Chapter 425: 【New World Center】

Chapter 425【New World Center】

At the beginning of the new year, Wu Guangyao is working in the office of Global Building;

The phone in the office rang, Wu Guangyao couldn't help frowning;

His thoughts were interrupted, Wu Guangyao showed his unhappiness, who on earth needs to call his office directly!

Wu Guangyao’s office phone, generally only the president of each group company will call in;

If other people find themselves, they need to call the office next door first.

Chris looked at Wu Guangyao, then picked up the phone.

"Hey. Sister! Well, yes! Waiting for you!"

Wu Guangyao stretched his brows when he heard it, no more unhappiness;

Listening to the voice, it should be Lin Yueru. It must be something to find herself at this time.

After waiting for nearly 45 minutes, Lin Yueru knocked on the door and entered.

Wu Guangyao smiled and said, "What are you knocking on?"

Lin Yue looked at Chris and Wu Guangyao playfully, her eyes revealed the signal of ‘what did you say’!

"Sister!" Chris greeted him and said coquettishly.

Lin Yueru patted Chris' hand and said, "I'm kidding!"

At this time, Lin Yueru walked to Wu Guangyao with a newspaper in her hand;

Wu Guangyao got up and gave up the position to Lin Yueru, while Chris went to make coffee.

Lin Yueru was not polite, and directly sat in Wu Guangyao's boss position, while Wu Guangyao sat directly on the desk.

"Look at this news!" Lin Yueru said calmly, unable to see what had happened.

Wu Guangyao picked up "Sing Tao Daily" and looked at what Lin Yueru pointed out.

‘Six or seven culprits are it? ’

Writer of sensational headlines?

Let’s keep reading, a university professor originally wrote that there are a large number of out-of-school young people on Hong Kong Island. These people have nothing to do and are easily deceived. This is a big negative factor in society.

Close the newspaper, Wu Guangyao looked at Lin Yueru and gently said: "What do you want to do, I will support you!"

Lin Yueru heard Wu Guangyao's words and was very moved, got up and came to Wu Guangyao's side.

"I want to donate to a few middle schools so that these half-old children can return to school!"

Wu Guangyao thought after listening to it;

There are three kinds of charities that I have been doing:

First, for the reason that he fled to Hong Kong in 47 years, and out of sympathy, Wu Guangyao has always donated some living supplies to those who come across, so that they will not be hungry and cold. After all, everything is difficult at the beginning. .

Secondly, a large number of employment problems have been solved, and workers' treatment has been improved, which can be regarded as a charity.

Third, donate to the university. Wu Guangyao is the founder, honorary chairman and main donor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

In the three directions, the one that spends the most money and price is of course to resettle some of the ‘refugees’ from the opposite side;

Funding is one aspect. The most important thing is that Wu Guangyao will often go to ‘fishing for people’ and spend a lot of energy;

Those ‘refugees’ who were waiting to be sent back, suddenly one day Goddess of Luck took care of them, and Wu Guangyao’s company directly fished them out of the British army.

Of course, these people are some educated young people, after all, these people are easy to settle.

After a while, Wu Guangyao said: "This kind of thing must have a constitution. You have to have a way to donate to the school, and someone will share your worries for you."

Lin Yueru knew what Wu Guangyao said, so she naturally thought about a countermeasure, and looked at Wu Guangyao eagerly.

Wu Guangyao went on to say: “We’ve already set up a family fund! We will set up another educational charity foundation. Every year, we will allocate a sum of funds from the family fund to the education foundation. At the same time, we will set up a professional team to take care of the education charity. Foundation; in this way, you only need to decide the direction of the donation and monitor the direction of the funds, and it will be a lot easier."

Lin Yueru immediately became happy when she heard it;

The establishment of an education foundation means a large investment and a more professional, of course, the scope of benefits is also wider and the influence is greater.

"Well, listen to you!"

"Well, we don't understand this aspect well. I will leave it to my subordinates to do it first, and strive to be in line with the United States and carry forward this education foundation."

In mid-February, it was reported from Hong Kong and Kowloon that Cheung Kong Holdings and Swire Holdings had reached a deal. Swire Holdings would sell the 230,000-square-foot Blue Chimney to Cheung Kong Holdings for HK$75 million.

Shocked Hong Kong and Kowloon for a while!

This transaction record broke many records in the history of Kowloon real estate!

Highest total price, highest unit price.

As the news ferments, it also injects a booster to the sluggish real estate industry on Hong Kong Island.

Ignoring the disturbances outside, Wu Guangyao took Shi Jun to Hong Kong Governor Dai Linzhi.

Dai Linzhi looked at the blueprint of the "New World Center" published by the Yangtze River Design Institute, and fell into the charm of the Burj Al Arab Hotel.

Putting down the blueprint, Dai Linzhi said: "Mr. Wu is really big! Such an innovative sailing hotel will be world-renowned after it is built, attracting wealthy and celebrities from all over the world to stay."

Wu Guangyao said unceremoniously: “Not only that, once the New World Center is completed, it will contribute to the tourism industry of the entire Hong Kong Island.”

Dai Linzhi nodded and agreed with Wu Guangyao's statement.

Dai Linzhi said: "Then you came to me, must it be to increase the land?"

Wu Guangyao said: "The Governor of Hong Kong clearly sees that if we want to build according to this blueprint, we need 500,000 square feet of land. I personally went to the site to inspect, and there is indeed 270,000 square feet of land around for development. So. I hope that the Hong Kong Government will support this kind of project that is conducive to the development of Hong Kong Island."

Dai Linzhi thought for a moment, and said, “In principle, there is no problem, but for the specific plan, you need to negotiate with the Public Works Bureau.”

Wu Guangyao said: "Then, please say hello to the Governor and the Works Bureau!"

Dai Linzhi nodded and agreed to the request.

Hong Kong Island Public Works Bureau, but a government office with plenty of oil and water;

The biggest oil and water is not this kind of commercial real estate approval, but the public housing built on Hong Kong Island;

Public housing is a project built by the Hong Kong government to benefit the people, and it is also the policy leader of each term of the Hong Kong government;

In the 21st century, the Hong Kong government has become the largest landlord in the world;

Nature, it also breeds a large number of borers;

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Wu Guangyao is not interested in affecting anything.

In the Works Bureau, a group of officials looked at the blueprints sent by Wu Guangyao and joined the discussion.

There were praises and doubts, Wu Guangyao accepted and explained;

The people in the Works Bureau are not outsiders, and their opinions are not aimless, so we can discuss them together.

One week later, the Hong Kong government finally agreed to Cheung Kong's request and allocated 270,000 square feet of commercial land;

Taking good care of the price. Cheung Kong Holdings only needs to pay 50 million Hong Kong dollars, which can be paid in one year!

Of course, Cheung Kong Industrial is also reciprocating, and it has built two public projects-Avenue of Stars and Waterfront Promenade.

So, once the New World Center is developed, the development of Tsim Sha Tsui East will take a higher level.

(End of this chapter)