CH 3

Name:I Snatched The Duke Author:
“I will go out. Please speak comfortably.”


There was silence until the moment the deputy, Iadis, left.

“Are you surprised?”

After looking at each other for about three seconds, Mihalis was the first to initiate conversation.


Eliana widened her eyes acting as if she didn’t know anything.

“My father passed away a month and a half ago.”

“What do you…”

Because it would be strange if she were to know about private affairs. Eliana tried her best to look uneasy.

“I am now the head of the Duchy of Atcher.”

Mihalis, who was examining Eliana’s complexion, slowly said.

“The death of the head of the Duchy of Atcher is a military secret, therefore we couldn’t tell you in advance. I ask for your understanding.”

It was a courteous tone without unnecessary details, distant even.

The Duke of Atcher, who was assigned at the southernmost tip of the continent, has been the admiral of the Southern Navy of the Wespera Empire since long ago. He was in charge of keeping the Zaifen Kingdom, an island country located in the East, and the Cantur Kingdom, located in the Southern continent, in check.

“I understand.”

Eliana answered calmly.

She had in fact found out about this via the “Search Function” but only the emperor, some high-ranking nobles, and the duke’s closest vassals would have been privy to the news of the former Duke of Atcher’s death, which was a military secret.

“Are you feeling well? I heard that something distressing happened on the way.”

Only then did Mihalis, who took a sip of the iced drink in front of him, started to get to the point.

“Yes… I’m alright now. I apologize for causing you trouble.”

The one who drank the poison was Eliana in the original work, but it was an apology that she could not avoid as long as she was the owner of this body.

“No. The responsibility for causing such a misunderstanding falls on our side. It is not for the lady to apologize.”

It was because of what his father was like. And how he was known in public. Mihalis knew better than anyone.

‘To have to marry him must have been harrowing.’

His thick eyebrows furrowed slightly. It would have been a situation that an ordinary noble lady could not handle.

“By any chance… from the beginning, was the party to the marriage proposal the Young Duke, I mean, from the Duke*?”

[T/N: She just corrects herself using his new title]

Eliana carefully asked the question she had been pondering over all this while.

According to the memories embedded in her body, the marriage proposal that had been sent to the barony only mentioned the title ‘Duke of Atcher’ and the House’s seal, not the signature of ‘Theopa Atcher’, the name of the former duke.

Why did they send a marriage proposal to a barony in the northern countryside that had no fame, wealth, or even a presence?

In addition to that, they only asked for a quick marriage. The ducal family did not even want a dowry. Anyone would have assumed that she was going to become the eighth wife of the old duke, not the heir of the duchy.

“You’re right. It was my marriage proposal from the beginning.”

Mihalis calmly answered Eliana’s question. It was his father’s will, not his, but facts are facts.


‘It was a really pointless death.’

It was marriage with the young duke from the start, but to have her die due to a futile misunderstanding… It was such a terrible setting for Eliana, who was not even mentioned in the original novel.

“Lady Aclera, if you don’t want to, we don’t have to get married.”


What is this?

Eliana, who was slowly easing up at the thought that he was a ‘better man than I was worried about’, was shocked by Mihalis’ words.

“It’s a marriage that was unilaterally arranged.”

Mihalis continued as a response to Eliana’s question.

“Since I have become the head of the family. You no longer have to force yourself to keep this promise.”

This marriage was purely his father’s final stubbornness.

He had already told him that he had no intention of getting married like this… but the engagement was prepared behind his back. Mihalis had no intention of yielding to his father’s tricks.

‘I wasn’t really being forced to get married..?’

Eliana was the only one anxiously suffering from the unexpected development.

‘And you just called me all the way here to break off the engagement?’

This thought occurred to her.

‘Wah, and now, you just want to break up? Are you saying that you’re going to follow the setting of being unmarried until you meet the female lead?’

How much motion sickness did she suffer just to get here? Eliana’s competitive attitude was starting to rise.

“Astonishing. The Duke of Atcher takes the weight of the seal lightly, doesn’t he?”

“I will accept all the dishonor.”


Eliana was momentarily speechless at Mihalis’ determined tone. He was refusing to marry her to the point that he was willing to risk a crack on his family’s prestige.

‘What’s this situation, did I think it was too easy?’

Her hands that were clenched tightly began to sweat.

“Now, this marriage can be called off. We will treat it as my choice to divorce, so you do not need to return any gifts sent by us.”

The items received by the baron as a wedding present. Even in the eyes of Eliana, who has yet to grasp the value of money in this world, it was an excessive amount for alimony from a cancellation of marriage.

In other words, it became a profitable business.

“No. Duke.”

Eliana grabbed the hem of her dress with her slightly wet hands. It might be a profitable business considering that it will benefit her family, but that was for the original Eliana.

“I refuse to break off the engagement.”

It was time to make up her mind. Eliana took a deep breath and answered.

