Since this kick, Gu Yuanbai started the three-point and one-line work of going up, sleeping, and handling government affairs in the palace. His body is too delicate, and his minor injuries seem to have the visual effect of being seriously injured. Gu Yuanbai's ankle was swollen day by day, and half of his instep was rubbed open. He was used to the pain, but the royal doctor's face became more and more frown.

The wound on the sage seemed too serious. When they rubbed their hands, they felt they were committing sin.

After more than ten days, the wound on the foot finally disappeared. In the past ten days, he and the prince were sick and missed many early courts. At first, Gu Yuanbai only thought that he had caught the wind and cold, and went home in the rain under the heavy rain. It was also expected that he was sick.

But after a series of illnesses, Gu Yuanbai realized that something was wrong, and he sent someone to take the imperial doctor to the Prince's Mansion to let them see what was going on.

At this time, the spring breeze is picking up, and it's time to post the test results.

As an emperor, Gu Yuanbai naturally has the right to know in advance. The Book of Rites sent him the list and said with a smile: "The first name is the only son of Master Chu."

Gu Yuanbai nodded, looked down, read the top ten and asked, "Where are the top three papers?"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette handed the paper to Gu Yuanbai. Gu Yuanbai first looked at the examination and approval of the examiners, and then went to read the policies of the three.

This year’s policy was drafted by Gu Yuanbai himself. One is to ask three questions about the agricultural and livelihood policy of the Daheng Dynasty, and the other is to ask about borders and mutual markets. This kind of topic is easy to write big, but it is not easy to write small and write down the details. thing.

One is to examine whether the candidates are down-to-earth in the foundation of the country, and the other is Gu Yuanbai wants to see if their vision is short-sighted. If it is a pedantic bookworm, it is better not to hire.

People who agree with Gu Yuanbai’s views will be hired, and those with pedantic and inconsistent views will be discarded. In the long run, Gu Yuanbai’s ideas will be implemented more smoothly, and the fresh blood pouring into the court will also be with conservatives. During the confrontation, he became a loyal guardian of the emperor.

The imperial examination can also be said to be a process of tame intellectual thoughts, to make their thoughts unified with the king to a certain extent.

This year’s examiner, Gu Yuan, points to the Minister of Real Administration, who likes to be down-to-earth in real administration. Therefore, in the final top three, the effort to write articles is not a beautiful article, but they have their own ideas and can fit Daheng. The national conditions are well written.

Gu Yuanbai looked carefully one by one, and couldn't help but smile when he saw the last one: "Well written!"

The Book of Etiquette was curious, and when he stepped forward, it turned out that it was written by the third student from Shandong.

Whether it is Chu Wei or Chang Yuyan, which ranks in the front of Shandong students, they are all good articles with fluent writing and profound meaning and hearty reading. This article is written unpretentiously, the words are concise and boring, if not the content is really brilliant , I'm afraid I won't be named third.

Looking at the saint nowadays, he can't help but sigh the master examiner's keenness and the luck of the student. Looking at the saint, Mo Yue has thoroughly remembered this student.

Gu Yuanbai read this article back and forth several times, and finally looked up and remembered the name of the person who wrote such a delicate article.

Kong Yilin, Qingzhou Prefecture, Shandong.


The gate of the Gongyuan has been surrounded by people inside and outside.

When the soldiers walked out of the Gongyuan with the red paper, the people around there were clamoring and squeezing forward. The soldier said angrily: "Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze! Take a step back!"

A piece of red paper was posted. The scholars around here had long lost their usual demeanor. They clenched their hands and stared out from their eye sockets. The heart in the chest was beating for fear of missing a word.

"Hurry up, post a notice!"

"I was hit by me!" Soon there was an ecstatic voice, "I was hit!"

The restaurants and teahouses on both sides were also full of people. Some people listened to the excitement below, and couldn’t help but stand by the railing and stretch their necks and look down. They were very anxious, but their necks were stretched out and they couldn’t be seen. A word on red paper.

The face of the person who sent the young man down to read the list was forced to calm down, but his eyes were no longer attentive, and he swept down the stairs from time to time, and every second was torture.

On the day of the release of the list, the sentient beings were in various forms. Some were smiling and laughing up to the sky, some were smiling and self-satisfied, some were desperate, looking at the red paper decadently, as if the whole person had lost the hope of living.

