Chapter 525: 【Listed one after another! 】

Chapter 525 【Listed! 】

It was early May when I returned to Hong Kong Island, and it was early summer.

The first thing Wu Guangyao did when he returned to Hong Kong was to attend the shareholders meeting of Hang Seng Bank.

The listing of Hang Seng Bank is imminent. As the major shareholder, the Everbright Financial Department will naturally have to act.

He Shanheng presided over the meeting and said first: “The listing plan has been initially released. Hang Seng Bank has issued 10 million shares and the paid-in share capital is 100 million Hong Kong dollars.”

10 yuan is the asset value per share, naturally not the issue price!

Wu Guangyao asked: "What is the price of the public sale?"

He Shanheng said: "100 Hong Kong dollars per share!"

Wu Guangyao exchanged eyes with Lei Hong and Liu Yu. The price of the public sale determines the cost of the increase in the holding of the Everbright Financial Department;

If Hang Seng Bank issues 100 Hong Kong dollars per share, the market value is equivalent to 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is very reasonable!

Soon, Wu Guangyao has an idea!

The price of 100 Hong Kong dollars per share seems to be very high, but Wu Guangyao knows that the highest price of Hang Seng Bank’s stock this year can reach 195 Hong Kong dollars per share;

Before the stock market crash next year, the price is as high as 290 Hong Kong dollars per share.

Wu Guangyao said: "Are there any other institutions that want to buy the shares of Hang Seng Bank?"

He Shanheng handed this issue to Li Guowei. Although He Shanheng was still the chairman of the board of directors, he had already begun to transfer most of the power to Li Guowei and He Tian, ​​and he concentrated on compiling financial books.

Li Guowei said: “Considering that the Everbright Financial Department may increase its holdings, we have not yet agreed to any institutions!”

Wu Guangyao nodded, the managers of Hang Seng Bank were very good, and they did not vain their non-excessive interference policy over the years.

Finally, the two parties reached an internal transaction;

China Everbright Bank paid 150 million Hong Kong dollars to founders such as He Shanheng to increase the shareholding to 51% (not the initiator of the purchase, no need to consider touching the full-scale acquisition line);

Hang Seng Bank then issued 1 million shares to the public at a stock price of 100 Hong Kong dollars per share, raising 100 million Hong Kong dollars for company development.

Wu Guangyao intends to slowly increase Hang Seng Bank’s holdings to 62%, which is the same as the previous HSBC’s holdings, in order to increase control;

The reason why we only increase the share to 51% now is also a strategy;

When Hang Seng Bank’s stock price climbs to 250 Hong Kong dollars, Wu Guangyao will also let China Everbright Bank sell about 10% of its holdings;

After the stock market crash, slowly increase its holdings to 62% of the shares;

One come and two, Wu Guangyao can increase his shareholding from 35% to 62% without spending a penny;

This is the charm of finance!

At this time, Hong Kong Island is very lively, real estate is prosperous, and the stock market is even more prosperous;

Chinese capital has listed the company one after another, and more new shares are issued every month than in the past year.

Before 1972, there were 98 listed companies on Hong Kong Island;

But Wu Guangyao knows that the number of Hong Kong Island companies listed this year (1972) will exceed the total number of listed companies before, reaching 100.

A hotel worth 20 million Hong Kong dollars can choose to be listed at this time, which shows that the stock market is booming;

The five famous Chinese real estate giants listed the company this year.


After the meeting ended, He Shanheng might be worried that Wu Guangyao would abandon Li Guowei in the future, so he invited everyone to dinner;

During the dinner, He Shanheng gave Li Guowei several times a look, let him integrate into the Everbright Finance Department, and give himself a way out!

Wu Guangyao said with a smile: "Big Brother Shanheng has filtered out. As a bank professional, we are one hundred rest assured that Hang Seng Bank will carry forward in his hands. Again, the founding team of Hang Seng Bank is an excellent one. The banking team, our Everbright Finance Department will not interfere too much for the time being. Of course, I hope that we can communicate regularly in the future. After all, we are brother banks and should support each other."

It is not Wu Guangyao's style to dismantle the company after the acquisition;

Of course, the premise is that the original management team must be obedient and obey the management.

