Chapter 3. Rule Breaker

Episode 21

When I opened my eyes, I saw a cloudy ceiling.

After blinking a few times, my vision cleared.

‘Uh, my room?’

I tried to get up, but there was no strength.


My voice cracked.

I raised my hand and waved it in the air.

Fortunately, it was only the loss of strength, but there seemed to be no abnormality in moving the body.

“Ah… My neck hurts.”

I wanted to drink water, but I couldn’t get my body up, so what should I do now?

I was contemplating whether I should wait for someone to come in when I heard the sound of a door opening.


“Oh my gosh, Miss!’

There was the sound of something falling with a bang.

When I turned my head, Lily, who looked as if she had gone mad, looked at me and cried profusely.

“Lily, I’m fine. I’m a little thirsty, could you get me some water?”

“Huh! Yes, yes. I’ll give it to you right now.”

Lily ran towards me with a loud bang.

She put a cushion on my back and lifted me up. Finally, a familiar view of the room caught my eyes.

“Here is the water. Raise your hand if you don’t want to drink any more.”

Lily slowly tilted the glass of water.

After I drank the whole cup, I thought I would drink even more.

“Hah. Lily, what day is today?”

“Today? It’s the third day of the first month of summer.”

It has already been 5 days since I collapsed.

When I remembered what my father would say, I was already worried.

“Oh, this isn’t right. I’ll get the Duke here!”

“Wait. Lily!”

Give me time to prepare my heart!

I heard Lily screaming as she ran out of my room without giving me a second to catch her.

“Madam! Duke! The lady is awake.”

Cheers were heard everywhere. It was as if a quiet mansion had awakened at once.

The half-open door opened and my father almost rolled in.

“Kari! Are you really okay?”

“Sure. I’m fine except for having only a little strength in my body.”

When he heard me speak, my father hugged me tightly.

“Why the hell are you making so much trouble!”

“I’m sorry, father.”

“If you think you made a mistake, tell us about this from now on. I don’t want any of this nonsense.”

In my father’s warm arms, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I don’t think I’ll be punished. Read only at pm tl.

“Seeing you worry about getting in trouble, I think it’s worth letting you live a little more now.”


Perhaps my mother had just returned from the tower, she was standing by the door and looking down at me.

My body shuddered involuntarily at her sharp gaze.

She walked in and stroked my hair.

“I was told by Nivea. Thank you for helping my friend.”

I was stunned by my mother’s praise, but my mood was dimmed.

I was happy to know that an ordinary person like me helped someone.

“Is Nivea okay? Is she awake?”

I was worried about Nivea’s well-being. She must have been exposed to fire and smoke much longer than me, so other problems might have arisen.

“Nivea is fine. She woke up before you, now she’s in the hospital.”

“Ah. Thank god.”

When she said she was safe, my heart was relieved.

My mother told me not to worry and she patted me on the back.

After checking for Nivea’s safety, I wondered if the culprit was caught.

“Has the arsonist been caught?”


My mother shook her head and answered.

I did not understand that the culprit had not been caught yet.

“Nivea and I saw Raymond at the scene!”

“Unfortunately, I have not been able to find anyone who matches the magic that caused the fire.”

In other words, Raymond wasn’t the one who started the fire.

If it was a wizard registered in the tower, it would have been possible to check it.

So, someone personally hired by Tatiana started the fire, and Raymond threatened Nivea?

What was the reason for tormenting Nivea by doing that?

“Stop thinking. We’ve done some research, and fortunately Nivea also has insurance, so it won’t be too much trouble to restore the building.”

My father tapped my shoulder and evoked the atmosphere.

“Getting better is the first step.”

When even my mother said so, I could no longer think about Tatiana.

As I leaned back, my father ordered someone to bring food.

“The reason you have no strength in your body was because you haven’t eaten anything for a few days. The doctor said to start with the thin soup when you open your eyes, so you have to eat little by little.”

