With his pure land, the pantry, having been occupied, Xiang TanWei was contemplating whether he should go back to Wu ZiQi’s office. After all, he had barely eaten anything.

I just got kicked out. It’s so shameful to go back this quickly!

Thinking of this, Xiang TanWei turned around and went to the rehearsal rooms on the second floor. He didn’t know whether there was a free room or not since he didn’t make reservations. He wanted to play some musical instruments.

But before he could do that, Xiao Jin suddenly appeared hurriedly in front of him and said, “TanWei, Mr. Wu is looking for you.”

“Huh? He has picked the next activities for me?”

He had only been kicked out for a few minutes. These two were very efficient.

Xiao Jin nodded with a smile but then shook her head. “Well, we’ve only chosen a fairly top-tier magazine cover and an interview, the rest is still empty. Mr. Wu has gone to search if there are any new interesting programs recently.”

“What magazine?” Xiang TanWei curiously asked.

“It’s 《New Sound Vision》. This magazine is in an upward momentum since they invited more distinctive singers after every print. Their photos are also highly praised,” Xiao Jin explained as they walked.

All Xiang TanWei heard was Xiao Jin praising him for being a distinctive singer. He then happily strode to Wu ZiQi’s office to discuss about the magazine interview.

They heard the agent’s flattering voice as soon as they entered the office. “Okay, okay, I’ll definitely tell him. No problem, it will be done, no sweat. I’m Wu ZiQi, okay? Trust me. Um, yeah, I’ll tell him right away when he comes. Okay, goodbye.”

Both Xiang TanWei and Xiao Jin were speechless watching this.

Wu ZiQi hang up the phone and adjusted his clothes. His bearing instantly turned arrogant. “Xiang TanWei,” he called.


The agent rushed over to him and hugged him ecstatically. “We’re going to be rich! Hahahahahaha-”

Xiang TanWei and Xiao Jin were once again rendered speechless.

Wu ZiQi was only happy for a while because none of the other two responded. “You two are really dull,” he said before angrily pushing Xiang TanWei away.

When Xiang TanWei heard this, he immediately did a 180 turn and pretended to be surprised. “OMG! Tell me what happened, Wu ZiQI!”

Wu ZiQi resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he returned to his desk. “I just receive two news. The first one is the star of this company, Mi XingHe, won’t be renewing his contract. He wants to set up his own studio and that studio will be under Shaokang.”

“Ah, he really won’t renew his contract, then.” Xiao Jin was surprised.

The agent nodded. “Yeah, it’s been confirmed. The second is that the company is planning on having another star take his place and Xiang TanWei is one of the candidates.”

Xiang TanWei and Xiao Jin stared at each other before exclaiming, “Whoa! Is this true?”

Generally, media companies would give priority to actors rather than singers to be their number one star. QinHan Media also had the same tradition.

Wu ZiQi blinked. “This is the news I got from the secretary department and I’m the first to know.”

Xiang TanWei snapped his fingers and posed victoriously. “This is because I’m too excellent.”

Xiao Jin who was next to him almost couldn’t stop her laughter from escaping.

Clapping his hands, Wu ZiQi said, “Okay, don’t be too happy. You’re just one of the candidates. There’s also 2to2, the siblings, as your competitor. You should know those two are easy to gain fans.”

Xiang TanWei raised his chin slightly and said, “My appearances alone could leave them in the dust. Not to mention my clear and wide-ranged voice.”

His agent automatically filtered his words and ignored the first part of his sentence. “Yeah, I know your singing is impressive. I emptied your schedule for tomorrow night because the directors invited you to dinner. Remember that this is an interview so be sure to do well.”

“Huh? Dinner? This is…” Xiang TanWei mumbled in surprise.

“…You’re a male star, not female. Well, they said you’re the only one to be interviewed.” Wu ZiQi began to record the itinerary in the book as he spoke. “The chairman has a peculiar personality and hates being in close contact with people, so there will be only the two of you at the dinner. I will be with the Wang siblings next door.”

[My God! The flamboyant eagle is going to catch the most beautiful baby chick while the Hen Mom and Rooster Dad are having fun drinking and eating next door!]

“Why is it just us? You really won’t accompany me?” Xiang TanWei was a little flustered. After all, it was the chairman he would be having dinner with.

“Yeah, yeah. Wait for a bit. Xiao Jin and I will arrange everything.” Wu ZiQi was already in working mode. “Xiao Jin, make an appointment with a beautician, stylist, and makeup artist. I’ll take TanWei to pick out the clothes in the afternoon.”

Xiang TanWei who was so excited just now immediately felt lost.

Seeing him in a daze, Wu ZiQi knocked on his forehead. “Why are you standing still for? You’d better think about what to talk about with the chairman. Go and google some stuff to add knowledge to your empty brain.” 

[The baby chick is so miserable. Being the most beautiful, he was thrown into a tank full of ink by the chess master1 It’s a play on Wu ZiQi’s name but idk how to translate the joke.]

Xiang TanWei had to take out his tablet and began to search for topics that he could talk about with Qin MingLi.

What kind of things would a chairman of a company be interested in?

Oh, the latest financial policy! Let’s see… 

《X Bank implements full-caliber cross-border macroprudential management》《Pork prices might push the X month cpi upi》

Yeah, I don’t get it. Skip, skip!

Then… The latest entertainment news! Let’s see…

《Renew the contract or nah? The latest progression between Mi XingHe and QinHan Media》 《Goddess XXX surrounded at the airport yet still maintained her calm!》

It’s hard to talk about these and I’m not familiar with actors, to begin with. I don’t understand them so I’m not qualified to comment on anything. I’d better not talk about these.

I know nothing about cosmetics, so skip. Parents and child communication? I’ve got no kids, so skip. Cars? But I only have the SUV the company gave me and a bicycle so not this either. I don’t drink so no discussion on wines. How about food? I only know that the spicy hot pot shop near the company is good. Let’s go there secretly this weekend…

An hour later, Xiang TanWei found that unless it was about music and literature, he had nothing to talk about with the chairman.

Which begged the question. Did Qin MingLi have an artist’s soul?

Since he probably didn’t, then Xiang TanWei could only use his face as the topic of conversation.

“Tell them that they must make my handsomeness stand out tomorrow! Super ultra handsome!” Xiang TanWei said to Xiao Jin who was booking an appointment with a serious expression.

Xiao Jin nodded while stepping away from him bit by bit. She then whispered to the phone, “Yeah, modeling at 2 p.m tomorrow. No, just a normal one, not for shooting commercials or anything like that. Haha, he’s just joking… Yes, yes, our TanWei is a very funny guy.”

Not hearing what Xiao Jin said, Xiang TanWei completely gave up on appearing elegant and began to surf social media again.

Well, in this era, even the delusional peeps needed to keep up with the current trends to maintain their fantasy.

Internet-addicted youths were having fun every day.

Hmm… This seems interesting. Ah, this one too…

How about a new song and an album? We can start discussing the content of the new album in a few months, anyway.