141 Reading books gives you more experience! 141

Jong-seok was reviewing Heo Yul's paper materials. It was the last task of Heo Yul to find the necessary contents for his thesis by looking at Donguibogam and various other bills.

"Ah! Bored!"

Jong-seok sighed at the sound from the side and looked back. In the back, Hwang Hee-jin was lying on the sofa and looking at his cell phone.

"If you're bored, please help me.”

"You said it was faster to do it alone..."

"That's true, but... It's because I don't want to see you roll around alone."

"Hold me a break. My brother will be a senior in the department from next year. You know what Bourne and his senior year are like, right? It is the senior year that one does not live or breathe even when you breathe. Let's just breathe a little now."

"You didn't say that last year either. Do you know how hard it is to be in the third grade? Let's breathe now. Do you know you're doing exactly the same?"

"Now that I think about it, last year was such a good year. The older members prepared for the thesis and I could just run errands next to him. But when I became a third grader... It's definitely different. The fire in the children's eyes is no joke. Fierce competition begins."

When Hwang Hee-jin said, Jong-seok looked at him and said,

"But he's amazing. I don't even see when I study, but I get good grades."

"It's only the sewage that studies where you can see it. I'm just quietly trying out of sight."

When Hwang Hee-jin said, Jong-seok nodded as he looked at him. Whether true or not, Hwang's performance was good.

It's not a top, but it's always enough to get scholarships.

The door opened when we talked about this and that.

All of a sudden!

"Brother, I'm here!"

A familiar voice came with the sound of the door opening. It was Kim Young-woo who opened the door and came in.

"Oh! Young-woo, are you here?"

Hwang Hee-jin welcomed Kim Young-woo in.

"You must have been bored without me."

"Are you done with your work?"

"I had about 30 minutes to go back to the laundry and came to play."

"Yes, then shall we play a game of chess?"

"Of course."

At Kim Young-woo's words, Hwang Hee-jin smiled and began laying down a chessboard at the table.

Jong-seok sighed as he looked at the two men who were laying down their organs excitedly.

'You two have a good chemistry.’

Kim Young-woo, who was discharged from the military, found a part-time job and Jong-seok introduced him to the licensed doctor.

Doing this and that, such as doing laundry and hanging out with patients.

It was a much better part-time job than convenience stores or other part-time jobs because they also bought private insurance while paying 1,000 won more than the minimum hourly wage.

Besides, when you have nothing to do, you can come to Jongseok like this.

But these days, instead of playing with Jong-seok, he has more to play with Hwang Hee-jin.

Just as Jong-seok thought of Hwang Hee-jin as a healthy Kim Young-woo when he first saw her, the two of them went to clubs and went on blind dates together well.

Jong-seok, who was watching two players playing chess, looked back at the books.

Jong-seok saw the medical book and first graders came in when Hwang Hee-jin and Kim Young-woo played chess.

Jong-seok said he saw first graders sitting in chairs with tired faces.

"Have you got a lot of medicine?”

"I think I've got about 500 kilos."

"A lot of people have come in.”

On the day when medicines come in, first-year students work to classify them according to their right and type.

Rather than making them work, it was an education that made them familiar with medicine.

The medicines classified by first-year students were later checked by drug store workers, so in a way, they were more likely to a certain extent.

But for students, it was hard work. When you come up, you have to take a look at all the medicines that are already sealed and divide them into grades.

"Studying Chinese characters."

At Jong-seok's words, the students sighed and began to take out their medical books.

If you look at the will to study Chinese characters and learn them, you will learn medicine.

Jong-seok, who was watching the students transcribing Chinese characters in the medical books, stood up and massaged them on their shoulders.

"You all know I'm telling you to do well, right?”

"Yes! I love it there. Ahhhhhh!"

The student groaned at Jong-seok's touch. Jong-seok frowned at him, hit the head with a punch, and then massaged again.

"Don't groan. It's like a pervert."


The student enjoyed the massage with his mouth closed at Jong-seok's words. Among the students, Jongseok's massage was famous.

The massage of Jongseok relieves fatigue and gives vitality. Moreover, if you study after getting a massage, you will be able to get it right in your head.

