Gu Yixin ran off again.

He returned to the construction site, packed up two hundred thousand yuan earned in twenty days, wrapped a small package, and carried it on his back.

Gu Yi hasn't been in this world for a long time, and the construction site dormitory didn't add anything. The only thing that caused him a headache to deal with was Lu Mingshi's suit.

The suit was useless to him. There was only a card in the wallet. There were originally twenty yuan, but he used it.

Gu Yixin took out twenty yuan and put it back.

He stuffed his wallet and suit into a snakeskin bag, and asked Xiao Zhao, who was in the same dormitory, to send him a courier and return the property to the original owner.

Gu Yixin went to the bus station with two hundred thousand.

There are always people watching Gu Yixin along the way. The more people go to the place, the denser the sight.

The original owner’s skin is really a disaster. Gu Yixin touched his face, thinking about finding time for a facelift.

Lined up to buy tickets, Gu Yixin's eyelids twitched slightly, the package on his back lightened and heavy.

This feels so familiar.

Gu Yixin firmly clasped the thief's veins with one hand before turning around.

The moment they saw each other's face clearly, both of them felt painful.

Gu Yixin: "It's you again."

It was the thief he caught in the women's bathroom.

Thief: "..."

Gu Yixin left him too deep a psychological shadow, and the thief only wanted to call the police when he saw him.

The security personnel at the bus station took the thief to the police station.

This movement attracted many people to watch. Gu Yixin, who was always staring at him, frowned and lowered the brim of his hat.

You have to go through security check if you buy a ticket.

Uncle Security and Aunt Security are checking whether Gu Yixin is carrying any dangerous goods. Gu Yixin opened his hands and raised his head slightly.


Gu Yixin didn't notice it.

Gu Yixin walked to the waiting area and found a place to sit down.

This is a popular route, and it is a weekend, there are many people waiting for the bus around.

Gu Yixin faintly felt that there seemed to be too many people paying attention to him today.

Gu Yixin got up and bought a bottle of water at the nearby canteen.

The middle-aged aunt at the commissary stared at him.

"How much?" Gu Yixin repeated patiently.

"Twenty." The aunt's reaction was a little slow.

Ten times more expensive than outside.

Gu Yixin was a bit painful subconsciously.

I was paying for the payment, but I heard the aunt say: "Young man, if you take a photo with me, I can not charge you."

Gu Yixin felt a little strange.

There was another "click".

Gu Yixin turned around, and a girl who looked like an 18 or 9-year-old college student was holding a mobile phone, focusing on taking pictures of the back of his handsome head.


Gu Yixin started to be incredible.

The original owner's profession is indeed a nanny, not a star.

In the memory of the original owner, even if he received a lot of favors for his beauty, he never exaggerated it to this point.

At the moment he turned his head, everyone around him took out his mobile phone and pointed it at Gu Yixin. The flashes one after another could blind his eyes.

Gu Yixin:...

He just wanted to catch someone over and ask what was going on. The small TV on the wall next to him that had been showing prostate ads before told him the answer.

There was a flash of snowflakes on the TV, and then switched to a black and white advertisement.

"Missing Person Notice" [Picture]

Gu Yixin, male, 18 years old, about 1.8 meters tall, looks like this. Yesterday, he went missing at the entrance of the nightclub at No. 419, Heshui Road, Haiyun District, Yan City. Anyone who knows the information should contact No. 250, Block B, Honggu District.

There was a sound of inhalation in the surroundings, creaking and creaking.

Gu Yixin settled down, thinking that this 80% of them was Hei Che seeking revenge.

He was thinking of a countermeasure, and suddenly, the words on the TV changed again.

"Missing Person Notice" [Picture]

Gu Yixin, male, 18 years old, about 1.8 meters tall. The awl face, white skin, infinite strength, different from ordinary people. One week ago, the villa in Honggu District, Yan City was lost. Anyone who knows the information should contact No. 96, Block A, Honggu District, contact Lin Dabao at XXXXXXXX. Find this person with a reward of 10 million.

Gu Yixin opened his mouth. This is Lin Rui's address. Lin Shao also seeks revenge from himself?

Gu Yixin felt wronged.

Gu Yixin thought that after being deceived, he beat him up and cleared up...

Obviously Lin Rui didn't think so.

Gu Yixin listened to the inhalation of the people around him, and decided to unplug the TV with his photo.

Just when he was about to do it, the screen changed again.

"Missing Person" [Picture]

Gu Yixin, male, 18 years old, is 1.82 meters tall and weighs 142 kg. Awl face, milky white skin, light pupil, and a small mole at the corner of his right eye. One week ago, the villa in Honggu District, Yan City was lost. Anyone who knows the information should contact No. 95, Building A, Honggu District. Contact person: Lu Facai, Tel: XXXXXXXX, find this person with a reward of 20 million.

Note: The lost person suffers from suspected schizophrenia, which may cause serious harm to the society. If the lost person is found and refuses to go home, he can be injured if necessary. Medical expenses and criminal responsibility shall be borne by the tracing party.

Gu Yixin:...

... Mr. Lu.

Gu Yixin can see it.

Lin Shao and Black Brother wanted to avenge him.

Lu Mingshi wanted to kill him... right.