Chapter 500: 【Guangyao College】

Chapter 500【Guangyao College】

After the speech, Wu Guangyao and everyone visited CUHK, which is a college-based university;

There are currently four academies, namely Chongji, Xinya, United and Guangyao;

And Guangyao College, naturally, is an expression of the CUHK Board of Trustees who voted for me and rewarded me with Li.

Every student who enters the Chinese University can choose which college;

College is not divided into disciplines and faculties, but students who choose a college need to live with the board for four years at university, similar to the college model of Cambridge and Oxford in the United Kingdom.

Each academy is unique and has its own culture, but together they have shaped the spirit of the Chinese University.

The college is a harmonious group, each with dormitories, dining halls and other facilities, and organizes various activities. These activities include overseas exchanges and visits programs, seminars, mentorship programs, community services, language, information technology, and leadership skills. Training, as well as extracurricular activities organized by a variety of student associations, the academy also provides numerous informal education opportunities that complement regular courses.

Wandering around, Wu Guangyao felt that the hardware facilities in all aspects were already among the top universities in the world, and he immediately felt that his 60 million Hong Kong dollars were not in vain;

You should know that the Xintian school site began planning and construction in the mid-sixties;

At that time, Wu Guangyao waved a big hand and directly allocated a huge donation of 60 million Hong Kong dollars;

Even the Hong Kong government only allocated less than 30 million Hong Kong dollars. Of course, including the land, it is almost the same as Wu Guangyao's;

In addition to the funding from Wu Guangyao and the Hong Kong Government, there are also a large number of overseas Chinese and Hong Kong Island Chinese funding. It can be described as the result of everyone's concerted efforts.

"Chairman Jian and President Li, I just walked around and felt very satisfied, but I also found that there is still a big gap between the Chinese University and the established universities such as Oxford University and Harvard University; but there is a gap, which shows that we are still struggling. Goal, I am willing to donate another 50 million Hong Kong dollars to the school's teachers, laboratory equipment, student scholarships and other funding needs."

Jian Yueqiang and Li Zhuomin couldn't help but smile when they heard Wu Guangyao compare the Chinese University to Harvard and Oxford. After all, the Chinese University was established less than ten years ago (the merger of the three colleges in 1962), how can it be compared with a century-old school.

However, when Wu Guangyao mentioned that he donated another 50 million Hong Kong dollars, the two were shocked;

What is the concept of 50 million Hong Kong dollars? A Hutchison Bank has a profit of only 100 million Hong Kong dollars a year. This is still a good time for the market.

[PS: Converted into Hong Kong dollars in the 21st century, it is almost 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. 】

"Thank you so much, Chairman Wu, you are so kind to Chinese University!" Li Zhuomin said excitedly.

Wu Guangyao waved his hand and said: "This is what I should do. I have a long history with CUHK; CUHK is like my child, and I am willing to be a supporter of CUHK forever!"

"Haha, I forgot when I was excited, Mr. Wu is the founder of CUHK, and I am afraid that my sentiment towards CUHK is even greater than that of me and Lao Jian."

"You are humble. You are the real helms of CUHK. I would rather be a supporter of CUHK."

In general, Wu Guangyao’s donation to the Chinese University also wants to form a virtuous circle of Hong Kong Island’s economy;

CUHK cultivates talents for Hong Kong Island, and Wu Guangyao's industries also need talents;

These talents create profits for Wu Guangyao's companies, and these companies then use part of the profits to help students;

The ultimate goal is to make Hong Kong Island more prosperous, so that the Wu family can ride the wind and waves.

Wu Guangyao seemed to have thought of something, and said, “By the way, Chairman Jian, President Li, you should know some professors at the Chinese University of China, and work as some research consultants in the Oriental Media Think Tank in your spare time.”

The two nodded, obviously knowing this.

Jian Yueqiang said: "Well, we know that this is a good thing. These professors can not only teach and educate people, but also make some contributions to the society, and they can display their talents. It can be described as a three perfect thing."

Wu Guangyao said seriously: “Oriental Media Group is a media giant, with great social status and great social responsibility. Therefore, I want to establish a strong think tank in the Eastern Media Group, which is divided into politics and society. , Business conducts in-depth research to benefit the entire Hong Kong Island; so I want to increase the intensity of hiring CUHK professors, of course, without affecting CUHK’s teaching. At the same time, if CUHK studies related topics, Oriental Media Group I am also willing to open up information to CUHK so that everyone can make progress together. What do you think?"

Jian Yueqiang took the lead and said: "This is definitely not a problem. Just like you said, it is a good thing for both parties. Learn and make progress together."

Orient Media Group is no longer just an enterprise, it has now become the tongue of Hong Kong Island and has great political influence!

As for whether this think tank is serving Hong Kong or serving the Wu family, it is difficult to define;

But what is certain is that the Wu family is the Wu family in Hong Kong, and we must hope that Hong Kong is better!

The next day, Wu Guangyao's speech at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and his donation signal, immediately spread throughout Hong Kong;

And Wu Guangyao’s speech was regarded by scholars on Hong Kong Island as the prospect of social development, and even named Wu Guangyao the term “prophet”.

Can mobile phones really become popular? (Ps: Mobile phones were invented in the United States in the 1940s and the Soviet Union in the 1970s.)

Can computers really go into thousands of households?

Can intelligent robots really replace workers?

What even the United States has not done, the Chinese richest man has actually predicted!

It's incredible!

Ordinary citizens may not think so much, but they have a lot of discussions about Wu Guangyao's donation of 50 million Hong Kong dollars;

In just one month, Mr. Wu Guangyao has donated more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars for charity, which is a figure that everyone can't even imagine.

At the same time, the University of Hong Kong is in a hurry!

A little brother who has just been established for ten years and now has a big money, will he surpass himself in the future?

In fact, Wu Guangyao also donated a lot to the University of Hong Kong, and Lin Lin also has a total of 20 million Hong Kong dollars;

But compared to the Chinese University of Hong Kong, naturally coming and going are far worse!

Therefore, Hong Kong University responded quickly and found a professor who was a consultant at Oriental Media Group. I hoped Wu Guangyao would also consider the University of Hong Kong. After all, many of the graduates of the University of Hong Kong every year are recruited by you. You have to express it. !

This kind of consideration of the University of Hong Kong is a fact!

Who said that Wu Guangyao's company's treatment is better than that of foreign companies!

When Wu Guangyao learned of the ideas of the University of Hong Kong, he did not hesitate to allocate 30 million Hong Kong dollars to make grants;

Since I have all come to my door, I have no reason to buckle and search!

Of course, Wu Guangyao also proposed to strengthen the cooperation between the Oriental Media Group think tank and the University of Hong Kong, and the University of Hong Kong will naturally not refuse!

Because this think tank is not Wu Guangyao’s private think tank, but a public think tank that benefits Hong Kong Island;

So, everyone will not refuse, on the contrary, they are very caring and more enthusiastic than Eastern Media Group.

Wu Guangyao also did not allow the University of Hong Kong to establish an electronic engineering department, after all, he has to eat one bite at a time;

Regarding the electronics industry, Wu Guangyao has a lot of time to lay the foundation!

Now it is mainly to relocate some factories to Hong Kong!

Regarding Hong Kong’s industrial land, Wu Guangyao has already reserved a lot of land, so there is no need to ask the Hong Kong government in the future;

Furthermore, after the Sino-British negotiations, Wu Guangyao will also take a lot of industrial land.

Lin Lin always has done a lot, and Wu Guangyao also hopes to have a good result!

(End of this chapter)