The ecstatic person was full of spirits, and the scream of "hit!" aroused the envy of others. Once the sky and the ground, a piece of red paper made many people crazy.

Originally, Chu Wei sat calmly in the teahouse sipping tea, but the sound of cheers and sobbing and pain also obviously affected him. He frowned and glanced at the stairs without a trace.

His classmate shook his head and said, "Chu Wei, Chu Wei, I really didn't expect you to participate in the test."

Chu Wei withdrew his gaze, and gave an "um" sound.

There was a sudden rush of footsteps on the stairs on the second floor. Chu Wei couldn't help putting down his cup and looking back, only to see another young man standing up, with messy hair and joyful shouting: "You are in! Up!"

Chu Wei's heart jumped a little faster. He simply stood up, ignored the teasing of his classmates, and stood at the window looking towards the gate of Gongyuan.

Many people there have dispersed, and most of the rest are people who can't believe that they are not on the list. Chu Wei's heart jumped and the corners of his lips straightened. Did he really fail the list?

After a flash of light, Chu Wei looked opposite, and in front of the restaurant window on the opposite side stood a romantic and suave son brother. The son brother also saw him, the smile on the corner of his mouth stiffened, and he nodded politely towards Chu Wei.

Chu Wei knew who this was, and he was Chang Yuyan's rival of the big talker before the test.

Chang Yuyan is well-known, and has repeatedly produced excellent works of famous poetry. Now, judging from his appearance, he should never know his place on the list.

Chu Wei also nodded faintly towards Chang Yuyan, and turned his eyes to see a person sitting at the table next to Chang Yuyan.

The man's hand stretched out the window, and he turned the jug loosely in his hand, as if the jug could fall off his hand and hit the ground in the next moment.

This person was extremely keen. The next moment he noticed Chu Wei's gaze, and looked towards this side with a gloomy eyebrow. Chu Wei looked away from this terrifying glance without changing his gaze, intuition in his heart that this person is definitely not good. class.


A familiar voice suddenly rang behind him, Chu Wei shook, and immediately turned around. When he saw his little boy ecstatic on his face, his heart jumped quickly.

"It's the first name! Master, you won the first name! Huiyuan! It's Huiyuan!"

Everyone looked at Chu Wei, and the room was suddenly noisy.

The classmate was startled, he threw the tea bowl, excitedly stepped forward and patted Chu Wei, "Chu Zihu, Chu Zihu, you actually won Huiyuan!"

As if awakened by this sound, people in the whole room squeezed up towards Chu Wei and Hexi, with a layer of clever words, and the noisy ears could not tell who was talking.

Chu Wei took a deep breath, he recovered, and the corners of his lips curled up, full of spirits.

Xieyuan seven years ago, Huiyuan seven years later.

Only one champion, will the Holy Master give it to him?


After the meeting place was announced, several companies were happy and some were worried. But the Gongsheng on the list did not care about attending various banquets, because five days later, they would enter the palace to participate in the palace exam.

To be able to face the holy face and hear the teachings of the holy, this matter is definitely the top priority in life, no one dares to slack on it.

The people in the etiquette department are busy working overtime, they need to measure clothes and train the students' manners. The Daheng Dynasty did not have a cabinet, so the pre-planned questions for the palace examination were given to the Zhengshitang. The Privy Council and the Zhengshitang are the two most efficient institutions in the entire Daheng administration. The examination results will be posted in the afternoon on the second day after posting. The pre-planned topic was handed over to Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai chose a few questions from it, combined his own ideas and integrated them. After giving the questions to the Ministry of Rites, he, the emperor, was fine.

Waiting for the palace exam, Gu Yuanbai summoned the ministers in the political affairs hall and mentioned the memorial reform constitution he thought about. Whether in universities or companies, various reports have a fixed pattern. . Gu Yuanbai thought for more than ten days, and decided to take out the charts, tables, and simple fixed patterns that are indispensable for modern convenience to lay a foundation for the reform of local officials' letters.

The adults in the political affairs hall thought carefully for a moment, and one of them surnamed Zhou said: "Sheng, the ministers are still confused in words. Don’t try to put the “tables” mentioned by the saints. A view of the'chart' and the'template' written on paper?"

