Chapter 1. Strange World

Episode 8

“I’m fine.”


Ignoring Tatiana, who made a louder noise, I looked at the ladies.

“The breakup of the marriage is in progress, and it is true that His Majesty Emperor and I have good feelings for each other.”

At my remarks, the boutique became silent.

“Is this enough to explain? If possible, I hope you spread the right rumors.”

As I watched the bewildered faces of their faces burning hot, I purposely smiled brightly.

Was it because Tatiana, who she believed I was on the same side as her, had heard the same thing?

They apologized to me and left.

When the interior was cleared, I turned to Tatiana.

“Thank you for your help, Duchess.”

“As a friend, of course.”

She brazenly called me her friend.

I ignored her words and lightly bowed my head to say goodbye to her.

“Then, have a good shopping trip.”

I thought it would be better to do the preliminary research next time.

Being in the same room with Tatiana was neither good for her nor for me.

I didn’t want to leave any more rumors that could be bitten by hyenas. Especially in moments that are getting attention like now.

“Wait, Karin.”

Someone blocked my way.

Daniel Malphyrion.

One of the male leads that Tatiana wore as an accessory.

In fact, after marriage, Tatiana had a clean slate.

She ended her glamorous relationships and broke all promises to them.

It made Raymond and Wilhelm hover around her like a horned dog.

Thinking back, it was understandable why Wilhelm had his eyes turned over to become a paramour.

Tatiana, whom he had never contacted before, approached him first, so he must have missed every chance. But there was one person who was excluded from such a situation.

It was Daniel.

It was all thanks to the good guise of being childhood friends.

“Tatiana is asking. I know you’re angry, but you haven’t known her for a year or two, so do you have to say it like that?”

Daniel, a friendly man, had always been like this.

I just have to be patient…

“I’m sorry, but I’m busy right now.”

I didn’t want to tell a boring story.

I ignored him and tried to turn my body away, but Tatiana grabbed my hand.

I looked down and saw the bracelet I had seen a few days ago on a small, pretty hand.

“Karin, please.”

Tatiana looked like she was about to cry.

The gaze around us became sharper.

‘It’s difficult if it’s like this every time.’

It was necessary to draw a line between Tatiana and I. I slowly nodded my head and walked out.


We moved and sat in a private room in a small cafe not far from the boutique.

Tatiana, who was always confident even after taking away my lovers, was somehow embarrassed by me.

Rumors about her affairs were surreptitiously circulating, she said.

Of course, my mood improved the other way around.

“What do you mean you want to do differently?”

Tatiana asked me as she fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist.

“Are you really with His Majesty?”

This was all she asked as she acted like she was about to die earlier?

It was absurd, so I was deliberately sarcastic.

“Hmm. Why are you curious about that?”

“That’s…he’s also my first love.”

“Oh, he was? His Majesty was your first love?”

It was a fact I already knew, but I deliberately pretended not to know.

“Ugh. So Karin is meeting His Majesty…”

“Why? Does it feel strange to have something stolen every time?”

Tatiana’s face hardened at my words.

With her almost crying face she mumbled.

“Are you doing this for Will? He said that it was a misunderstanding.”

At her words, I leaned back on the backrest and smiled.

“It’s not all Sir Wilhelm’s fault. But, it’s true that he opened my eyes.”

“I thought when Will gets married, we’d be friends like before. We were originally friends.”

“Titi, the world calls it field management.”

I said as I watched her fidgeting with the glass beads on her bracelet as her habit.

At my words, she bit her lip. Tatiana’s silence made me feel a little better.

In the strange silence, I picked up my teacup.

Seeing her different from usual, I wanted to stimulate Tatiana a little more.

“You have nothing to do with the relationship between Aster and me, Titi.”

“Aster? Are you and His Majesty calling each other’s names?”

“Ah, sorry. I was supposed to say it only when the two of us were alone, but it became a habit.”

So I deliberately scratched her inside.

