Xiao Lan is about to speak.

Suddenly, Luo reached out and touched his cheek.

Despite the gloves, I can still feel the slight heat of Luo's fingertips, which trace across my face, causing a slight tickle.

Luo whispered, "You're hurt."

Looking at the other man's face as he came closer, the words Xiao Lan wanted to say were instantly lost like the balance at the end of the month.

Xiao Lan then recalled that there seemed to be a wound on her cheek that she had received earlier in the story of B Sister Xiao for dodging the silk thread.

Since it was just a small cut, he didn't even care much about it.

After a few moments, Luo withdrew his hand and said with a little regret, "Unfortunately, that's all I can do now."

Xiao Lan reached out and touched the wound, and sure enough the wound had mostly healed, leaving only a small shallow gash.

He looks over at Luo with some surprise, has his all-round partner developed a new skill?

However, it seems from memory that the original Luo had the ability to heal.

Luo had never used his healing powers before, probably because his health didn't allow it, but now that he can use them again, does that mean he's in a better place?

Xiao Lan asked, "How much have you recovered this time?"

Luo said as he helped Xiao Lan with the wound on his arm, "I've harvested a lot of scattered fragments, but it's not possible to fight against a boss who has control over the copy, but I have a good chance of winning against an average high-level player."

To which Xiao Lan expressed envy... is it so nice how I beat my own upgrade, is that why Luo is so happy every time he beats up his own pieces?


Waiting for Luo to finish treating the wound quickly.

Xiao Lan and Luo talked about the current situation and their intentions, and together they headed for the roof study.


On the way, although the building of Ming Yue Pavilion could not be damaged, it was possible to see that some of the ground was stained with blood in a number of places.

It was clear that someone had been attacked.

It is not clear whether the attack came from a ghost or a player, but now in Xiao Lan's mind, players and ghosts are about the same level of danger.

The senior field, what a different place from before.

Not only is there no solidarity and fraternity at all, but it is even a luxury to live in peace with each other.

Shortly after walking, two bodies appeared ahead.

The two bodies were lying askew, their bodies dark and swollen, with deep cuts in their throats, and their movements at the time of death looked hideous, but there was also something familiar about this death.

Xiao Lan remembers that this was pretty much what happened to the dead man when he first saw Qi Ning strike.

This is - the Black Death.

And this is one of Qi Ning's skill effects, so it's Qi Ning's handiwork?

Xiao Lan took a closer look around and saw some bloodstained black pieces of clothing on the ground.

He suddenly had a not-so-good feeling.


Luo stepped forward and examined the pieces on the ground, "The material and pattern of the clothes on Qi Ning's body are identical, but the possibility of the same clothing-type prop cannot be ruled out, although it is highly unlikely."

Xiao Lan looked in the direction of the bloodstain on the ground, could that be Qi Ning?

Just then, a sound similar to the firing of a bow and arrow came from ahead, and the sound of metal striking could be faintly heard.

It appears that a battle is taking place ahead.

Xiao Lan made up her mind, "Let's go ahead and check it out."

Qi Ning is an extreme, vicious and murderous man, but he has never killed an innocent person, so he is a bit of both good and evil. Even Xiao Lan is a friend because of the afternoon tea.

Xiao Lan doesn't want to sit back and watch his opponent die, especially at the hands of those wanted for murder.

Luo nodded, "Good."

The two men follow the trail of blood.

On the way were seen more copious amounts of blood, and blood-stained arrows with some flesh and blood on them, presumably pulled out of whoever's body they were.

Xiao Lan frowned and quickened his pace.

The blood trail enters a room.

Xiao Lan The two men approached the room carefully and observed its contents.

It is a room with high ceilings, divided into two levels, with four walls filled with books and several staircases going up and down, presumably used as a library.

In the corner of the room stood a black figure, dressed like a medieval plague doctor, with a bowler hat, together with snow-white hair.


It's Qi Ning, all right.

He was not in a good state at the moment, a golden chain had pierced his chest and a large amount of blood was gushing out of his wound.

When Qi Ning tries to remove the chain, an electric-like glow emanates from the chain, and these glows seem to bring intense pain, causing Qi Ning to shudder and have to stop moving her hands.

Other than that, the room was empty.

