Gu Yixin was extremely ashamed, but Lu Mingshi insisted on reading him ten hot search Weibo.

Lu Mingshi quit Weibo and put down his phone, and finally said with emotion: "I have never liked Uncle Wang. When I was a child, I thought he was mad at him. When I grew up, I was afraid that he always wanted to take me to guest appearances in his dramas."

"Now I am a little bit better about him."

Gu Yixin lay on his back on the roof with his hands folded behind his head, looking at the moon in a daze with a dog's tail in his mouth.

He asked casually, "Why?"

Lu Mingshi whispered: "He recorded your eighteen-year-old appearance completely."

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin's profile, and the moonlight shone on his face, reflecting a hazy halo.

Just looking at this face, the young man's youthfulness is still not removed, but he stares at him, but even his eyes will be sucked in.

It's not like the eyes of this age.

He looked at Gu Yixin, sometimes in a daze. Is this person really the child he saw when he was a child?

Over the past so many years, Lu Mingshi has always regarded Gu Yixin as a small follower who lives under the blessing of the Lu family, as a little tail that cannot be thrown off, and finally can only accept his existence.

"Mr. Lu." Gu Yixin yawned under his gaze, "Go back to sleep?"

Lu Mingshi nodded, and it was time to go back and nurse the baby.

As a result, the two people walked to the edge of the roof, dumbfounded.

Where's the ladder?

Lu Mingshi took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"It must have been moved away by night patrol security, they didn't know we were on it."


Lu Mingshi looked at the phone, the battery was less than 1%, the screen dimmed apologetically, and it turned off automatically.

Gu Yixin looked down at the edge of the eaves.

This height is certainly nothing to Gu Yixin, who is used to parkour.

"You stay on top and don't move, I'll find you a ladder."

Gu Yi Xindao.

Lu Mingshi's eyes widened.

"No." Lu Mingshi obviously didn't understand what Gu Yixin meant. "Without a ladder, how can you get down?"

Gu Yixin: "Of course I jumped down."

Lu Mingshi was shocked and grabbed Gu Yixin by the arm.

"No, no, it's not good."

Gu Yixin soothed: "Don't worry, there is no problem with such a high point."

But Lu Mingshi said not to let go, took his hand, and said repeatedly:

"No, it's too dangerous. Our Jiujin is only so big. I can't bear the risk of losing you a little bit."

Lu Mingshi said this sincerely, without any adulteration or hesitation.

What he said was the truth, but as long as he said the truth, it sounded like a confession.

Gu Yixin was really touched. He repeatedly assured Lu Mingshi that he would be fine. Such a high degree was more than enough.

Lu Mingshi let go of his hand suspiciously.

Gu Yixin sat down on the ground and jumped off his legs.

Lu Ming's heart was cold. The moment Gu Yixin disappeared into the eaves, he remembered Wei Junshan who had slipped and fell on the roof of Wang Dao's house.

This... Although from here to the platform is certainly not as high as the third floor directly, there is no soft cushion below!

He hurried to the side and looked down, full of fear that he would see a large-shaped human-shaped pit lying on the ground.

The phone is dead, and I can’t even call an ambulance right away...

Fortunately, what Lu Mingshi was worried about did not happen, and Gu Yixin stood there gracefully.

"I just forgot." Gu Yixin took off his coat and threw it on. "It was quite cold at night. Don't catch a cold."

"I'll be back."

Gu Yixin left this sentence and turned around to look for a ladder.

But when he heard Lu Ming stopped him.

"Don't bother."

Looking at the ground, Lu Mingshi became bold: "It seems that this height is not that high. I can jump straight down."

As he spoke, he took off his cotton slippers eagerly.


This would mean that Gu Yixin was frightened, and when he couldn't stop Lu Ming like Lu Mingshi had just caught him, after all, he had already jumped off.

Gu Yixin fiercely discouraged: "No, President Lu, you can't jump."

"Huh? Why?"

Lu Mingshi twisted his neck and loosened his hands and feet.

He feels that his exercise volume has been maintained very well and his physical strength has always been very good. Since his husband can jump, so can he.

Gu Yixin wanted to explain to Lu Mingshi the principle of the pony crossing the river, but he was afraid that he would jump off before he finished speaking.

At that time, if he didn't respond well, he would not be able to connect.

"No way."

Just kidding, we are only a little bit old, can I let the cubs lose their father?

In a hurry, Gu Yixin's tone of voice unconsciously implied a little command.

"Be good and listen to me."

Damn it.

Lu Mingshi was aroused by this kind of S tone, the soul of M hidden deep in his heart.

Gu Yixin in front of him gradually overlapped with the face of the hero in the TV series.

Lu Mingshi sat cross-legged by the eaves, and slowly said in an incredible tone: "Okay, you go."

Gu Yixin is still a little skeptical.

Lu Mingshi said, "Don't worry, I can't stand up a bit now."

So Gu Yixin finally felt relieved to leave to carry the ladder.

Zai flicked his thigh nervously in the cradle, then went on to fall asleep, ignorant of the episode between his two fathers.

What a thrilling night.


Gu Yixin may have an indissoluble bond with the roof in the past two days.

I got off work late the next day, and the road was catching up with the evening rush hour, even if I took the bus, it would be very slow.

Gu Yixin stood at the bus stop and waited for a while, and found that more and more people were waiting for the bus, but the bus was delayed.

