When the gambling king heard the news that Gu Yixin was seriously injured and died soon after, he first became suspicious.

The middleman made a vow: "I saw with my own eyes that he was slashed first, then hit by a poisoned arrow, and then kicked from the top to the sky with a flying kick. He was shot from 500 meters away when he was almost killed. One of the bullets hit his chest, and then an old fist hit his chin, knocking the target ten meters away and landing on the opposite side of the road."

In order to prove the authenticity of what he said, he also took out an ipad and stuffed it into the hands of the gambler.

The gambling king clicked on the photo. The first one was an aerial view of "Gu Yixin and the killer M-Z rooftop confrontation", and the second one was the back of Gu Yixin who was on the side of the road, surrounded by blood.

The gambling king is naturally not that stupid: "This picture doesn't tell if it's me."

The middleman smirked: "How dare I fool you! If you don't believe me, look at the next news for yourself. This young Master Gu is a celebrity anyway, can something happen without a report?"

The gambler contemplates.

The middleman said again: "There is also the mouth of their family, if you look for the opportunity to talk and test these few days, it must be sad."

The gambling king thought that he would not be happy even when Lu Ming hadn't happened, because he had been in trouble recently. Why would the gambler know so clearly? Of course it was because of his handwriting.

When Lu Ming was mentioned, the gambling king's mind became active again.

Lu Mingshi's management talent is undoubtedly very good, but he is slightly indecisive, and a little too kind to the businessman.

The gambling king wanted to annex the Lu family and use the Lu family's shell to wash his assets, but he did not want to tear his face with the Lu family.

It is best to keep Lu Mingshi in the dark, come out to help him in a critical juncture, let Lu Mingshi be grateful to him for "preserving the Lu family's property", and then willingly do things for himself.

Well, when the time comes, let him pick one of his more than 20 children to marry, and young people will cultivate and cultivate their feelings, and he won't have to worry about these children and grandchildren.

So the gambler paid the money in a happy imagination and threatened the middleman.

"Tomorrow I will personally confirm the situation with President Lu. If there is a deviation from what you said, you know what will happen."

The middleman nodded like garlic, and then as soon as the gambling king left, he immediately relayed his words to Gu Yixin.


Gu Yixin understands that next, it's time to test his acting skills.

He was thinking about how to pack himself, and Lu Mingshi's cell phone rang.

Lu Mingshi took it out to take a look, and didn't avoid Gu Yixin, turning on the speakerphone and connected to the phone.

After a long and boring greeting and a fight, the gambling king finally tentatively said: "Gu Shao is okay recently?"

Lu Mingshi immediately became alert.

He glanced at Gu Yixin. Gu Yixin took a dozen thick documents and wrote on the back of the documents: "Said I was seriously injured and died in the hospital."

Although Lu Mingshi didn't fully understand what kind of beams these two people had built when he didn't know it, he still did.

"Not great." Lu Mingshi's tone was subtle, "I'm not sure if I can wake up, the doctor said..."

The gambler asked urgently: "What did the doctor say?"

"Said to be……"

Lu Mingshi really didn't want to curse Gu Yixin, but Gu Yixin wrote on the paper: "I won't live for three days."

"...It is said that I can't wake up if I don't wake up for three days..."

Lu Mingshi tangled.

The gambling king felt relieved and naturally said that he would come to visit Gu Shaoyunyun tomorrow. When Lu Mingshi saw Gu Yixin ticked on the paper, he agreed.

When the phone hung up, the gambler was extremely excited.

First, I was excited that Gu Yixin was really going to hang up, and second, I was thinking that Lu Mingshi’s affection for his surname Gu was profound, but I didn’t actually hear how sad the tone was. .

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin confusedly: "What are you planning, baby?"

"I will let you know later."

Gu Yixin's lips curled up.


Gu Yixin rarely asks Lu Ming for help.

So when he asked Lu Mingshi to accompany him in the scene, Lu Mingshi immediately agreed.

Location: Lu's hospital.

Role: patient, patient's family, doctor, visitor.