But from time to time arrows shot out of the void in the direction of Qi Ning.

Clearly, there are others here.

Some of these arrows will be blocked by Qi Ning, while others will have to be dodged in disarray.

As Qi Ning moves, blood continues to drip from beneath the hem of his pitch-black shirt.

Perhaps the entire black dress had been stained with blood.

The air rang with the sound of buzzing talk.

The voice seemed to come from all directions, making it impossible to find the source of the voice: " Qi Ning, do you think you are so righteous? A lone wolf hunting wanted criminals, sounds cool, doesn't it? I pooh-"

"This is the Advent World, there are many more fierce guys than us, didn't we just kill a few ordinary people? What's that worth? Why don't you do something about those madmen? All you know is to catch us like a mad dog, do you know how many people want to kill you?"

Qi Ning laughed lowly and leaned against the wall, "I'm not interested in knowing."

With the sound of laughter, another smear of blood fell from the corner of his mouth, spilling through the slit in his mask, which he casually wiped away with his cuff.

That's the advantage of wearing black, so your enemies can't see you in a blood-soaked mess.


"Hmph!" The voice was clearly irritated by Qi Ning's laugh, "You're the only one left with a tough mouth."

"But I didn't expect that, ah, I set a trap for you this time, the three of us together, but you still killed two of us."

"But it doesn't matter, how much longer can you hold on? Can you still stand up straight?"

"I don't need to do anything and you'll die in the corner like a dog, what a death fit for a mad dog hahaha."

When he had finished, the other party ceased to utter a sound, and the arrows in the air ceased to come.

As if he was waiting idly to watch Qi Ning breathe his last

Qi Ning's breathing is a little laboured.

He really could barely hold on and was now just barely holding on against the wall.

He secretly took out a syringe - [Adrenaline X0044].

This prop will restore him to peak fighting strength for a short time, but after that he will fall into a state of weakness and will not be able to fight again, and anything that comes along will kill him.

What to do? Should I use it now?

But after that I'm afraid ......

While thinking about it, Qi Ning felt the [Dark Crow Whisper] being activated.

This is an indication that someone is contacting him.

Qi Ning is connected to the newsletter.


[Dark Crow Whispers] doesn't deliver the picture, which is rather an advantage at this point.

He kept his voice extremely low while lowering his head, hiding the dynamics of his lips with the brim of his hat, "Who?"

Xiao Lan's voice appears, again very quietly.

He got straight to the point, "I'm Xiao Lan, Luo and I are at the door, how's your side?"

Qi Ning's gaze swept down in the direction of the doorway, the wound to his chest making it a little difficult for him to speak, "Ahem ...... is still alive and can do it for about five minutes. There's a guy across the street ...... long range with a crossbow that can be stealthy, it's hard to catch him."

Because of his skills, Qi Ning sometimes needs to touch the target with his own hands, so he does not wear gloves.

Xiao Lan noticed large purple-black spots on Qi Ning's hands, with some blood-red blisters, which looked appalling.

He asked Qi Ning, "What happened to your hand?"

Qi Ning's tone was light: "It's fine, it's just the cost of the ability ...... I'll feel the same pain as the target, but it won't really hurt me, it'll wear off soon enough and won't affect my hands."

Xiao Lan stands in awe.

With that kind of skill and happy to hunt wanted criminals and even 1V3, you're a fierce man, big brother.

Is this person considered a jitterbug or a jitterbug?

Xiao Lan: "Say a time, we'll help you, don't hold on."

Qi Ning: "Help me? Of course the sooner the better, but you have to be careful with my virus, do I need to give you antibodies? Real-world vaccines won't work against my virus."

Luo said, "I don't need it."


As a non-human, probably not even quite a carbon-based creature, the virus is completely out of sync with him.

Xiao Lan asked, "How are you going to give it to me?"

Qi Ning said like it was an unusual thing: "Take some of my blood and ...... cough ...... put a hole in it for you to pour."

Xiao Lan: "......"

What a crude approach to vaccines, do you really have a medical license, this gentleman?!

And looking at the puddle of blood at Qi Ning's feet, it was clear that he was already losing a lot of blood, and adding more to it always felt like squeezing the wounded.

Xiao Lan: "Forget it, I have a solution, so I won't burden you with it."

