Gu Yixin found a big problem in this trial.

Lu Mingshi covered his face with his hands, tried to pretend that nothing had happened, and read the three-character scripture in his heart to distract attention.

Gu Yixin raised his head in horror.

Lu Mingshi tried his best to organize his mood and calm himself down.

"What, how?"

Gu Yixin frowned.



Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin blankly for a long while.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

This sentence is Gu Yixin's code of action. As time goes by, Lu Mingshi is also deeply affected.

So Lu Mingshi decided to try it himself.


Gu Yixin tentatively looked at Lu Mingshi. "how about it?"

Lu Mingshi couldn't help but "pooh", his face wrinkled.

It's really bitter.

The two turned to the cub who was drinking happily.

"Our son must be very smart, he knows not to drink bitterness at such a young age."

Sure enough, it was born by Lu Mingshi himself, and he was exactly the same afraid of suffering.

Lu Mingshi murmured: "Yes, when I was young, they gave me Huanglian and I vomited them all."

The two quietly watched Lu Jiujin's performance drinking milk for a while, and a kind expression appeared on their faces at the same time.

Look at how powerful his little mouth sucks.

Look at how vigorous his calf is pushing.

Look at his chubby hand, swaying left and right in the air, just like saying, let's have another bottle.


After enjoying such loving and serenely for a long time, the two breathed out a long breath at the same time.

He really deserves to be my son!

Comrade Lu Jiujin hiccuped milk. Lu Mingshi took a piece of paper to wipe the milk froth off his mouth. Gu Yixin looked at it, and finally remembered that the focus was not right.

"So why is it bitter?"

Lu Ming's movements were stagnant.

Yes, this is a good question.

Just as Lu Mingshi wanted to say something, he saw Gu Yixin's eyes fall on his chest.

Gu Yixin meditated: "As the saying goes, good medicine is bitter and good for illness."

"Maybe, it has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire?"


Lu Mingshi looked at him ecstatically.

Books are the ladder of human progress. Gu Yixin quickly thought of a way, climbed upstairs and took the pregnant woman's guide from the bedside.

"First of all, it has to do with the taste of food..."

Gu Yixin paused. This was obviously impossible, because Lu Ming never suffered hardship.

"Furthermore, it is related to mental state..."

When Gu Yixin glanced at Lu Ming suspiciously, he was sitting on the big sofa by the window, with Erlang's legs tilted, and sipping a pot of tea leisurely.

It doesn't look like something is hidden in my heart.

The acting is pretty good.

Lu Ming Couture looked at the scenery outside the window pretentiously, and Gu Yixin walked over calmly and pointed out the contents of the book to him.

Lu Mingshi was a little speechless.

Gu Yixin asked patiently: "Why do you pretend to be very happy?"

Lu Mingshi looked at him with serious eyes, was speechless for a long time, and finally sighed silently.

"When I was young..."

Lu Mingshi's melancholy tone accompanied by the evening breeze blowing in made Gu Yixin a little illusion, as if he was the mini version of Xiao Lu Ming in front of him, and he could touch his head with his hand.

"When I was young, Dad was always very busy and busy." Lu Mingshi said softly, "Most of the time he just didn't have time to accompany us, but for one or two years..."

At that time, the family economy was in a real crisis, and my father had never acted vigorously and resolutely. Everyone was waiting to see their jokes, waiting to see the handsome Lu Family Patriarch, who lost all his elegance once. Feel the taste of pain.

"But my dad took all that, and there is no difference between being in front of others and in the past. No matter who he is facing, he has never lost the face of the Lu family."

However, for his family, Father Lu at that time really didn't care.

"I have seen him collapse many times. At that time, I was young and didn't understand his hard work. I had a big fight with him." Lu Mingshi chuckled lightly, regretting him. "I even hated him for a long time. ."

Gu Yixin stretched out his hand and gently touched the top of Lu Ming's hair.

His movements were very gentle, even if Lu Ming was not looking at him, watching him gently place his hand on his head, he would not be able to detect the weight.

Lu Mingshi looked at him a little surprised, and even paused, forgetting what he was going to say.

"... If you touch me like this, I think you are touching a piglet."

Little pig is their nickname for Xiao Jiu Jin, who makes the cub belong to the pig?

Gu Yixin's stern expression: "That can't be. Cub is cub, you are you."

But his touch method is clearly the touch method of the cub, Lu Mingshi thought for a while and didn't expose him.

"...When I graduated from the world's number one university, my dad said that I had too little time with my mother for many years, and I needed exercise, so he took my mother to travel abroad and threw the company to me."

Speaking of this paragraph, Lu Mingshi still had a bit of resentment in his heart.

The expression did not consciously become very resentful.

Gu Yixin glanced at his chest secretly, wondering if it was an illusion, but felt that the bitterness in the air had become a bit more intense.

Lu Mingshi murmured, "Then I am also very upset, so why don't I think I need time with them?"

"At that time, I had just graduated, I was very stubborn, and I didn't say anything when I was not happy. I was holding my breath thinking that I would surpass my father and prove myself."

