Chapter 216

A few minutes later, Xu Lin came out of the office. Inside the school, apart from the boarding students, most had already left.

He hurried out of the school gate and saw Ji Yun and Bai Xiaoxiao waiting for him at the bus stop.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

“It’s okay. What did the homeroom teacher want with you?”

“Ji Yun, I’ve run into a bit of trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?”

Ji Yun thought for a moment. Xu Lin hadn’t done anything strange or made any mistakes recently, and his English grades had even improved.

“The homeroom teacher found out about me and Teacher Su.”

“What!? How?”

“Su Qingwan, that fool, posted a photo of me on her Moments.”

“Though it wasn’t particularly obvious it was me, the homeroom teacher knows me so well that he figured it out.”

“So what did the teacher say?”

“I explained to him that Teacher Su is using me as a cover. We can’t let him misunderstand and think we’re really dating; it would affect her job.”

“Hmm, what now?”

“He promised to keep it a secret but wants to check with Teacher Su. He didn’t believe me alone. Also, I heard a little story about our homeroom teacher.”

“What?” Ji Yun was curious. Stories about their usually stern homeroom teacher would definitely be interesting.

“The bus is here. Let’s get on and go to Bai’s house.”

“Huh? Weren’t we going to the shop?”

“Let’s check on your dad first.” Xu Lin wanted to see how effective the healing orb was.

“I forgot to tell you, my dad can already walk with a cane. We went to the hospital yesterday, and they said he’s recovering exceptionally well. They’ve never seen such rapid improvement.”

“Really? That’s great.”

“By the way, Xu Lin, you should let uncle rest for a while longer. The shop can wait.”

Ji Yun glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao and made a point.

Xu Lin nodded.

They had planned to open the shop this week, but the renovations were delayed, and they needed time for promotion. Next week would be better.


“No, no. When I told my dad at noon that the shop might be done today, he was so excited that he wanted to go. You should discuss it with him.”

Although she wanted her dad to rest more, he was clearly restless at home. As soon as he could walk, he was out and about chatting with the neighbors.


The three got on the bus, which was already full. They had to stand, and Xu Lin positioned himself to shield the two girls.

Recently, there had been an incident of groping on the bus in Linshui, and he didn’t want Ji Yun and Bai Xiaoxiao to be harassed.


He squatted down to pick up the kitten, and Father Bai looked over with a hint of envy.

“I’ve been feeding this little guy for several days, and it still isn’t affectionate. The owner’s touch is something else, huh?”

“Haha, do you like cats, Uncle?”

“When I was younger, I used to keep both cats and dogs. But after my dad passed away, I stopped keeping pets and lost interest.”

“Let’s not talk about that. Xiao Xu, are you here to inspect dinner again? We made spare ribs today, come in and have some.”

“Haha, no, I just wanted to check on your leg.”

“It’s much better now, that green bead you gave me really worked wonders. I’ve felt much better these past few days, so I gave it to your aunt to try.”

“That works. I just don’t know if it will be effective for her condition.”

“She said it made her feel much better. By the way, Xiao Xiao said some people came to renovate the store. Should I go take a look?”

“It’s quite late now. How about we check it out tomorrow? I haven’t been there yet either.”

“Alright, just call me tomorrow.”


After discovering that he could walk again, Father Bai, who had been somewhat downcast, suddenly became much more spirited.

At this moment, the phone rang inside the house, and Bai Xiaoxiao immediately ran inside with her backpack.

Half a minute later, she walked towards him and handed him the phone. Bai Xiaoxiao had just gotten the number, who could be calling and asking for him?

“Xu Lin, are you at Sister Bai’s house?”


“We’re next door, come take a look.”

“Huh? Wait a minute, isn’t next door the old villa area? Weren’t you looking for the new neighborhood?”

Chu Qingchan’s words left him a bit confused. She’s next door, but hadn’t that place been sold out long ago?

She wanted a big villa, but there were no particularly large villas next door. Besides, all the properties there were second-hand, and Chu Fengyi definitely wouldn’t accept that.

But he still nodded, “Alright, I’ll come over to find you.”

“Yeah, we need your opinion.”

“What’s up? Something wrong with the renovation?” Father Bai also looked over, thinking there might be an issue with the shop.

“No, we have a friend looking to buy a villa next door.”

“Villa?” Father Bai immediately wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

Did he just say a friend was buying a villa?

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