Chapter 478: [Expansion of Wharf! 】

Chapter 478 [Expansion of Wharf! 】

Wu Guangyao held a board meeting of the Wharf Group, Henry Keswick did not come, and Newwall became the head of the Jardine Department;

Wu Guangyao was not polite at all, and directly announced on the spot that Jardine Matheson would only retain 2 directors, and Wu Guangyao's first line would increase to 5;

Ignored New Bijian’s angry expression, and then dismissed several senior executives from Jardine Matheson on the spot, and all replaced them with the management of the Yangtze River system.

"Chairman Wu, if you do this, it looks too ugly!" New Bijian said in a deep voice.

Wu Guangyao smiled and said, "Mr. Niu Bijian, when Jardine Matheson controlled Wharf, it was this lineup; now my Wu family controls Wharf, why can’t it be this lineup?"

New Bijian said: "Those executives have made great contributions to the development of Wharf Group. A word of yours will determine their destiny. This is very different from your reputation for operating outside."

There is something in New Bijian’s words, which means that Wu Guangyao’s reputation on Hong Kong Island is deliberate management. It can also be said that Wu Guangyao is good at making superficial articles!

Wu Guangyao was still not annoyed after hearing this, and continued to gently say: "I had no intention of dismissing them, but during this period of time, their actions have greatly disappointed me; in less than ten days, the Wharf Group was in chaos. These executives don't want to stabilize the company, and instead form gangs everywhere; do they really intend to stay in the Wharf Group and work with us?"

At this time, in the conference room, these dismissed people were still still there. They looked at Wu Guangyao one after another, but they were all defeated by Wu Guangyao's righteous eyes. These people were described as a guilty conscience.

Wu Guangyao continued: "I did not deny everyone, leaving behind a lot of outstanding ability, and sincerely consider the management of the company; Wharf Group will be an open company, as long as you have the ability and sense of responsibility, naturally Can stay in the original position, and even get a promotion and a salary increase!"

Niubijian finally has nothing to say!

The key point is that at this time, Wharf Wu Guangyao can do everything in his words, and there is no need to discuss anything at Jardine Matheson;

After all,    is a major shareholder who owns 49% of the shares, which is much higher than the shares under the control of Jardine Matheson!

Next, Wu Guangyao re-appointed a group of management, and Shi Jun became the general manager and executive director of Wharf.

After the meeting, Wu Guangyao came to the construction site of Harbour City with a safety helmet to inspect, and Wu Guangyao frowned after a lap;

Shi Jun asked tentatively: "The boss is not satisfied with this construction period?"

Sure enough, they have followed Wu Guangyao for a long time. These ministers can know what the boss wants to express from a small gesture of their boss.

Wu Guangyao said: "Well, do you think if in 1976, the Harbour City can be completed!"

Shi Jun said: “I don’t think about the issue of funds, there is no problem; but now the Wharf Group’s debt is 200 million Hong Kong dollars, and the construction costs of Harbour City are all supported by the rent of the Ocean Terminal and the warehouse, which is already the limit!"

Wu Guangyao naturally knows these truths, otherwise how could Jardine International Limited limit the total period of the third phase of the project to ten years!

Wu Guangyao said: “Then borrow a lot. I don’t want the market value of Wharf to be too high in recent years. Do you know what I mean?”

A ‘indebted’ company, coupled with the stock market crash, is not a good time to privatize the Wharf?

Shi Jun nodded and said, “Well, the construction period of Harbour City is still the third phase, and it will be almost completed at the end of 1976! Let’s increase the construction cost of Harbour City a little bit, and the buildings will be more beautiful!"

Wu Guangyao patted Shi Jun on the shoulder, full of encouragement;

Since the decision to privatize, it is natural to build something beautiful!

And now that we borrow a lot of debts, it happens that we don’t have to pay dividends from stocks all the time, and everyone can repay the debts together.

HSBC, Sandus’ office.

Wu Guangyao leaned back on the sofa and looked at Sandus and said: “It seems that you have the hope of becoming the longest executive class in HSBC!”