Cast: Gu Yixin, Lu Mingshi, An Qiao, the king of gambling.

Lu Mingshi and An Qiao, under Gu Yixin's repeated instructions, vowed to ensure that they will perform well, be full of emotions, and complete their tasks successfully.

An Qiao patted his chest vigorously: "Isn't it just acting? I'm a member of the drama club at university. I almost entered Hollywood after graduation. This role is played in his true colors. It's really not difficult! Don't worry, Gu Shao!"

However, as he slapped his chest vigorously, a black figure rushed in in a whirlwind, tearfully grabbing Ancho's wrist.

Hei Che said anxiously: "An An, don't do this, you want to vent your anger and hit me. What can you do if you beat yourself up?"

Ancho: "...The rope on your bed is untied?"

Hei Che smiled silly and honestly: "I'm done."

An Qiao covered his face and couldn't bear to say: "You can be discharged from the hospital if you don't come here, but now it seems...obviously you haven't recovered well. Hey, the head nurse, find a few people over and tie them for two more days."

Lu Mingshi stared at Hei Che and An Qiao, and said suspiciously: "Has he not recovered his memory?"

An Qiao smiled bitterly: "Most of it comes to mind, it's the confusion of the emotional area, and I don't think of me as his dream lover. There is no way, just treat it slowly.

Speaking of raising his hand and beckoning, a few doctors and nurses came in and carried out Hei Che together.

The dark brawny man lay down and was carried out by several middle-aged doctors, calling "An'an" and "An'an" heartbreakingly, and stretched out his hand in the direction Anqiao was like Ruo Erkang.

The doctors carrying him all laughed, and their shoulders shivered.

An Qiao sternly said: "Don't laugh. As doctors, we must be patient with patients and can't laugh at them. Otherwise, it will be sad to wait for the patient to wake up and know that we have been laughed at in this way."

The doctors honestly took Hei Che to leave.

Lu Mingshi said: "Hei Che always looks like this and it's not a solution. Uncle Hei is also very anxious. Please contact the American side to see if there are any experts in this area. I will pay all the expenses. The people are paid in my house. I must be responsible."

An Qiao sighed: "Mr. Lu, you said this at the very beginning. I contacted there very early and asked them to send the most professional team to the consultation. Hei Shao has already experienced a complete treatment. I can’t remember it now. We finally think that it’s because he doesn’t want to think about it. It’s not a brain problem, it’s a heart problem. It’s a relationship problem and medicine is helpless.”

Lu Mingshi raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. Just as he was about to say something, Gu Yixin, who had been lying on the bed, finally lifted his mask and sat up, gasping for breath.

An Qiao just remembered: "Oh, Gu Shao's oxygen mask is not receiving oxygen."

Gu Yixin murmured: "I said how this oxygen smells like carbon dioxide."

An Qiao: "Gu Shao laughed, can oxygen and carbon dioxide smell... come and let me make an electrocardiogram for you. Oh, my heart rate is over 150..."

Just as he was talking, a nurse who was responsible for reporting the letter rushed in and screamed: "Here is coming! Here is someone!"

Lu Mingshi's eyesight quickly put the mask on Gu Yixin again, An Qiao plugged in oxygen, and Gu Yixin lay back on the bed and closed his eyes and pretended to die.

When the gambling king entered the door, he saw a thick bandaged leg hanging high. A doctor looked at the equipment monitor screen with his arms dignified. Lu Mingshi sat on a chair by the bed, holding Gu Yixin's right hand in one hand, looking sad. .

The gambling king came closer and saw Gu Yixin worse than he thought.

The young man's complexion was pale. You must know that Gu Yixin is white enough, so it is impossible to paint it with liquid foundation. No liquid foundation is whiter than him.

Gu Yixin's right leg was raised high, his right hand was held by Lu Mingshi, but his left sleeve and trousers were empty.

The gambling king said in shock: "Gu Shao's left hand and left leg..."

"Nothing, sir."

An Qiao replied when he replaced Lu Ming.