Li Guowei was a little moved when he heard this. After all, when he was in trouble at Hang Seng Bank, he advocated HSBC to take over instead of Everbright Bank. Therefore, he has not had a strong sense of belonging to the financial department of Everbright.

But now, Li Guowei knows that if he is no longer interested, then the Everbright Finance Department, which has absolute equity, may not be polite!

Li Guowei suggested: “Hang Seng Bank’s junior banker training course has developed well over the past few years, or the two of our two merged this training course, and this training course will help both of us train junior banking talents in the future."

Leihong's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "This is a good thing!"

Wu Guangyao smiled but said nothing, the two banks finally began to slowly merge, and he liked it.


Changjiang Building

At the beginning of a new day at work, Wu Guangyao walked into his office;

Wu Guangyao nodded secretly as he looked at the neat and clean desk with a few newspapers on it.

Just after sitting down for a minute, Hong Xiaolian walked in.


Wu Guangyao nodded, then picked up the newspaper and read it, while Hong Xiaolian began to make tea for Wu Guangyao;

Hong Xiaolian was a right-hand man of Li Ka-shing in the previous life. In this life, because he was discovered by Wu Guangyao, Lao Li naturally has no such helper.

Of course, Wu Guangyao did not take special care of Hong Xiaolian, but asked her to work as a clerk in the Cheung Kong Industrial Group office;

However, even this kind of arrangement surprised the management of Cheung Kong Holdings!

Because Hong Xiaolian only has a high school education, and Cheung Kong Group offices all have college diplomas;

Some management even became suspicious, this is also...

If Wu Guangyao knew, he had to give this kind of management a kick.

After Hong Xiaolian prepared tea for Wu Guangyao, she was about to leave the boss's office quietly so as not to disturb Wu Guangyao who was reading the newspaper.

"Remember to read more books and learn more!"

Wu Guangyao's abrupt remark made Hong Xiaolian flattered!

"Okay, boss! I will study hard!"

Seeing that Wu Guangyao did not explain any more, Hong Xiaolian exited the office excitedly.

What a glorious thing to be called by the boss!

Wu Guangyao carefully watched the news of "Oriental Daily", and suddenly a financial news came into view;

is a company called ‘Hong Kong Antenna’ that is issuing shares on the market. The selling point of this company is that the company has invented a TV signal receiver (commonly known as antenna) that can be used at home.

Because the TV penetration rate in Hong Kong has reached about 70% at this time, there is a very ‘demand’ for this TV signal receiver;

In addition, the company advertised that this is a high-tech product. Suddenly, the company’s stocks were favored. Hong Kong Islanders scrambled to subscribe for the company’s stock.

Wu Guangyao couldn't help cursing a "liar" secretly. After experiencing two lives, Wu Guangyao could see at a glance that this so-called antenna is a stunt.

In the previous life, when I was a child, I erected a wire and put a few cans to receive the signal and see rough TV images;

This so-called ‘high-tech’ is obviously a joke!

No, I must expose this scam company!

The TVB is its own industry, and such people cannot be allowed to make such ignorant money on their own;

Furthermore, the operation of this matter can also provide Oriental Media with good material and improve its positive image.

Thinking of this, Wu Guangyao called Yang Kang and asked him to come to his office.


"Ah! Boss, what you said is true. A wire near the launch pad can receive a signal?" Yang Kang looked incredible.

Wu Guangyao said angrily: "If you find someone to try, don’t you know? I said Yang Kang, don’t you also believe this scam company?"

Yang Kang stunned, nodded honestly, and said: "What this company says sounds mysterious, let alone me, there are not many in Hong Kong who don't believe it!"

Wu Guangyao laughed, this is going to make an international joke!

Millions of people in Hong Kong, since they have been tricked around by a scam company.

Wu Guangyao said: "You should do this right away, and you must use facts to expose this company! What kind of messy high-tech ‘antenna’, it’s just an ordinary receiver when it's dead!"

Yang Kang naturally believed in his boss at this time, so he said: "Well, I will find someone to do the experiment, and then broadcast it live; then use our newspaper and radio to broadcast the news!"

(End of this chapter)