Director Zhou sternly lectured Yu Xing for what seemed like an eternity. Several times, she had to hold herself back from telling him "I didn't write that love letter!"

At that time, she was busy eating at the restaurant, so she didn't have time to cause trouble.

She didn't write it, yet it was there. What could she say?

Not even two months since she had entered the school, and she was already being scolded. Yu Xing internally sighed; although she had tried to stay out of trouble, it had found her regardless.

Even if it was embarrassing to have the whole school know of her disgrace, writing a thousand word reflection was no big problem. But that damned love letter had to be posted on the notice board outside the building for a week!

Yu Xing worried about it as she exited the office.

With deep sadness, she obediently posted the letter onto the board with double-sided tape.

When she went to return after posting the love letter, Director Zhou had already gone upstairs for a meeting. Although she thankfully did not have to see his bottom-of-the-barrel face, Yu Xing did not feel any better after.

Exiting the office again, Yu Xing stopped in front of the notice board.

Yu Xing frowned as she read over the love letter.

She read it carefully a second time, lips pursed.

She read it carefully a third time, then a fourth time…

Yu Xing couldn't bear it any longer. She retrieved a pen from her left pocket, took a step closer to the wall, and raised her pen to correct the love letter.

It was a letter of confession, but it only seemed to confess a lack of language proficiency– there were two misspelled words, one and a half wrong English words, and three uses of incorrect punctuation.

It was too much for her to ignore.

As she corrected the mistakes, she thought to herself: how could she possibly have written something so bad? Furthermore, it was found thrown aside in a corner, but it was still posted on a notice board. How could Director Zhou think this was reasonable…

When Director Zhou crossed her mind, Yu Xing cautiously looked around under the bright yellow streetlight in fear of being discovered. After quickly finishing her corrections, she put away her pen and walked quickly towards the school building.

Not even a few steps later, a long and dark shadow appeared on the ground. Yu Xing paused, looking up to see a group of boys walking head-on towards her. She hastily glanced at them, not daring to look at their faces, and quickly lowered her head and sped up her pace.

Considering that they didn’t have an evening self-study session and were walking languidly through the school, they were probably seniors.

If not for her fear of looking like a walking plank, Yu Xing felt like she could speed up even more and join a speed walking contest.

As she came nearer to the group of suspected seniors, a man in front looked at her and said, "Yu Xing? Isn’t she..."

At that moment, Yu Xing really wanted to scrape the words off her badge. Her senior’s eyes must have been incredible to be able to read her name when it was this dark outside!

What was even scarier is that the seniors seemed to want to talk to her.

Yu Xing simply crossed her heart, gave up on walking, and ran away–

What was that? The seniors were calling her? The wind was so strong that she couldn’t hear them!

What? Why was she running so fast? Naturally she was in a hurry to get back to class– learning was calling and she definitely had to answer!

Yu Xing darted towards the sophomore school building in the blink of an eye.

Translator's Note:

yu xing cares about two (2) people at the start of this novel and she's honestly so relatable for that. if it's not su qiu or her aunt she doesn't even bother acting nice.

also the hair-doing part of this chapter genuinely made me confused, my hair's always been too short to braid so when i was trying to translate how her aunt was doing her hair i had to look up a wikihow article on how braiding hair works, ~the more you know~