The car did not wait, but people around him began to pay attention to him frequently.

This Mr. Mystery, who wears a cap and a mask on his face, has a very good figure and a very otherworldly temperament, like a little idol who sneaks out to go shopping.

Gu Yixin found that someone was taking a picture of him with his mobile phone, and finally decided not to wait.

He climbed onto the telephone pole to observe the long traffic on the road, and visually observed that the traffic jam would not be alleviated for a while.

Gu Yixin decided to walk home on his own feet.

Of course, Gu Yixin's walk is a little different from ordinary people's walk.

He is walking on the roof.

Jump from one eave to another, gliding happily, jumping and running.

This reminded him of certain cartoons that he had watched on the on-demand channel when he was a child, such as the Three Sisters of the Cat's Eye and the Saint Girl.

Those who walk on the eaves of the city are the heroes of the city.

After walking like this for more than 20 minutes, he bumped into another group of people on the roof.


Gu Yixin stood with his hand to the east, facing the menacing A, B, C and D in front of him.

These people look bad.

Did I mess with someone again?

Gu Yixin thought about asking politely.

"What can the heroes ask me for?"

Everyone looked at him directly, hearing this question, they stepped back at the same time.

Only the assassin Z, who reacted slowly, didn't have time to retreat, so he had to bite the bullet and meet Gu Yixin's kind eyes in front of him.

Gu Yixin felt that he was very polite, and he was indeed very courteous. However, this group of people has been deeply brainwashed by his various heroic deeds, plus the vivid description of the middleman...

In the eyes of these pitiful assassins, Gu Yixin, who always keeps a smile in front of him, is no longer a good young man who is gentle and frugal.

It's a wolf in sheep's clothing, a killer-eater.

Killer Z is a middle-aged man with a beard, looks quite careless, and tremblingly said to Gu Yixin's eyes:

"I, I, and our boss have something to say to you."

Gu Yixin looked around, but didn't see anyone who looked like the boss.

"The boss is going to be late because of something, so let us come to accompany you first."

Killer Z added.

So Gu Yixin asked patiently: "What's the matter?"

"This requires our boss to come and tell you in person. We are just the boss's bodyguards and we don't understand anything."

Killer Z lowered his head and dared not raise it. He was different from the other brothers. Most of the people in this business were lonely people, and he was the only one who dragged his family.

Before coming, he had written his suicide note, but he couldn't help but persuade him when he saw the big devil himself.

Okay, Gu Yixin is not in a hurry, he is trying to solve this matter sooner.

You know, the construction sites are overcapacity these days.


Five minutes later, the boss finally appeared.

Gu Yixin stared at the thin, tall, middle-aged man who seemed to have no power to restrain him.

"This gentleman, I don't seem to have seen you before, let alone offend. Why are you having trouble with me? Please give me a good reason."

The one who appears is of course not the gambler, but the receiver.

The single person waved his hands again and again: "You misunderstood the young man, I am not the one who wants to harm you."

"I tried to persuade that one, but he was obsessed with it, and insisted on getting rid of you young man. I don't want to fight you anymore. You made me lose twelve brilliant and outstanding killers in a row. What a tragedy, a tragedy. what……"

The receiver sighed and shook his head again and again. Yesterday the killer L finally proposed to him to resign. This killer organization seemed to exist in name only.

With the words of the single person, the surrounding assassins also showed unease with their lips and teeth trembling.

Gu Yixin asked: "No matter who that person is, you should be able to refuse him."

The person who received the order smiled: "Think about it carefully. He wants to kill you with such a strong heart and so rich. Even if we don't accept the order, we will still find someone else."

The orderer solemnly said: "I have a proposal to end all this and let us both get benefits."

Gu Yixin looked at him suspiciously: "Could you mean letting me die in fictitious name, fake my identity, and live in another place. Then you tell him that I am dead and ask him to pay the balance. We are half of us?"

The orderer choked.

He really thought so—except for one and a half.

After all, according to his idea, as long as the goal is 10%, it is almost the same.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him simply rejected him.


Gu Yixin stared at the killer in front of him. Every one of them would be frightened to carry a famous head, but Gu Yixin looked at them with slight pity in his eyes.

They are just killing machines and have lost their ability to be human.

The orderer did not give up: "Do you want to think about it, I think this condition is still..."

"No talk."

Gu Yixin said indifferently: "My name is now and I have a good life, my family is happy, my life is happily, my job is smooth, and I have no plans to become another person at the moment."

"And you can't beat me even if you add them up."

Gu Yixin's gaze swept across the faces of the killers one by one, and he proudly said: "Even if you go together, why would I be afraid of me?"

Ok? This line feels a bit familiar.

Gu Yixin thought for half a second.

The receiver also feels familiar.

By the way, isn't this what Qiao Feng said in Juxianzhuang?

Thinking of Juxianzhuang's tragic ending, the assassins looked at each other and took a step back again.

This time includes Killer Z.

However, the killers forgot one thing.

They are standing on the roof.

The sound of thumping and thumping was endless, "Ouch", "Fuck" and "My God" lingered in my ears.

I don’t know how many people have broken bones and have broken arms.

Gu Yixin smiled at the lonely person in front of him.

The receiver couldn't help stepping back, with extreme horror in his eyes.

That one……

He surrenders now, is it still too late?


The new computer hasn't been tinkered well, use the claw machine code!