Lu Mingshi invited me to sleep with him.

Whether to sleep or not to sleep is a problem.

With Gu Yixin's ethics, this was not a problem at all.

Sleep as you go.

You are good and I am good.


But Lu Mingshi was not talking about "tonight".

He was talking about "every day".

This requires careful consideration.

Gu Yixin's raised palm was slightly stiff on Lu Mingshi's back: "Mr. Lu is always so unexpected."

Lu Mingshi: "You think about it. Money is not a problem."

Gu Yi wondered: "What does this have to do with money?"

Lu Mingshi blinked.

Don’t you want money? Gu Yi's new sex?

Yesterday, I bought it for 10,000 hours.

Lu Mingshi was still thinking, only listening to Gu Yixin's solemn voice: "Mr. Lu, I will repeat it again. I am very picky and don't charge money."

His voice sounded a little unhappy.

Lu Mingshi asked confusedly: "So, does it mean that you don't need to charge money?"

Gu Yixin explained patiently: "It's not'you don't charge money, you can'."

"It's'no money, it depends on your mood'."

Lu Mingshi seemed to understand.

Lu Mingshi: "That..."

Lu Mingshi hesitated: "How are you feeling now?"

Gu Yixin: "..."

Gu Yixin: "Alright?"

Gu Yixin finally couldn't help asking: "Mr. Lu, are you in a hurry?"

Gu Yixin opened a gap between President Lu who was clinging to his body, and looked down suspiciously through the gap.

I didn't feel it.

Lu Mingshi has always felt that Gu Yixin's brain circuit is extraordinary. The only thing that is easy to communicate is that it can be broken by spending money.

A Gu Yixin who doesn't charge money makes him feel unable to start.

Lu Mingshi's hesitation and entanglement, hesitating to speak, fell into Gu Yixin's eyes, and it was worth studying.

Gu Yixin thought for a while, but decided to spread the words.

"President Lu, sleep should be kept at a reasonable and moderate frequency. Spending too much time in bed will cause certain damage to your body."

"The crisis of bankruptcy has caused a lot of psychological pressure on you, so it is not advisable to use sleep to relieve it."

"As the saying goes, wherever you fall, you will get up from wherever you fall. The troubles caused by your career must be resolved from the career, not from the bed."

Gu Yixin said this sincerely and sincerely, and Lu Ming was stunned when he said it.

No, how can sleep harm physical and mental health?

He goes to bed early and wakes up early every day for eight hours and never sleeps in bed. Can he cause damage to his body?

Get up from wherever you fall...

It's really true, Lu Ming thought angrily.

He is not just the trouble caused in bed, so he has to solve it from the bed.


Lu Mingshi felt that there must be some way to solve this problem.

He called thugs A and B.

The beater A and the beater B have been busy in dating recently, and they don't care about helping the boss to educate the grudge.

This time, as soon as the two people received the call from the boss, they immediately remembered their glorious mission and rushed to Luzhai at the speed of light.

"Boss, what's the order?"

At this time, Gu Yixin was walking his dog outside, and he could be back in fifteen minutes at most.

Lu Mingshi checked the time, pointed his finger decisively into Gu Yi's new house, and said in a decisive tone: "Move!"

Beater A opened his mouth: "Why are you moving, boss?"

Lu Mingshi uttered a word indifferently:


Under Lu Mingshi's supervision, two hard-working subordinates struggled to lift the 1.8-meter bed to the wall.

Close to the wall.

There was Lu Mingshi's bed separated by a wall.

Beater A and Beater B said in unison: "Boss, it's done!"

Lu Mingshi nodded in satisfaction, pointed to the bed again, and uttered a word in a rounded tone:


Beater A and beater B looked dumbfounded.

"What is the boss?"

Finally, according to Lu Mingshi's request, beater A and beater B saw the 1.8-meter bed... to 0.8 meters.

Originally, Lu Mingshi wanted to saw 0.5 meters.

But Gu Yixin is back.

Gu Yixin was holding Xiao Hei in one hand, and holding a lollipop in the other. He looked surprised at the beater A and beater B who turned out of his house with a chainsaw covered in sawdust.

