Chapter 536: The commission of the fan game club, the passerby heroine appears?

Xuexiaxue actively releases the signal of surrender?

to be honest.

This was beyond Linn's expectation.

But consider it carefully.

It's not impossible.

After all, for the Xuexiajia family, keeping the marriage contract is the best thing, but Linn himself may not make good progress.

The opposite of.

If Xuexiaxue can get through the joints between Xiaolan and Yuanzi, it will be recognized by both of them.

On the contrary, it can win by surprise.

The situation is clear now.

Xuexiaxue Nai expressed her attitude to Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

If you are bigger, I will be smaller, don't fight or grab, as long as you have a place.

In this way.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi naturally had no reason to refuse.

no way.

As the two of them are now girlfriends, they naturally stand on opposite sides of the contractor Yukoshita Yukino.

Although it is not impossible to refuse this proposal.

But the problem is.

The marriage contract between the Lin family and the Xuexiajia family is not so easy to dissolve. If the marriage contract is really fulfilled in the future, what if the Xuexia Xuenai succeeds in taking the position and takes the title of wife?

When the time comes to continue to fight?

I am afraid that no one would like to see such a scene appear.

If this is the case, it is better to take a step back from each other, anyway, people have already regarded them as small, and it is not impossible to accept a subdued little girl.

Of course.

Xiaolan would definitely not think about these corners.

She was kind by nature, but she didn't want to make it too difficult for Yukino under Xuexia, and she was willing to help each other within the scope of her ability.

It's just that Yuanzi doesn't use her cleverness to the right place all day long.

The academic performance is not very good, Gong Dou is very good at it.

This is not.

Don't look at her unhappy face now.


I don't know how to be proud.

To this.

Lynn was naturally quite speechless.

Yukino Yukino threw out this nomination certificate, which means that in the future, she intends to use Xiaolan and Yuanzi as the head of the horse?

Always felt……

It doesn't seem to be that simple.

never mind.

Thinking about these now, I can't get a good answer.

Then let's see what she intends to do.

Anyway, Lynn didn't really think that Xuexiaxue was really the kind of girl who was willing to stay down and be a small girl.

Accompanied by the afternoon class bell rang.

After the lunch break, everyone was greeted with two courses in the afternoon.

Wait until the teacher announces the end of the class.

According to the previous agreement, Lin also brought Xiaolan and Yuanzi to the Ministry of Service, ready to see what the thorny commission was in the other side.

"This time the client is a fan game club that has just been formed."

"To be precise, the other party cannot be called a club because there are not enough members and it has not been approved by the student union, so it can only be regarded as a club at present."

"The content of the other party's entrustment is that the Ministry of Service can provide assistance for their community's self-developed fan games."

"If the opponent's game can be officially completed and sold successfully, certain results will be obtained."

"The student union will relax the review and officially recognize their club."

In the Ministry of Service.

Yukino Yukoshita briefly explained the contents of this commission to everyone.

What should I say.

Obviously not long ago, the Ministry of Service was still on the verge of abandoning the Ministry.

As a result, I received a commission, which turned out to be to help a fellow club be recognized by the community.

This feeling... is too subtle, right?

But let's not complain about it yet.

After hearing the goal of the fangame club from Yukino, Lynn expressed his opinion.

"As far as I know, if you want to develop a game by yourself, it shouldn't be that simple."

"First of all, the funding issue is a major difficulty in controlling game development."

"As a club, the student union will definitely not issue club funds."

"Are the other parties going to pay for their own games? Can they afford the funding?"

"Also... Since the other party is preparing to develop and make games independently, even five people can't get it together."

"I really can't think of how they can make the game when there is a shortage of personnel."

"Even if you add the Ministry of Service, you can't do it at all, right?"

"After all, all of us here have no experience in making games."

If you want to make a game, it is not a simple matter.

In particular, the other party also wants to make scores in this game and get the recognition of the student union.

Naturally it is even more difficult.

At least in Lynn's view.

This commission is extremely unreliable.

"Um... Master Lynn is right."

"This is really a big problem."

"However, at present, the Ministry of Service also has to deal with the review of the Student Union. Only when this level of commission is completed can it be recognized."

"So even if it's difficult, we have to try hard."

In the face of Lynn's objections, Xuexiaxuenao did not oppose it.

But how can it be.

The current situation in the Ministry of Service is obvious to all, and there are not many choices left for everyone.