As the amount of blood flow is pumped to the head while massaging, the brain turns faster than usual.

"Doctor is the business of dealing with a man's life, and if you misjudge one, one's life is in danger. So when you learn one thing, you have to remember it for sure. You can know what you don't know, but what you're wrong with hurts people's lives."

"Yes... yes! That's great."

"Don't groan."

"I'm sorry."

Anyway, I sat down again after giving a massage to my juniors.

Then, when Jong-seok read the book again, Kim Young-woo, who had finished his organs, rose up.

"Then I'm going."

"Are you winning?”

"Or would you like to go hang out the laundry with me?”

"Yum! There you go. Don't forget your appointment later in the evening."

"How can I forget the promise of loyalty between men?"

Then Kim Young-woo said to Jong-seok.

"I'm going to the club later in the evening and you're coming with me."

Jong-seok shook his head when he glanced at his juniors who were listening to the word club.

"I don't like noisy places very much."

"Music is supposed to be loud. Let's go together. Dance, watch women, listen to music."

"Of those three, all I like is alcohol."

It was alcohol that Jong-seok unexpectedly liked. When you drink alcohol, you feel a little excited.

Besides, I don't have a hangover even though I drink a lot, probably because of my work.

"Then you drink and we'll do something else."

"It's done."

Jong-seok, who was saying, took out his cell phone. The cell phone set on vibrate started to ring.


Jong-seok picked up the phone in a hurry at one phone call by Heo Yul.


Heejin, why isn't his phone working?

Jong-seok gave Hwang Hee-jin a wink at Heo Yul's words. Then Hwang Hee-jin began searching all over the sofa.

And my face turned white when I took out the cell phone in the corner of the sofa.

There are three missed calls from Heo Yul. When Hwang Hee-jin showed him his cell phone, Jong-seok said.

"Hee-jin must have left his cell phone in the bathroom for a while."

Hwang Hee-jin swept his chest with a sigh of relief at Jong-seok's words.

When Heejin comes, tell her to prepare for the Busan conference. I'm going this evening and coming on Sunday.


Jong-seok, who hung up on it, looked at Hwang Hee-jin.

"What does the professor say?”

"Prepare for the Busan conference today. I heard it's a two-night, three-day schedule.”

"What? What kind of conference is this all of a sudden?"

"I don't know that."

"No, I have an important appointment tomorrow. What do I do? What do I do?”

Jong-seok smiled at Hwang Hee-jin, who was tearing his hair out as if embarrassed.

"What's wrong with you tomorrow?"

"I'm having lunch with a girl I met at the club yesterday.”

I wondered how great an appointment was, and it seemed like he had a date.

Looking at Hwang Hee-jin, Jong-seok shook his head and said,

"It's two nights and three days. Go home and get your stuff."

Hwang Hee-jin grabbed him by the shoulder at Jong-seok's horse.

"Oh no!"

"You can tell me that..."

"Oh no!"

At the desperate voice of Hwang Hee-jin, Jong-seok looked at him and whispered.

"Shall I come instead?"

It didn't matter if he went. Since I haven't done anything on the weekend and have never been to an academic conference, I have new experiences.

"Oh... I will. If you really want, let's do it. I'll talk to the professor."

With a smile, Hwang Hee-jin took out the phone and called Heo Yul.

"Professor, this is Heejin. Yes, I heard about it. Jongseok said he's never been to an academic conference, so he asked if he could go once. So thinking about it, Jongseok will be in the third grade in a few months, and I think it would be good for Jongseok to take this opportunity to go instead... Yes? Yes? Oh... that's... Yes. Yes. Yes, sir."

Hwang Hee-jin hung up and sighed and lay down on the sofa.

"What are you saying?"

"Together... Attending the conference."

Contrary to Hwang's wishes, Heo Yul said he would take both of them together.

"Then go get your stuff."

"Stay with your cheap luggage when you went to the conference before. You can take it with you.”

Hwang Hee-jin stood up and picked up a bag on one side of the lab.

"Is the laundry done?”


Hwang Hee-jin, who put her bag on the sofa with a sullen face, looked at Jong-seok.