“I want to marry the duke.”


At Eliana’s clear-sounding answer, Mihalis’ eyes, which had been expressionless the whole time, shook slightly.

Didn’t she hate this marriage to the point that she drank poison? Regardless of whether her marriage partner changed to him instead of his father. If she didn’t have to get married after receiving that much gift, it was something she should rather have liked.

“I am the Duke of Atcher. Aren’t you afraid?”

The Atcher dukes were famous for having short-lived duchesses from generation to generation.

Like father, like son. The brutal s*x*al preferences that started from the previous generation’s duke and were passed down to the second generation.

“Why should I be afraid?”

Eliana’s answer was simple. He wasn’t a monster duke, which was often used in novels, nor was he a cursed duke. He was just a p*rv*rt’s son.

It wasn’t the duke’s fault that his father, a p*rv*rt, was born from his grandfather who was also a p*rv*rt. Eliana surmised that she had no reason to be afraid.

‘Ha, I don’t know how that’ll change either.’


Mihalis paused for a moment and stared at Eliana.

‘Are you that fearless?’

It was hard to believe that only a year had passed since she became of age. She looked small, young, and fragile. Like snowflakes that will soon melt.

However, her eyes sparkling like emeralds were full of fresh vitality.

“Life here won’t be as romantic as the young lady thinks.”

Mihalis felt the need to be a little more assertive.

She was still young so she might not know better. It would be right to send her back to the North before she regrets it.

“I like this place.”

It was true.

Eliana liked the scenery here, and was it because of that unreal face? She didn’t particularly dislike the duke who refused to marry her.

“Duke, I have no intention of returning to the North.”

Above all, the most worrisome thing was the baron who sold his daughter to the old duke.

What if we break our engagement here and I go back?

There was a high possibility that the baron, who had collected a large amount of gifts, would call for another marriage partner who would buy his daughter at a high price.

In other words, only the Baron benefits. Eliana will be sold again. Does she really need to risk it?

“It seems peaceful now, but sometimes conflicts arise. It is a more dangerous place than it looks.”

Mihalis, whose face hardened at Eliana’s calm expression, said.

“The little young lady may not know, but this is a strategic point where the Empire, Zaifen Kingdom, and Cantur Kingdom meet, and it is an area where small and large naval battles often break out.

“Yes, but the Duke of Atcher has the best naval power. The last time an enemy country’s army stepped on our land was 32 years ago, right?”

‘Since I couldn’t be persuaded with money, you’re going to scare me?’

Eliana began to bring up what she had learned from her searches prior to her arrival in the duchy.

“The Zaifen Kingdom, which was divided as a result of the defeat, is still struggling to fight a civil war. The military power of the Cantur Kingdom is, well, we need to be a little vigilant, but… it seems like it would be difficult for them to invade right now because their navigation is inferior to that of the empire.”

It was a setting that was not mentioned in detail in the original novel. It was fortunate that she knew the situation in advance.

“That is true…”

His vague scare tactics didn’t work. Mihalis had to choose another way to respond to Eliana who went on without pause as if she had studied beforehand.

“You’re not my type.”

Won’t she still run away? Mihalis said, filled with determination.

“Oh, is that so? The duke isn’t my type either.”

No matter how much of a ‘face stan’* she was, she had a preference.

[T/N: Don’t know how if this has an actual english equivalent but it’s a slang for someone fangirling only because of the person’s face/good looks]

The duke was no doubt handsome but Eliana’s taste was not the decadent handsome duke. It was the male protagonist of this novel, the crown prince with a kind and lovely smile.

In other words, a ‘healing man*’ rather than a ‘decadent man’.

[T/N: Makes you feel refreshed.]

“Lady Aclera, I’ll be honest with you. I am not interested in marriage.”

Mihalis was taken aback by Eliana’s answer for a moment, but responded regardless.

That filthy preference should no longer be passed down to the third generation. To prevent that, Mihalis chose to remain ‘unmarried’.

“I will never be interested in you. If I push ahead with this marriage, the young lady will be unhappy.”

If the marriage proceeded at this rate, the young lady was destined to face a simple life.

‘I never thought I’d be revealing this much about myself.’

Things didn’t turn out the way he thought, and Mihalis felt a little uneasy.

“Oh, that’s great.”

“It’s great?”

“It’s my dream. A platonic marriage.”

For  Eliana, this was a world she can leave at any time, as long as the system is restored and she can log out. If the groom was not interested in his wife, then it was a rather good thing.

“I think we’ll get along really well.”

Contrary to Mihalis’ expectations, Eliana’s expression became brighter—she was beaming.

‘Did she just say ‘we’?

Mihalis’ thoughts stopped for a moment as if he had been momentarily broken by an unfamiliar combination of words.

“What kind of…”

“Duke, let’s get married.”

Mihalis Atcher, 27 years old. SSB. He accepted a proposal he intended to break