The gambling king sighed: "How could Shao Gu suffer such an accident, who is so cruel and cruel?"

Lu Mingshi shook his head tiredly and said, "Still investigating."

An Qiao introduced Gu Yixin's injury: "Very serious, a shot in the chest, Tian Ling Gai suffered a heavy blow, intracranial hemorrhage, jaw fracture, 23 fractures all over the body, life is dying... The attack was too cruel."

The gambling king was relieved and comforted Lu Mingshi by saying that Gu Shaoji people had their own celestial looks. Lu Mingshi listened to the ground, and finally sent away the gambling king smoothly.

Lu Mingshi accompanies the bed in the ward, and An Qiao takes the gambling king out instead of the boss.

When he walked to the corridor outside the door, the gambling king determined that Lu Ming could not hear him, and took out a business card to Anqiao.

"Doctor Jiu Yang'an is skilled in medicine, and being a director in the Lu's hospital is really wronged by Dr. An. Why don't you switch to me and start directly from the dean, and the salary is up to you?"

An Qiao froze for a moment, and just about to speak, Hei Che, who was being escorted to the toilet by two male doctors at the end of the corridor, looked over here, and saw clearly the scene of the Gambler holding something close to An Qiao.

Fuck, what is old and ugly, come to hook up on our house!

Didn't you see that his face was full of reluctance, so anxious to cry? !

Hei Che slammed away from the restraints, and flew over, biu~ slapped the gambling king to the ground, and he slapped ten slaps on the left and right bow!

Ancho: "..."

Hospital passerby: "..."

The gambler was mad and couldn't see what Hei Che looked like in the hospital gown. His face was beaten into a pig's head and his eyes were swollen.

He yelled to call the police, and he greeted the female relatives of Hei Che's family with a vulgar verbal insult. Hei Che opened his bow again, and this time the gambling king lost four golden teeth.

The gambler still wanted to struggle, Hei Che simply slammed his chin with a punch, and the world was quiet.

People in various departments and wards kept opening their doors to check the movement, and with the crowds in the corridors, everyone began to guess what happened.

"Probably there is a bad person who failed to confess and turned into anger, trying to assault Dr. An, and then this patient will get rid of the violence and rescue the Director."

"Ah, isn't that the most famous patient who has a crush on Dr. Ann's 66-bed patient for 18 years? I thought he was too dark and too dirty to be worthy of Dr. Ann, but he was really handsome when he beat people..."

Seeing that the gambling king fainted, Hei Che stood up and clapped his hands with satisfaction, and looked at An Qiao affectionately: "An An, I got him done!"

Ancho held his forehead weakly, feeling that he was about to die.

Hei Che rushed over immediately, first rubbing the hand that had beaten the gambling king on the patient's suit and then carefully supporting An Qiao.

Anqiao asked weakly, "Do you know this person carefully?"

Hei Che took a closer look and was shocked: "An An, is this person very powerful? Am I in trouble?"

Black Che shivered.

An Qiao sighed and hooked his finger at the two male doctors from the psychiatric department who blamed themselves for not seeing Hei Che.

"Don't be afraid." An Qiao said kindly to the bewildered Hei Che, "The doctor will always have a way. Come, let us work hard now and issue a short-term mental abnormality certificate for you."


When the gambler woke up, he felt all over. It took him ten minutes to remember what had happened. He gritted his teeth to find the guy who didn't know Tarzan.

"I want revenge on his family!"

The subordinates said with fear: "Boss, that is the son of President Hei."


The gambler calmed down.

"Don't buy the murderer, find a lawyer and send him in for a lesson."

The subordinate hesitated and said: "Boss, I have reported to the police. The police said he has some problems here now and he is not criminally liable..."

Gambler:? ? ?


Thank you Sonic, light light light wick mine!

Thanks yellvalley for the rocket launcher!

Thank you for your favorite commented baby~Thank you all for supporting genuine babies~

The last day of January. I will have a whole row of little red flowers! what! Thirty-one little red flowers! Super fulfilling!