"Why is it so troublesome?" Gu Yuanbai picked up his pen, "I'm here."

While moving his pen, Gu Yuanbai slowed down to explain the function of these three things. The table was square and square, with several horizontal and vertical rows. The content that was originally crowded together was clear and distinct. The chart is based on this to visualize the data. Gu Yuanbai drew three illustrations of the style, and wrote Arabic numerals, saying: "In the memorial of the book, the charts and tables are used for numbers. This kind of writing is still normal in the total."

Naturally, the use of Arabic numerals does not include important things like account books that are easy to be tampered with.

As for the memorials, they still use Chinese characters, which cannot be changed. Gu Yuanbai explained for half an hour, and combined theory and practice to draw a lot of tables and diagrams, trying to let the courtiers understand the role of these two things, one neat and one intuitive, especially the diagrams, some things are clearly exposed. There is no room to escape. After the courtiers nodded, they simply wrote an example of the memorial.

There are few words and clear organization. Although it looks a bit unaccustomed, and a bit too cold and direct, these ministers who are busy day and night know how easy these things can be.

After the sage was finished, the paper was passed back and forth by the courtiers. Gu Yuanbai asked, "How do you feel about it?"

As the leader of Gu Yuanbai’s rule of government affairs, the Zhengshitang all knew what Gu Yuanbai thought, and they nodded quickly, "Sacred, don’t worry, this method is not used to beginners, but it will definitely save a lot of time when you get used to it. Wait until this method is assigned."

"I will ask the Shinke Scholars to take this method when they go to the local state or county," Gu Yuanbai nodded lightly. "After May, if you don't use this method to write memorials in Fuzhou counties, the political affairs hall will not allow it. If you look at it, you will be revoked. If the content of the memorial is upside down and ambiguous, and you do not change it twice, you will be dismissed immediately."

Everyone in the Zhengshitang looked solemn and said, "Yes!"

Gu Yuanbai was relieved with satisfaction. He was still in a good mood at this time, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his face was extremely happy. The chief guard accompanied him for a walk in the palace, and at the urging of his brothers, he suffocated a sentence, "Do you want to see Cuju?"

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at him, the handsome face of the chief guard was flushed, as if he had done something wrong, showing a worried and uneasy expression.

The guards in the rear lowered their heads, either their ears were red or their necks were red. When facing him, the tall and strong men looked like squirming little girls.

Gu Yuanbai was amused, "Do you want to kick me out?"

"..." The guard Changhong reached the root of his ears, "The ministers all love to play Cuju, and all of them are good players. If the sage feels bored, the ministers can play a game to relieve the sage."

The saint didn't say good or bad, but looked around, and then he took a fancy to a tree flower. The sage stretched out his hand, holding his wide sleeves, his white wrists protruding out, his fingertips twisted the flower branch, and gently folded it, the red and pink tree flower was folded in his hand by the sage.

"Then use this flower as a prize," Shengshang twisted the flower with a smile, "Which team wins will be rewarded."

The captain of the guard glanced at the hand of the sage. Although his face was still red, his eyes were brightly written that he wanted to win. The desire to win aroused this group of guards. When they went to the Cuju field, they had been divided into two. Team, each other's eyes are not eyes, noses are not noses, and no one is pleasing to the eyes.

Tian Fusheng took a white kerchief and wrapped the flower branches. He wanted to hold it by himself. Gu Yuanbai said, "I'm here."

Gu Yuanbai was stained with flower juice when he picked the flowers, and his hands were already dirty, so there was no need to pay attention to these. Tian Fusheng squeezed his throat distressedly and said, "Holy, I am afraid you are tired!"

Gu Yuanbai glanced at him lightly and said with a smile, "Go away."

Tian Fusheng smiled, ran behind Gu Yuanbai and pinched his shoulders.

The saint likes Cuju, and there is also a big Cuju court in the palace. The guards put on thin shirts and chased a Cuju on the court to kick a tiger. It makes people excited when they look at it. Many palace servants can’t move their eyes. I had to suppress the cheering and noise, and my face blushed.

This Cuju game kicked for an hour, and when the guards came off the court with sweat, the heat on their bodies could make the air slightly distorted.