“Yes. I’ll eat well.”

It was my first time eating food in bed, so it felt a bit awkward.

In addition, the situation was too burdensome now that only a few people, including my parents, Lily, and the butler, were looking at me.

But are you all worried about what I did…

“But what is that?”

After I finished eating the soup and drank the tea after dinner, a huge bouquet of flowers and new plants I had never seen before came into my eyes.

Father and mother looked at each other and were silent for a moment.

“This is from Daniel.”

My mother said, pointing to the wreath made of exotic flowers.

There was a rustic ribbon attached to it, and the paper written “Wishing for Recovery” fluttered shabbily.

And next to it was a plant sent by Marquis Hunt.

How I knew it was because there was an autograph of Marquis Hunt in his signature handwriting on the part of the flowerpot.

“And this is…”

“Did it come from the Duke of Gloucester?”

I was shocked and asked my father.

My father nodded his head with a puzzled expression.

“It was sent in the name of the couple.”

“A couple of crazy kiddies.”

The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester sent a bouquet of flowers made of gold and jewels.

Seeing that the precious object was randomly put in the corner made me laugh for no reason.

‘Raymond doesn’t seem to have sent it out of conscience.’


I looked around to see if there was anything I had not seen.

“Are you looking for what His Majesty sent?”

“What? No, I’m not. I was just wondering who else sent it.”

My father laughed and he lifted me up.


“Hold on tight.”

My father, striding towards the window, bent over and showed me outside.


There were several trees full of white flowers planted in the backyard seen from my room.

“He looked at you for a long time before leaving. He planted the flower trees and raised them with magic. He said he would make it bloom again if you didn’t wake up before the flowers died.”

My father’s words moved my heart.

“The Emperor is the best man you have ever met.”

Suddenly, my mother approached the window and opened it.

The soft scent of flowers and the wind blew through the room.

“I need to write a letter to Aster.”

I wanted to meet him right away.


After sending the letter, Aster informed us of the visit schedule the next day.

It was a letter that said he wanted to run to see me right away, but apologized for not being able to because this year’s defense budget meeting was not over.

Since then, letters have arrived every day.

It didn’t matter that I was lying in bed as I was the patient, but he must have been very busy.  didn’t hate it when he cared so much.

“Tomorrow, His Majesty will finally come.”

At her words, I glanced at her slightly.

“What, as if I was waiting for him?”

“Then you’re not?”

“No, it’s not really like that.”

“Come on, let’s go for a walk before it’s too late.”

Lily and I put on light clothes and went out for a walk.

It was not difficult to move thanks to eating meticulously.

The butler then announced the visit of Nivea to us.

“Ah, please come this way.”

Before long, Nivea appeared.

She had a much stronger impression than when I first met her.

‘Well, after all that happened.’

Anyone other than a saint could only burn with a sense of revenge.

As I walked quickly, she looked at me and bowed her head.

“Thank you for saving my life, Princess.”

“No. I just did what I had to do.”

Nivea clenched her fists and bit her lip.

I waited patiently without urging.

It was probably the first time she has ever been involved in something like this. Maybe she was worried about her daughter’s life too.

I drank the tea and waited for Niveia to speak.

As if she had finally decided on something, she straightened her back.

“I’m sorry, but I will decline the offer you made then.”

“Nivea. Could you think again? You don’t even have to tell me who’s doing this. This is our chance to get revenge together.”

Nivea bit her lip as if resentful at my words.

“I can’t smell anymore.” (tl/n: STOPPPP)

Reminder: pls do not repost ANYWHERE smh

Note: SO! I have stacked up some chapters for this novel, and I decided to do a kofi shop for ppl who are interested in buying advance chaps. How it works is that “bellflower” is the code word for this novel, and the numbers are the chapter numbers. So, 5 bellflowers means 5 chapters. As for advance releases, there’s no set schedule either, but I’ll make sure it’s frequent and always way ahead of regular releases.