Chapter 223: [Xia Meng and Mao Mei]

Chapter 223 【Xia Meng and Mao Mei】

The more and more teams signed the purchase contract, they all lined up to the door, so that people who came later did not know what was going on.

"Man, why do you have to line up to see the house?" a latecomer asked curiously.

"Brother, that's the one who decided to buy a house. They are queuing up to sign the contract! Let alone, I have to line up too!"

Prosperity Palace opened, how few newspaper reporters stayed guard;

When many reporters saw so many people lined up, they were dumbfounded and forgot to collect news.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and collect news materials!" the reporter who reacted first reminded.

"Oh good. Good!"

The reporters were dumbfounded, and the real estate developers who came to observe were also envious and hated.

Why the same installment payment, my company is cold?

Soon, everyone reacted!

"We want to develop a small house and reduce the down payment. Why didn't we think of it!"

"Not necessarily. Many people here are directed at Wu Guangyao. They only believe in what they call the "God of Wealth". This time, he has developed a foreign trade, and instead of developing his own land, he handed it over to Changjiang Industrial. Then sit back and enjoy it."

"Yes! I estimated that earning 2 million won't be a problem for this project, it's really jealous!"

Wu Guangyao, who was on the third floor, also saw the queuing to sign the contract, and he did not increase the manpower.

Because, this is the result I want, so that those who are still hesitating become unhesitating and join the queue.

Standing in front of the window, Wu Guangyao suddenly saw an acquaintance he hadn’t seen for a long time, and that was Xia Meng who became popular this year because of The Forbidden Marriage.

Wu Guangyao suddenly thought of an idea, and then left several shareholders, went downstairs, and walked towards Xia Meng.

"Miss Xia Meng, you also come to buy a house!"

Xia Meng was listening to the sales lady's explanation with her companion, and suddenly a strange and familiar voice came from behind.

"Boss Wu Wu! I'm just here to see" Xia Meng became a bit stuttering, and felt a deep pressure in front of Wu Guangyao.

Maybe it was Wu Guangyao's strong request last time, Yuan Yangan took Xia Meng to photograph jewelry for himself, which caused the little girl to be a little scared!

"Well, if you want to buy a house, just report my name, just say what I said, and give you a half discount!" Wu Guangyao tried his best to make his tone as possible without putting pressure on the little girl.

"Really!" It seems that Xia Meng really wants to buy a house.

At this time, Xia Meng’s companion looked at Wu Guangyao curiously. Unlike Xia Meng’s fear, his eyes were full of curiosity!

"The daughter of Manager Yuan, her name is'Mao Mei'." Xia Meng introduced her companion to Wu Guangyao.

"Hello, Miss Mao. I and Manager Yuan are good friends. Why doesn't Manager Yuan come here today and look down on my little house!" Wu Guangyao joked.

"Our family bought a house, but I can’t afford another set. Today I came to accompany Xia Meng to see the house. But Mr. Wu, you are so stingy. Xia Meng signed Lao Fengxiang as an endorsement for 8 years, so you can use it. 3000 Hong Kong dollars, if you calculate it is less than 400 Hong Kong dollars a year, you have deceived a normal actor." Mao Mei's eyes are sly, and she is not afraid of the most powerful Chinese on Hong Kong Island in front of her.

"Haha, when I signed Miss Xia Meng, she didn't have any works. This is the same as doing business. I made a profit today, but I also lost money!" Wu Guangyao said triumphantly.

3000 Hong Kong dollars to sign a big star for eight years, less than 400 Hong Kong dollars a year, not as much as a worker earns.

If the future generations of traffic stars are known, should they be ashamed?

"Anyway, Xia Meng has suffered a bit, Mr. Wu will be more generous today!" Mei Mei leaned in front of Wu Guangyao and said with a little coquettish tone.

"Miss Mao, don't make Mr. Wu embarrassed!" Xia Meng whispered to Mei Mao.

Wu Guangyao sees that both of them have reached this level, and he is no longer discounted, which is obviously a bit embarrassing;

Furthermore, Wu Guangyao also intends to take advantage of the celebrity effect!

"Okay, then a 10% discount. Our house is sold at a low price. There is almost no profit at this price!"

After chatting a few words, Wu Guangyao separated from the two and came to the reporter of his own newspaper, Oriental Daily.

"Boss!" The reporter greeted quickly.

"Do those two people just now know who it is?" Wu Guangyao said.

"I know, there is a movie actress named Xia Meng who is on fire this year, who is the dream lover of many unmarried boys on Hong Kong Island!"

"Well, let's spread the news that she is also coming to buy a house. We can take advantage of the star effect. Look, even Xia Meng bought a house in "Shengshi Hua Ting". What are you waiting for? Living in Sheng Shi Hua Ting, maybe You can meet the goddess in your heart when you go out!"

"Smart, the boss is too smart!"

Wu Guangyao started chatting with acquaintances downstairs. These people are not here to buy a house, they are all to observe.

"Sundus, what do you think of my trick? Are you HSBC worried that the money will not be returned?" Wu Guangyao said to Sundus, who was looking around.

At this time, Sundars is wondering why others are not selling off-plan properties so popular, but Wu Guangyao is selling off-plan properties and everyone is rushing to buy.

"Mr. Wu, can you explain to me why your house is so good to sell, everyone even queues up to buy it?"

Wu Guangyao smiled and said: "There are too many doorways, but I think the most important one is credibility. Although my credibility is not as good as that of your HSBC, Wu Guangyao is ranked top on Hong Kong Island. The first psychology of those buying houses is that I, Wu Guangyao, will not covet their down payment, so they are equally at ease when the house is illegally built."

Sundus nodded. Banks need credibility. For example, HSBC issued a lot of Hong Kong dollars during World War II. As a result, Dongying occupied Hong Kong Island and destroyed them all.

When people came to pay with deposit slips after the war, HSBC had to admit that these losses amounted to hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, and HSBC had to pay for it.

The reason why Chinese banks have scarce deposits is not because of their lack of credibility. Ordinary people would rather trust the British capital of HSBC than their compatriots, because they still don’t pay enough attention to credibility.

The two chatted for a while, and Wu Guangyao then greeted his acquaintances one by one, and was very busy.

Of course, these things must be socialized. Don't look at other people who are not wealthy, but they also have a place to socialize.

It was busy until the end of the afternoon, and the sales office was still full of people. Wu Guangyao had to order an extra shift!

At this time, many sales voices were already hoarse, Wu Guangyao arranged for staff and cadres to receive, and finally sent away the last wave of people at 8 o'clock in the evening.

This is the statistical data. Today, there are 225 sales offices in total, which is a great success.

The latest three chapters, all revised today, rewritten!

(End of this chapter)