Unexpectedly, he proved too full. Father Lu was very happy. Now he didn't even need to go home to help clean up the mess, and had a better life with Lu Mother.

"In fact, I just want to say that I don't want to bring the bad emotions from the company to my home."

"That's quite unfair. And, I think I can handle it. My dad was able to do it back then, and I was stronger than him, I can solve these things well."

Comrade Lu Jiujin yawned greatly during his father's rare heart-warming activity, and fell asleep with his eyes closed obediently.

"..." Lu Mingshi wanted to cry without tears, "Baby, am I hypnotizing when I speak?"

Gu Yixin comforted him: "Neither hypnosis nor hypnosis, I am excited now."

As soon as I said this, I felt that the word was a little improper, so I changed my words: "I'm sober."

Lu Ming, who returned to normal after the complaint, looked at the sleeping cub, and then at Gu Yixin's open neckline, the faint lines under the shirt, and he easily got a little thought.

But Gu Yixin actually held his hands.

Gu Yixin thought that when Lu Ming encountered such a big event, it was precisely when he needed to recharge his energy. It would be better not to divert and consume his energy.

So it's rare to shirk: "Not so good."

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin's slightly embarrassed expression, and his mind began to rush again.

When your significant other suddenly stops asking for your body, you think it will be...

Nonsense, of course I would think he has someone outside!

Maybe, he came back so late every day recently because he was outside with others--

Lu Mingshi's face collapsed.

No, there may be another possibility.

Maybe Gu Yixin was overworked because of his work intensity, so that he suddenly suffered from functional obstacles, and he avoided doctors...?

This can't work!

The more Lu Mingshi thought about it, the worse.

"My dear, if it doesn't work, you have to go to see a doctor!" Lu Ming said sincerely, with a hint of sympathy in his voice, "I know it's very..."

Lu Mingshi said as he stretched out his hand to check it naturally.

The result is naturally vibrant and full of life.

Lu Mingshi breathed a sigh of relief, very thankful: "Fortunately."

Gu Yixin took out his phone and glanced at the weather forecast.

"It will rain tomorrow."

Gu Yi Xindao.

Lu Mingshi nodded: "Remember to bring an umbrella."

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi tenderly.

"I mean, anyway, it will rain tomorrow, so why don't you go out?"

So in Lu Mingshi's eyes gradually turned into horror and the feeling of turning around the world-he was carried and thrown on the bed-tomorrow is coming.


After the passion, the two leaned on the bed, each with a bottle of aftermath.

As the saying goes, a cigarette after the event is like a fairy. However, these two comrades have good living habits and never smoke. Instead, they insist on exercising and drinking more milk, so they changed the aftermath to aftermath.

It's just that in addition to the milky smell, there is still a bit of bitterness that seems to be absent.

It is tangerine peel mixed with kuding tea, with a slight aroma of coffee beans and dark chocolate, which is very unique.

Although it is not thick, it will come out from time to time to disturb people's thoughts.

Gu Yixin is a little bit craving for chocolate.

Lu Mingshi sniffed, sniffing the bitterness in the air.

He is a little worried.

This is great, with this function, I can't tell lies in the future.

And Gu Yixin was thinking about snacks while drinking milk.

Originally, he wanted to confess about being attacked by the killer. Then he thought about it. With Lu Mingshi's caution, if he knew it, maybe he would have to hire a few S-rank mercenaries to be his bodyguards.

The problem is that now, not only is he not afraid of these assassins sent to the door one after another, he even has a hint of expectation.

It is better to do more than to do less. Anyway, a few more efficient employees on the construction site would be nice, Gu Yixin thought.


But Gu Yixin's ideas quickly changed.

The two new employees are good, and the new killers are as useless as he thought.

Killer C yelled "I will never listen to you beep like they do", very resolutely and resolutely and got the true meaning of solving the problem. However, he made a huge mistake.

He chose to fight Gu Yixin hand-to-hand.

Killer C pawn.

Killer D wisely chose the safest method, set up a sniper rifle remotely, and determined that he could kill the target to the scum.

However, this most efficient method did not work.

After aiming at Gu Yixin, his sight automatically shattered into scum.

Killer D pawn.

Killer E's specialty is quite special. He usually uses hypnosis to make the target sleep peacefully in the dream. So he approached Gu Yixin and asked him if he needed free psychological consultation.

"I'm usually very expensive, but today is free for you."

Killer E hinted crazy.

Gu Yixin naturally misunderstood this man with a good-looking appearance.

Gu Yixin frowned and said, "I'm sorry, I already have a wife, so I can't do what I'm sorry for him."

Killer E was anxious, looking at Gu Yixin's back and furiously said: "It's men who have troubles, don't you have any troubles?"

Gu Yixin thought for a long time.

It's getting late, the sun is setting, and the street lights are on. Seeing that today, I will be late to go home again.

Gu Yixin was finally determined.

"This one really doesn't."

Killer E, pawn.


Gu Gu goes home every day, and the author updates every day. It’s all my fault.