingshi sat on the chair in Anqiao's office with a dull look, and fell into a battle between heaven and man.

He was declared pregnant.

I am a man.

Even if it is now scientifically proven that men can give birth to children, they are definitely more tragic than women.

The kid's father is a little **** who betrays his hue without learning and skill, and runs away after eating. He is not a reliable person at all.

...Every one of these is poisonous.


The Lu family has a meager heir, and he is the only one in this generation.

After repeated sequencing, the Lu family confirmed that the gene is particularly unfavorable for the succession of the family line. There is only 1% chance of a woman who can give birth to a child successfully.

He is 29 years old, but still has no heir.

If Lu's father and mother Lu, who are far away in the United States, know that there is a next generation surnamed Lu, he will surely order him to marry home immediately regardless of who his mother is.

Lu Mingshi carefully took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Mom, if someone is pregnant with my child..."

Before the voice was over, there was a loud bang on the other end of the phone, like someone fell on the ground and dropped the phone.

Lu Mingshi:...

Ten seconds later, in a **** scream, a thick baritone answered the phone.

"Hey, son, what did you say made your mother so excited?"

Lu Mingshi was silent for a second before speaking.

"——Dad, now someone is pregnant with my child."

Suddenly, it was crackling, crackling, crackling, crackling, crackling, and choking. It sounded like a huge porcelain was knocked to the ground and brought down the ladder next to it. The workers on it and the hammers in the hands of the workers were all smashed down.

After a minute, open the video.

A lime dusted Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu covered with colorful paint appeared on the screen.

Master Lu was extremely excited: "Er smash! No matter which girl you are! Get married immediately! It doesn't matter what your background is, no matter how dark the history is, I can accept your father!"

Lu Mingshi thought for a while.

"What if it's not a girl?"

Master Lu choked for a while, not trying to understand what it is to be a girl.

At this time, the well-informed old lady Lu brightened.

"Intersex moms can accept it too!"

Lu Mingshi was expressionless.

"Nor are intersex people."

The lime on Master Lu's head fell down.

"Now that science has developed so that men can become pregnant too?"

At the moment of Master Lu's questioning, Mrs. Lu suddenly appeared in her mind countless ljj Shengziwen that she had read.

In a daze, those words turned into real pictures and rushed towards her, Mrs. Lu tremblingly asked——

"When can I see all the information of my male daughter-in-law?"

Lu Mingshi looked at the sky.

Lu Ming looked at the ground.

"Is it true that as long as you have a child, it doesn't matter who gives birth to the child?"

The two old men nodded their heads into chickens and pecked at rice.

"It doesn't matter if it's a man?"


Mrs. Lu affectionately said: "A man who can conceive a child for my son must have a comprehensive development in all aspects, and fit my son's body and soul incomparably, so that he can break the physical boundaries and create immortal achievements!"


Lu Mingshi decided.

Lu Mingshi took a deep breath.

Be born... be born.

Thinking that he has been in the business for many years, he is a man of billions, and there is nothing he can't do independently.

Isn't it just having a baby? He still didn't believe it.

He will be able to give birth to the healthiest baby. He can walk at one year old, recite poems at two years old, solve Mathematical Olympiad at three, and learn textile at four.

But this news will not be disclosed.

Parents can accept that their children are born by men, but it does not mean they can accept that they are born after him.

Those two unreliable old people are far away in the U.S. If they are angry, he is still pregnant, so it is not convenient for him to fly to visit.

Let them think it would be better to find a male daughter-in-law, anyway, they will not be exposed.

An Qiao: "Since Mr. Lu decides to give birth by himself, I have to explain the content of my next paper to Mr. Lu..."

Lu Mingshi watched warily as An Qiao turned into a sample magazine from behind.

An Qiao: "Mr. Lu’s time is precious, so I’ll choose the important ones. If a man wants to give birth to a child, he must have long-term contact with the other father of the child during pregnancy, so that the child can continuously replenish the energy of both parties in the mother’s body. So that the child will thrive..."

Lu Mingshi: Huh?

Gu Yixin: Why do I feel that the sky has become cold?


It doesn't take an afternoon to get used to being pregnant. Mr. Lu is indeed no ordinary president.

Presidents passing by can raise their claws and click to collect mua(^U^)ノ