Chapter 3. Rule Breaker

Episode 19

Before I could even say a word, she hung on my clothes with a desperate look on her face.

Recognizing the unusual condition, I patted her and asked.

“What happened?”

“There was a fire in her shop, and no matter how much water was sprayed on it, it didn’t go out.”

The child who had said that sat down in a seat crying profusely.

I thought that it might not be an ordinary fire because it was a fire that did not go out even if it was sprayed with water.

“Here. I’ll help you.”

Once I calmed the child down, I called the butler.

“Go get the servants and a carriage and send them to Nivea’s boutique on Berris Street. Bring some tools to put out the fire.”

“Yes, Miss.”

“As soon as possible.”

I called a maid.

And when I saw the carriage they were riding in, I called Lily.

“Lily, go to the Wizards’ Association, tell them my mother’s name, and tell her to send a wizard to the scene.”


“It’s very important, and I’m sending you because I trust you. Can you do it?”

Lily, who could not easily answer my concerns, nodded her head with an uneasy face.

I got on the horse, making sure she got into her carriage, and left.

I rode to Berris Street, and at the end, I found Nivea’s store that was blazing.

“Fire? Haven’t you gotten rid of it yet?”

One of the servants answered my question, drenched in sweat.

“Miss, I don’t think that’s an ordinary fire!”

“What do you mean?”

“No matter how much water is poured, the fire does not go out. Look.”

Saying so, he poured a bucket of water to one side. The fire, which should have been extinguished even for a moment, was still burning vigorously.

It was no ordinary fire.

‘It’s magic. It’s a fire caused by magic.’

The reason was unknown, but it seemed intuitively that Tatiana was involved in this. Read only at pm tl.

If not her, who would set fire to this ruined shop!

“No! Miss, please save my mother.”

“Lela. Wait at the mansion. How did you get here?!”

“My mother is in there. She came back looking for her recipe book.”

Crying profusely, Lela clung to me.

I looked at the store on fire once more. If I had delayed further, I didn’t know that Nivea would be in danger.

‘Magic can only be protected by magic. Even if it is a small amount, if you can control your magic power perfectly, no archmage will be able to threaten you.’

Unfortunately, I did not have as much magical power as my mother, who is an archmage.

Instead, I had good control, and my mother tenaciously taught me.

She said that the morning time had the most pure magic, and I even trained for two hours every morning.

Thanks to that, I was able to succeed in creating the desired type of magic within a short period of time.

However, it was the first time it was used in practice.

‘Can I do well?’

I looked down at my bracelet.

No, I have to.

Because I’m the only one who can use magic here.

I remembered the magic trick that my mother had taught me.

‘I have to think of the exact shape I want.’

Imagine a thin film over the skin.

The magical powers contained in the bracelet slowly began to move according to my imagination.

“Whoa. Did it happen…?”

I gently put my hand into the fire. Fortunately, it didn’t feel hot.

I stood for a moment and took a deep breath.

No matter how much magical power I use, I can’t feel the heat, but it took courage to jump into the fire.

‘Maybe it’s my fault that things got this far.’

If I had been quiet, this might not have happened.

I was the one who had to deal with her since I brought her into a private revenge.

I took the bucket of a passing servant and filled it with water.

I got wet from head to toe in ice-cold water.

“If you stay here and the wizard comes, tell them I’m inside.”


Having told Lela firmly, I jumped into the flames.

As I opened the half-broken door and went inside, I felt the heat.

The boutique that contained Nivea’s sincerity was engulfed in flames.

As I remembered that figure, my heart ached.

The perfumes neatly laid out on the shelves were shattered.

Even the perfume was not likely to catch fire easily.

I looked down at the floor and went inside.

“Nivea, where are you?!”

Fortunately, unlike the fiercely burning outer wall, the fire inside was not large.

Passing through an old but well maintained display case, I entered the store where Nivea came from.

I saw her, who had fallen to the floor, clutching a book tightly in her arms.


As I took a step inside, I saw the shadow of another person next to her.

The only relaxed man among the flickering red flames.


He was a wizard.

As if enjoying this situation, he was looking down at Nivea with his legs crossed in the air with an elegant smile.

I had an idea.

In magic, the amount of magical power was important, but controlling it was also important.

You had to be a fairly high-level wizard to make a fire like this without damaging the store next door.

And among those wizards, there was only one person who had a relationship with Tatiana.

Still, he’s one of the male protagonists, and I wanted to do it like this, but…

“You went as far as you could go”

Raymond smiled broadly at my angry words. There was a clear affinity over his head because I was wearing the bracelet.

Surprisingly, he was a little higher than Wilhelm.

Now that I came to know it, it was a useless good feeling.

“Nivea, come this way.”

“Hah? Yes. Yes!”

Nivea, who was crouching her body on the floor, came to my side, hesitantly at my call.

“Thank you for your help, princess. I didn’t think you’d come…”

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

At my question, she shook her head.

She seemingly did not appear to have been hurt anywhere. She also had her recipe book intact.

“Oh my. I didn’t expect the future queen to show up. Do you want to die?”

Seeing Raymond speaking sarcastically, I laughed.

It was exactly the same as Tatiana’s in not understanding the subject at all.

“Don’t worry about me. You should worry about yourself. If you leave here, I will accuse you immediately.”

“Me? For what?”

“For arson!”

“Arson, what are you talking about, Kari?”

Raymond ruffled his pale pink hair and hung it around his ear.

Then he asked me with a refreshing laugh.

“With what evidence?”


“Do you have any proof that I started this fire?”

“Then why are you here?”

Raymond leaned over to my question.

“Hey, I’m here to save that poor woman. Nivea.”


“There was a fire on the way, so I came to take a look, and that woman ran in. So I came to the rescue, and now I’m treated like an arsonist?”

Raymond fell to the side, putting the back of his hand on his forehead like an actor.

You’re crazy.

Realizing it again, I took Nivea’s hand.

“Then get us out of here right now.”

“Okay. Instead, there are conditions.”


“Then you thought I was a free volunteer? The only free thing I do for the rest of my life is for Titi.”

It was absurd, but I decided to give it a try.

“What do you want?”

“The recipe book.”

Raymond pointed his finger at the object Nivea was holding.

“Give it to me, and I’ll take you both out.”

I really wanted to slap that fluttering mouth. I shouted at him, hiding my hands trembling with anger.

“I don’t need your help, so get out of here right now.”

Raymond laughed like a madman at my cry.

“Ah, I think I know if our sweet future Empress can survive here with just a little bit of magical power.”

I was startled by Raymond’s face approaching right in front of me.

The red flames seemed to be sucked into his eyes.

The hate and anger in those eyes were all directed at me.


“Is magic something so simple?”

The moment his hand touched my body. Something flashed before my eyes.

1.) What’s wrong with you? Get your hands off my body

2.) … (Stay still)

I blankly looked at the options in front of me and the likability above Raymond’s head..

‘Didn’t the bracelet only have one ability?’