Lu Mingshi still didn't get into a helicopter.

Ancho yelled on the phone: "How unsafe the helicopter! Just one propeller! It broke and fell to the ground! There is no buffer!"

"You are not alone now! Think about why you want to find a child's father! Think about the overall situation! Don't lose big because of small!"

Lu Mingshi was shocked by An Qiao's outburst of domineering spirit, and was forced to agree to read and recite the full text of "One Hundred and One Things to Be Noted for Pregnant Women (6th Edition after he came back.

How fresh. The sixth edition.

Lu Mingshi wondered if there were five men who were pregnant before him.

There are no highways from Yan City to X County, only national highways.

On the national highway, you can see the rice that is sun-dried on the road, as well as the branches and leaves that were left before the trees were cut down.

The driver of the Lu family drove a Thousand-Hwana vehicle and drove into the county seat together with a farm tractor using mud.

Lu Mingshi hated Anqiao to death.

This road was bumpy for him, and when he got out of the back seat of the car, he almost softened his leg and knocked his head at the branch manager.

When the manager held the pale Lu Ming in fear, he was anxious: "Mr. Lu, you are so ill that you still come to inspect it yourself?"

Lu Mingshi stood firm, panting and flicking away the manager's holding hand, and said coldly: "I have very important things here."

The manager snapped and stood at attention: "Please direct!"

"I'll find someone."

Lu Ming gritted his teeth.


Gu Yixin's schedule is very regular.

Get up at eight in the morning.

Work from nine to three in the afternoon.

After three o'clock, he is on duty in the union office.

The main task of the duty is to drink tea and read the newspaper, occasionally talk to the crying workers and family members, solve family conflicts, and promote the harmony of civilization on the construction site.

This is a new job recommended by the contractor.

According to the contractor, not only can it process capital, but it can also be counted as a grass-roots service, which is conducive to personal improvement and work development in the future.

Gu Yixin is currently unconscious.

His ideas are simple.

The Dahongpao in the office can drink for free, he has melon seeds and peanuts fried by his loving aunt, and he can hear many short gossips from parents.

In short, it's much better than him alone in the dormitory.


It was two o'clock in the afternoon when Lu Mingshi arrived, and Gu Yixin was still on the construction site.

"I looked at the materials you sent the other day." Lu Ming said without changing his face. "After several days of research, this worker really has the value of establishing a model. The board of directors decided to bring him back to the city and work hard. Cultivation in an exemplary direction."

The manager understood, but he was still a little puzzled: "Then just tell me, we can send him a car over, and you can run it yourself?"

Lu Mingshi thought that he had been running away under my nose for a month, knowing that you are going to send him back to see me, and you must not jump out of the car halfway.

If he has three long and two short, my child will have no father.

After straightening his face, Lu Ming raised his chin proudly: "Where is the person?"

The manager pointed out the window.

Lu Mingshi narrowed his eyes to look.

In the afternoon of September, the sun is very poisonous.

A leisurely teenager, wearing a military green short-sleeved undershirt, dark green on the back of his chest, **** easily carrying the sack rope, a person-high sack swayed randomly on his back.

Gu Yixin's skin was originally soft and creamy white, but under the sun, it looked like flowing gold.

The construction site is full of materials, machines buzzing, fresh blue sky and white clouds, golden scorching sun, a beautiful young man who is hard and happy to move bricks without the slightest environment.

What a sky-high price oil painting with postmodern meaning.

The manager praised: fresh and vigorous.

Gu Yixin thought, Lao Tzu is super.

Lu Mingshi frowned.

What, the man who is the richest man in a city actually moved bricks on the construction site?

The psychological preparation you make when you see the information is not as powerful as seeing it with your own eyes.

Lu Mingshi went out without saying a word, and the manager was busy keeping up.

When Lu Mingshi found Gu Yixin, he was taking a shower next to an opened fire hydrant on the construction site.

When Gu Yixin turned his back to Lu Ming, the only undershirt was taken off and put on the scaffolding, shirtless, allowing the masses to review. A water injection stream was shot from the water pipe, washing the distinct back muscles, the dust, sweat and soil were washed away and mixed into black water and flowed down.

The impact of this picture is enough to overwhelm a division. Let the straight man bend, let the pure 1 become 0, and let the little 0 not only be desperate, but also can do 1 with tears when necessary.

Lu Mingshi was too excited.

The manager was also very excited. He excitedly introduced Gu Yixin, who was turning his head, to Lu Mingshi.

"Little comrade! Congratulations, Mr. Lu came to pick him up personally not far away, and he must continue to work hard when he goes to the city..."

The manager excitedly waited for Gu Yixin to jump up with joy.

Lu Mingshi looked at the little **** he had been looking for for a month with a complicated expression.

When Gu Yixin glanced at Lu Ming, his hand slowly wiped the water stains on the overalls.

He bowed sincerely: "Good for Mr. Lu."

The manager is very pleased.

Lu Mingshi frowned, somehow he had a strong hunch...

In the next second, Gu Yixin greeted the rules and picked up the short-sleeved undershirt on the scaffolding, and ran off without saying anything.


Lu Mingshi:...

Lu Mingshi: I don't know why it's not unexpected at all, maybe I'm used to it.