Although thugs A and B have already unilaterally forged Liangzi with Gu Yixin, but Gu Yixin...

Well, I haven't seen them both.

In other words, he did not know these two good employees who worked hard.

At first glance, they looked like two people, plus the fact that they didn't see Lu Ming's people along the way, Gu Yixin had the worst judgment.

Gu Yixin took out the belt.

Thirty seconds later, the beater A and the beater B were tied back to back, and Gu Yixin was holding his trousers and his expression was bad: "Who are you?"

Brother, did you do it without knowing who we were?

Beater A burst into tears.

Lu Mingshi, who hadn't appeared for a long time, walked out of Gu Yixin's house. He hugged the extra pillow that couldn't fit on the narrowed bed and hummed a little song in a good mood.

Lu Mingshi stopped.

Lu Mingshi looked at Beater A and Beater B on the ground with tears and nose.

And Gu Yixin, who was holding the waistband in his hand.

This is another scene full of stories.

Lu Mingshi was in a daze and thought of himself who had been tossed horribly a month ago.

The look in Gu Yixin's eyes was full of complexity.

When Gu Yixin stared at Lu Ming, only wearing pajamas and hugging his pillow, came out of his house, which was another shock.

Beater A and Beater B left Luzhai with a sullen face.

Gu Yixin looked at his remodeled bed in shock.

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin with burning eyes.

Gu Yixin:...

What exactly does Lu Mingshi have?


It's half past nine in the evening.

Two men with extremely regular work and rest have each climbed onto their own beds.

Gu Yixin's body was stiff and he dared not move, fearing that he would roll off the bed when he moved.

Although Lu Mingshi was sitting on a 2.5-meter-large bed, he had to sleep on the wall.

Anqiao said, 50 centimeters away, eight hours.

This is almost 50 cm, right?

Lu Mingshi thought sensibly and calmly, and squeezed against the wall again.


after an hour.

Gu Yixin turned over.

"Kang Dang"

He fell off the bed.

Gu Yixin clutched his hair irritably, very upset.

Gu Yixin, who feels that he has always had a good temper, is really a little angry this time.

He looked at his castrated bed, and remembered the 2.5 meters he slept yesterday.

Gu Yixin became even more angry when he thought of Lu Ming falling asleep alone.

He put on his shoes and walked out of the bedroom and pushed open the door next door.

The door was unlocked, the room was dark, and he couldn't see his fingers.

The darkness is getting bolder.

Gu Yixin fumbled for the direction and walked over. When his calf touched the hard pedal beside the bed, his eyes almost adjusted to the light in the room.

Gu Yixin climbed onto the bed without saying a word.

Lu Mingshi was passively awakened, opened his eyes and saw a fuzzy figure, and opened his mouth to call the security guard.

Gu Yixin quickly covered his mouth with his eyes.

"it's me."

His voice is very special and highly recognizable. Lu Mingshi's heart was throbbing in shock, but he was covering his mouth when he wanted to pant.

After a long while, he broke free from the clutches.

Lu Mingshi looked helplessly at Gu Yixin lying beside him in the dark.

"Why are you here?"

Gu Yixin tried to keep smiling.

Gu Yixin is very calm.

"Sleep with you."

It's almost two o'clock. I can't sleep well and I'm not full of energy. How can I work tomorrow?

The two quickly reached a consensus to sleep well.

Gu Yixin fell asleep quickly.

Lu Mingshi was a little restless.

After a long while, he sat up, and it was not very obvious when he touched it, but his lower abdomen was rounded a lot, and he looked down at Gu Yixin, who was breathing evenly.

Lu Mingshi moved there, then moved again, moving to within fifty centimeters, and lay down carefully.


after an hour.

Gu Yixin turned over again.

Didn't fall out of bed this time.

Gu Yixin pressed half of his body against Lu Mingshi's hard and flexible chest, feeling that the cushion felt very good.

He touched up and down with satisfaction, and fell asleep again.


Thanks for the mine I forgot! Thanks for the mines of fog x3!

Thanks for your comments and Huahua!