Qi Ning smiled up, "Oh ...... thanks then."

"Get ready to start-"

Xiao Lan and Luo changed their posture and stood guard.

Xiao Lan has switched on the skill.

[Title: Poverty Can't Limit My Imagination]

[Ability: Virus Immunity





Two figures instantly flashed into the collection room, like two winds of a different colour.

Dark shadows, invisible to ordinary people, spread across the room, searching for some hidden person.

The attacker, who had hidden his form, was startled by such a commotion and could not help but turn his head to look at the door.

In the next instant, he felt his body become clear, as if he had been attacked by an unknown force.

He struggled to get back into the void, but it was as if he was being pulled and pulled, appearing on the ground.

It was then that the crowd could see that the guy was wearing a tight biohazard suit, with not a trace of skin exposed.

This was clearly a deliberate attempt to deal with Qi Ning.

The attacker looked at his hands in amazement, as if he had not yet understood the situation.

When he turned his head towards Qi Ning's position, he realised that there were now two more people in the room at some point.

From the position occupied by those two men, it was clear that they were on Qi Ning's side.

One of the guys even waved at him, "Surprise or not~"

Attacker: "......"

Damn, Qi Ning you cheat, where's the promised lone wolf?!!!

How is it that even such a madman can have friends?


Before he could say anything, the guy who had spoken before pulled out a white stick that looked like a broomstick he had picked up somewhere.

The guy added, "Come on, come on, give you a one-on-one."

The words were singled out, but the guy was already charging towards him -

Two more men followed behind.

The attacker was furious: "Shit, didn't we say one-on-one?"

He picked up his crossbow and prepared to give the lad, who was so full of lies, a good cold blow.

As a result, his opponent's speed was unexpectedly fast and he was in front of him in a flash.

He had just lifted his crossbow.

He was met with a "bang--" that sent him flying straight out of the room.

This kind of stealth and long-range attack is like having a sign on your head saying "I'm fragile, don't hit me".

Most of them are not physically strong themselves, and it's hard for a guy like Xiao Lan to get close enough to fight back.

The attacker felt like his bones were falling apart, even as his internal organs ached vaguely.

Was this man raised on fodder? So much strength?

It was only when he was flying in mid-air that he heard his opponent's slow reply, "It's you alone."

He nearly spat out a mouthful of blood.


But before he could actually spit blood, a black figure in a suit had arrived in front of him.

The man just added another kick to him in mid-air, kicking him out of his original parry with a hard 90° twist.

The attacker fell hard to the ground.

This time, there were really a lot of bones falling apart.

He clearly felt that his body was not listening to him.

A strong sense of crisis appeared in his mind.

It was a premonition that every player possessed to a greater or lesser extent, and now it rested on his throat like the scythe of death.

He had his hands on the ground and was about to find an opportunity to slip away.

But with one of his hands broken, he couldn't hold his body up.

Suddenly, a pair of black boots appeared in the line of sight.

Close enough to see that the black boots were already stained with blood, and every footprint it left behind was stained with blood.

Yes ...... Qi Ning !

He stiffened and lifted his head.

Appearing in his field of vision was the beak mask that had become the nightmare of countless wanted criminals.

Blood spilled from the edges of the mask, but dutifully covered the face behind it.


He couldn't tell what kind of expression the other man was looking at him with at the moment - was it hatred, disdain, anger or ...... joy?

The lean palm of his hand grabbed his head violently, with a great force that did not match his appearance.

Then, to his horrified gaze, the man opposite reached out and removed his protective mask, throwing it away.

This will render his protection completely useless.

Then, once again, Qi Ning's free hand pressed down hard on his face, making his bones feel raw and seeming to rub all his features together.

"Heh heh heh ......" Qi Ning laughed lowly, his voice a little weak but hard to hide the pleasure.

At the same time, a creeping sensation came from the palm of that hand.

Even the air around it was vaguely distorted.

"Ah-" the attacker fell to the ground with a scream.

He wanted to struggle, to fight back, to kill the shadowy hunter and killer ......

But soon his world had been plunged into blackness and his mind had become dulled, as if every thought was stretched out.

The last thing he realized was: fuck ...... Qi Ning ...... how could ...... have ...... such a cheap friend ......