So even if the chance is not great, she must take a gamble.


"Before completing the commission, we must also focus on reviewing whether the other party is really capable of accomplishing this goal."

"If you really can't do it..."

"We can only give up this commission."

Xuexiaxue chose to take a gamble, but he was not the head, and he didn't hit Nanshan and didn't look back.

So at this moment, she also left room for herself.

After all, there is not really only this commission in the school, and it is a big deal to choose a new challenge.

"You know it, I'm relieved."

Seeing Xuexiaxuno's attitude, Lin also nodded.

The other party didn't get into the horns, which is naturally the best.

That being the case.

"Okay, the introduction is almost done, let's go and see if the other party has the value of being helped by us."

With the finalization of this commissioned plan.

Xuexiaxuena took the lead. After leaving the ministry, the group came to the unmanned classroom agreed with the client to meet.

no way.

After all, it's only at the club level, and I can't even apply for the activity classroom.

If you want to meet, there is only this place to choose.

Opened the classroom door with a crash.

After Lin En and his party entered, they found that the client inside had arrived early.

There are three people, two women and one man.

The two girls are sitting in different positions, far apart, and they don't seem to be familiar with each other.

The only boy is walking back and forth around the desk.

Seeing that the door of the classroom was opened, he immediately showed an excited expression, and rushed to the door in three steps and two steps--

"Everyone is a member of the Ministry of Service, right?"

"I have been waiting for everyone for a long time!"

"I am An Yilun from Class A in 2nd year, so please give me your advice!"

Accompanied by a ninety degree bow.

Wearing black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, he was as unremarkable as Lin En, and at first glance was a boy with a strong otaku attribute, and he completed his self-introduction.

What should I say.

As early as after meeting Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, Lynn knew that An Yilun, the original heroine of the passerby heroine, must also be in Didan High School.

It's just that he doesn't have any interest in this guy, so naturally he has never seen him.

I didn't expect it.

Actually will meet on this occasion.

In fact, it is no wonder.

The fan game club independently develops and produces fan games.

It is indeed the main storyline of the passerby heroine.

In this way.

It doesn't seem to be surprising to see each other here.


Now that there is An Yilun.

The identities of the two girls who were in the same classroom with him were clearly revealed.

The one with an unhappy face, as if someone owed her millions of blond double ponytails, she was undoubtedly the defeated dog Ying Lili.

As for another short-haired girl with a pure appearance but extremely lack of presence.

Sage Hui?

Take a closer look, she is indeed a beautiful girl.

I just don’t see the senior sister Kasugaoka Shiyu...

Well, it's normal not to see the senior sister present.

Who told Lynn to cut off the senior sister long ago.

The crisis of "Love Metronome" was lifted. Without An Yilun's performance opportunity, the senior sister naturally did not have any intersection with him.

all in all!

"Hello, classmate An Yi."

"I am Xuexia from the Ministry of Service."

"It's you who issued a request to the Ministry of Service, right?"

An Yilun was also face to face, Xuexiaxuenai nodded slightly, and reconfirmed the identity of the other party.

Hear this question.

An Yilun also had a touch of excitement on her face.

"Yes, it's me!"

"In fact, I really need help from the Ministry of Service now!"

Seeing An Yilun's appearance, he should have a lot to say.

But it is a pity.

He was only halfway through his words, but was directly interrupted by Xuexia Xueno on the opposite side.

"It is enough to confirm the identity."

"Anyi classmate."

"According to the content of your commission, your fan club is currently planning to make an independently developed fan game."

"As the president of the Ministry of Service, I am willing to help you within my abilities."

"But before completing the commission, please introduce the production plan of this fan game and the distribution of personnel to make this game."


"Your, it should be said that it is your club. There are only three people at the moment."

"I don't know what kind of abilities you three members have, but I need to explain in advance that none of our members of the Ministry of Service have any experience in making games, so in this area, we can provide limited help."

Xuexia Xuenao's opening also put the ugly words on the front.

In order to complete the commission, she is willing to learn the related process of game production.

But she also knew that she was a complete novice in this regard, and the other members of the ministry were basically novices who made games.

under these circumstances.

Whether or not this game can be successfully produced depends on An Yilun's community... Oh no, it should be the members of the club, what kind of talents and upper limits they have.

So at this moment.

An Yilun's answer is very important.

If the other party's answer does not satisfy Xuexiaxue.

Then she turned around and left, it is not impossible!

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