"What about your luggage?"

"I have clothes at my grandmother's house, so I just need to pack them."

"Make sure you wear something as neat as you can."


After organizing the materials that Jong-seok was looking at, he went upstairs.

When I entered the six-story house, Im Ae-hee was already packing clothes for Jong-seok in her bag.

"I was taking care of some things in advance because you said you were going to the conference.”

"I can do it.”

"No, but Jong-seok is already old enough to go to the conference."

Grandmother put the clothes of Jong-seok in her bag and stroked it with her hand.

"The first time I saw my grandmother was during the summer vacation of my senior year. It's already been over four years."

"I see."

The grandmother, who was fiddling with her clothes as if time was going really fast, sighed and held out her bag.

“And if you go of industry and scholars with adults are you good to act.”

"Of course."

"Then take care."

Jong-seok, who nodded at Lim Ae-hee's words, suddenly asked.

"But why aren't you traveling these days?"

"I feel a little heavy and drowsy these days."

Jong-seok stole her hand at Lim Ae-hee's words. When Lim Ae-hee smiled and gave her hand to him, Jong-seok tilted his head for a while.

"You're in high spirits and you're in good shape."

"That's what our old man said."

"I guess it's because the cold wind is starting to blow and I feel restless. At times like this, it's better to go somewhere nice and get some fresh air and eat good food. Go get some fresh air in the suburbs with your grandfather."

Lim Ae-hee smiled and nodded at Jong-seok's words and took out a 50,000 won sheet from her pocket.

"Fish cake is delicious in Busan.Plus, buy something delicious with this.”

"I have that money... Thank you for giving it."

Jong-seok smiled and took the money and put it in his pocket. You might say I'm rude, but Jong-seok doesn't have money.

There is something called pleasure in giving.

Jong-seok, who had a light slap on Lim Ae-hee's body, soon left home at Heo Yul's phone call.


Jong-seok on the KTX was reading data from Heo Yul. It is to get familiar with the papers and materials that will be presented at the Busan conference tomorrow.

Looking at Heo Yul's paper, Jong-seok was able to see why he suddenly had a conference schedule.

'Application of the pharmacology to brain tumors....'

The acupuncture needles were used to inject ingredients extracted from Chinese medicine directly through acupuncture.

This is an unfamiliar treatment that is not even experienced by a crazy lawmaker, and this time, the results of a research experiment at an oriental medical school in Busan came from a laboratory mouse and this time it will be announced at a conference.

That's why Heo Yul made a quick schedule and started. It is a paper related to Lim Ae-hee's brain tumor.

'An anti-cancer substance is administered directly through acupuncture and thin injection. The key is to make sure your brain doesn't get damaged.’

He was a little unfamiliar to Jong-seok because he did not use a medicine needle in his clinic.

The pill is not covered by insurance, which increases the burden on patients.

Anyway, Jong-seok, who was thinking like that, woke up when Heo Yul stroked his neck.

"Do you want me to get you some water for you?"

"Coffee, please."

"Let me come with you."

At Heo Yul's words, Hwang Hee-jin stood up together.


When Hwang Hee-jin and Huh Yul went to the back of the train, there was a snack bar. Hwang Hee-jin sat on a chair when Jong-seok, who bought a simple snack and a drink at the snack bar, put it in a bag.

"I bought it all. Let's go."

"Let's get some rest. I'm dying to sit in front of the professor and go... ...in front of him."

Jong-seok nodded at Hwang Hee-jin and sat next to him.

"I'll be there in five minutes."

"Let's do it."

When I looked out of the window with a smile, the broadcast began to come from the car.

"Lee Jong-seok and Hwang Hee-jin, students of Kyungwha University's oriental medical school, please come to train number 3."

Jong-seok looked at Hwang Hee-jin with a puzzled look on his face when he suddenly heard the broadcast, and hurried to train car No. 3.

Is that what the professor calls you?’

Thinking that way, Jong-seok, who was heading to train No. 3, looked where he was.

The seat on the fifth compartment was empty.

I'm sure you're calling me. But what's going on?'

an end

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