As her beautiful face was distorted, I could even feel the thrill.

It made me wonder if I was such a bad person.

“So, are you meeting His Majesty to get revenge on me?”

“Well. We’re not close enough to talk about that, are we?”

“I thought we were friends, Karin.”

“Sorry. I never thought of you as my friend.”

At my words, Tatiana roughly removed the bracelet from her wrist and placed it down on the table with a clattering sound.

I was worried that the bracelet she had been cherishing so much had been broken.

Then she looked at me and muttered in a surprisingly cold tone.

“We’re not friends… Since when?”

“Since Daniel broke his engagement with me and you showed up with an innocent face.”

At my words, Tatiana bit her lip. Her thin skin ripped open and a little bit of blood oozed out.

It wasn’t funny either.

How many times did she take my lovers away from me, and react like this only when I’m dating her first love from the past?

“Karin, Titi didn’t mean to. Sir Wilhelm has his own way…”

Finally, Daniel, who was watching from behind, stepped forward.

I smiled and said to Daniel.

“Shut up, Daniel. Wilhelm and you are the same.”

Daniel bit his mouth as if he remembered his mistakes in the past.

She couldn’t stand it any longer, so Tatiana jumped up from her seat and ran out of the shop. Read only at pm tl.

I said to Tatiana’s back.

“Then I wish you a pleasant shopping experience.”

Daniel, who was trying to chase her after her, looked at me and murmured.

“You’re so mean, Karin. You two are friends. You could look after her once in a while!”

“Why me? I said I’m not friends with her.”

For a moment, a light of contempt flashed in Daniel’s eyes.

As if he didn’t even remember what he had done, he was stunned.

“And, once? since when did the Duke become an idiot who can’t even count?”

“It’s not all Tatiana’s fault.”

“So. You mean it’s all my fault?”

I frowned and said to Daniel.

“No, I mean…”

“Maybe there was a problem with my selection of stupid men.”

Daniel, who was referred to as the stupid man, was surprised.

I remembered the first betrayal I thought I had forgotten.

My first fiance, Daniel, whom I believed was good, was a cowardly man.

“The person who was shaken by meeting another woman without me knowingly maintained his dignity. He didn’t care about how I was and he was only concerned about Tatiana being swept up in a scandal.”


“I am the one who has been hurt the most. It was just a bunch of trashy guys she took away from me, so I think I should thank Tatiana.”

It was all Daniel’s actions.

He cared more for Tatiana than for me after the breakup.

The three of us were close friends, so he was worried that Tatiana might be involved in a scandal.

In the end, rumors circulated that I was obsessed with the sweet Daniel so much that I only lost my reputation.

“Isn’t that right, Daniel?”

Daniel’s face turned white as he remembered the past.

Still, he didn’t drive me down with nonsense as if he still had some conscience.

He didn’t even say goodbye to me and just ran out.

“Shameless people!”

When the two left, Lily shouted. In her hand was a wooden tray.

“If Duke Malphyrion had said one more word, I would have slapped his head.”

“After all, there is only Lily on my side.”

Lilly groaned, squeezing her hands into fists over and over again.

“It’s really ugly. Why is she doing that in front of us?”

Lily scolded Tatiana crying outside the window and Daniel comforting her like that.

“I love it so much, I can’t help it.”

“Ugh, I’m glad you didn’t marry a man like that.”

At Lily’s words, I smiled and took a sip of the cooled tea.

Over the teacup, I could see the bracelet Tatiana had left on the table. At one time, it was a gift from him, and a symbol of friendship.

I picked up the bracelet, which had become shiny.

Just in case, I lifted the bracelet and shone it under the sunlight.

‘After all, I can’t see anything.’

Was it an illusion?

At that moment, something was seen over Daniel’s head, comforting Tatiana who was crying through the window.

Bars and numbers that look like in-game favor marks.

“Is this… What?”

And every time Tatiana cried and said something, her liking was gradually increasing.