Sundars said with a smile: "Probably it will be! At present, there is still hope to hold this position for a few more years. But don't worry, whether it is me in this position or someone else in this position, HSBC is your firm. ally!"

Wu Guangyao nodded when he heard the words, he naturally hoped that HSBC would become his own shield;

For itself, HSBC is more about helping itself withstand the pressure from the UK and the Hong Kong government;

But in terms of the strength of the consortium, several HSBCs are not as good as Wu Guangyao’s consortium.

"Right! Will Shen Bi be your next?"

"Maybe! But no one can be sure of this kind of thing until the last minute."

Since Sundas said it was possible, in fact, Shen Bi has become the next big class trained by HSBC!

In his previous life, Sandus stepped down as the HSBC main class in 1977, and it was Shen Bi who took over!

"You are here this time, aren't you here to inquire about our internal HSBC news?" Sundars quipped.

"Naturally not, the Wharf Group wants to borrow 200 million Hong Kong dollars from HSBC!" Wu Guangyao said.

Sundus did not entangle the financial situation of Wharf, and agreed: "Yes! You rarely get loans from HSBC now, and we will naturally not refuse!"

After the Wharf borrowed 200 million Hong Kong dollars from HSBC, it immediately spent 75 million Hong Kong dollars in cash to obtain 25% of the Hong Kong Tram shares from Wu Guangyao personally;

In addition to the 10% shares originally owned by Wharf, Wharf owns 35% of the shares in Hong Kong Tramways, and has become the absolute majority shareholder of Tramways.

When the transaction between Wharf and Wu Guangyao became public, the people of Hong Kong Island flocked again to speculate on the shares of Hong Kong Tram;

First it was the Dairy Company and then the Wharf Group. Everyone was already familiar with the road. When there was a bit of trouble, they thought that Wu Guangyao was going to use a British company.

Not only that, after the acquisition of Dairy Farm and Wharf Group, the Hang Seng Index has reached 500 points;

Compared with the trough in August 1967, the Hang Seng Index has risen nearly ten times!

One can imagine how prosperous the speculation on Hong Kong Island is at this time.

Wu Guangyao held a board meeting of Hong Kong Tram in the name of a major shareholder.

At the meeting, Tram President Xue Mingli asked first: "Mr. Wu, do you need to explain the motive of Wharf’s acquisition of Hong Kong Tram?"

The Hong Kong Tram Group is a public company with shares and dispersed, so the power is naturally concentrated on the management headed by Xue Mingli, and the power of the board of directors is naturally relatively small.

So, the motive of Wharf to acquire 35% of the shares of Hong Kong Tram is naturally very important to the management of Hong Kong Tram!

Wu Guangyao said with a smile: "Don't worry! The Wharf Group has no intention to take over the Hong Kong Tram Company for the time being. You can continue to serve the people of Hong Kong. As for the motive for the acquisition, it is just a long-term investment project. It will intervene in the specific operation of Hong Kong Tram, but we need to reorganize the board of directors, and we hope that everyone will support you!"

Xue Mingli heard it, and suddenly felt that although Wharf does not participate in the operation of the tram, isn't the reorganization of the board of directors equivalent to a super king on his party?

However, the Wharf Group, as a major shareholder, naturally has the right to do so;

In addition, the management team did not want to wrestle with Wu Guangyao who was in the limelight, so naturally they had to choose to cooperate.

Seeing the cooperation of the management, Wu Guangyao nodded secretly;

The role of the tram company to Wu Guangyao is to contribute to the land, of which the land in Causeway Bay is the top priority;

As for the tram business, Wu Guangyao didn't care at all.

So, when the stock market crash comes, Wu Guangyao will privatize the tram company, and then split the business and assets;

The time is right, the tram company is re-listed, and the land reserves of the newly listed company are naturally gone!

Seeing that Wu Guangyao and the management of the tram company reached an agreement, the shares of trams that were originally fired to a high level naturally began to plummet;

Undoubtedly, Wu Guangyao’s behavior has disappointed investors!

Don’t these people know how they can even spend a lot of money to make those speculators cheap!

When the market is down, is he not good to control and privatize these companies?

(End of this chapter)