Chapter 586: Chapter 584 [I was caught by someone! 】

Chapter 586, Chapter 584【I was caught by someone! 】

Hilton Hotel

Looking at Niu Bijian in front of him, Wu Guangyao was a little curious, what did this guy do for himself?

At this time, Jardine Matheson had already belonged to the era of New Bijian, because Henry Keswick had already gone to England to enter politics.

"Mr. Wu, it seems that our two families have to compete again!" New Bijian said with a smile, his face a little confident and a touch of pride.

Wu Guangyao listened to what Niu Bijian said, but did not take it seriously;

In Hong Kong, competing with yourself?

That's all the other person's thoughts!

Wu Guangyao no longer regards Hong Kong's capital as an opponent!

"Really? But, this is too normal. In a small place in Hong Kong, it is normal for everyone to compete a little!" Wu Guangyao said calmly.

New wall was stunned, and suddenly felt a punch on the cotton;

was originally thinking of finally defeating this one, and disappeared in an instant!

New Bijian sorted out his emotions and said, “Mr. Wu, Hutchison Telecom is acquiring the Hong Kong Telephone Company, I’m afraid you are the one who is planning it!”

Very tentative!

"The people below are all doing it! If I have to ask about such trivial matters, would I not even have time to eat!" Wu Guangyao waved his hand and said.

New Bijian was a little angry!

is like a hunter who sets up a trap, but a cunning fox finally wanders outside the trap;

The   side is to make people angry!

Niu Bijian sorted out his mood again, and felt that in front of this person, he was always at a disadvantage. This is not enough!

Jihe Group is also a multinational company, with a lot of investment in Australia, the United States, and Europe;

Yihe Group's big class, not much worse than this one!

"Anyway, Hong Kong Telephone Company should be an important layout for you?"

At this time, Wu Guangyao has a family in his heart!

Why did Niubijian find himself?

There is only one reason, that is, Jardine Matheson has a large number of shares in the Hong Kong Telephone Company!

It’s not a good intention to sell stocks when you find yourself;

Then you must want to make a deal!

Thinking of this, Wu Guangyao knew it well, and said: "Mr. Niubijian, just say what you have!"

New Bijian sees Wu Guangyao still not revealing his thoughts, the secret road is really an ‘old fox’!

"Mr. Wu, I know that your career has touched every aspect in Hong Kong. Hong Kong people cannot live without your business; however, you only lack a telecommunications company now! And Hutchison Telecommunications is your entry point. The acquisition of the Hong Kong Telephone Company is of course inevitable! Is it true?"

"Acquisition, naturally it is the best to succeed!"

"But you don’t know Mr. Wu, our Jardines has long been thinking of acquiring the Hong Kong Telephone Company! So, our two have ran into each other! Moreover, not only do we start before you, but we also have more shares than you. A lot! If we issue an acquisition announcement now, I believe we will soon become the master of the Hong Kong Telephone Company!"

I knew this a long time ago!

Wu Guangyao even thought in his heart that maybe Jardine did not have the idea of ​​starting with the Hong Kong Telephone Company at the beginning;

But as Wu Guangyao intervened in more and more public affairs companies, the people at Jardine Matheson calculated that Wu Guangyao would attack the telephone company;

So, they will ambush ahead of time!

As for the purpose?

I am afraid it is the stocks of Land and Jardines in your hands, right?

Wu Guangyao smiled and said, "Then I should bless you!"

I can't be fooled!

Even if you can’t get the Hong Kong Telephone Company now, there will be at least two or three opportunities later, and you will not follow your routine!

Newbi insisted to turn around and leave. This person's expressiveness is irritating!

More uncomfortable than scolding yourself!

However, thinking of a task given to him by the Keswick family, as a part-time worker, he naturally couldn't help but bow his head first.

"Mr. Wu, why bother! With your cleverness, you should know why I found you!"

Wu Guangyao pretended to guess: "Does Yihe want to exchange shares?"

New Bijian felt relieved, and thought, this one finally got the topic back!

"Yes! Originally, our Jardines wanted to enter the telecommunications field, but now the Hutchison Group led by Mr. Wu wants to enter this field; we thought about it, and we didn't want the two companies to compete with much fanfare, and the speculators made money for nothing! Mr. Wu has a large number of Jardine and Land shares in his hands, and we are willing to exchange the shares of the Hong Kong Telephone Company!"

Since the loss of Wharf, Jardine Group has learned to be smart and gradually increased the shareholding ratio of Jardine Land;

However, the proportion of Jardine Group’s overseas investment is too heavy, so it can’t spend much to increase its shareholding;

So he passed Lianhuan Holdings to increase his control over the company!

Lianhuan Holding’s trick works for others, but it’s not so absolute for Wu Guangyao.

For example, through serial holding, the equity of Jardine Group Holding Company is about 35%;

This is indeed a very safe shareholding ratio!

But if Wu Guangyao doesn’t care, he will directly buy the remaining 65%;

By then, more than financial resources, even if Jardine only has 15% of the shares, it can win;

But facing a world-class consortium, there is still no big chance of winning!

So, New Bijian came this time and wanted to reduce the shares of Jardine and Land in Wu Guangyao's hands through a share swap, and Jardine Group would hold more shares!

Wu Guangyao said with a smile: "New Bijian, in fact, you don’t need to be like this. I bought the shares of Jardine and Land, purely as an investment!"

New Bijian said: “Mr. Wu misunderstood! Because we were worried that buying the company’s stock in the market would cause stocks to fluctuate sharply, so I remembered that you have some stocks in your hand and plan to buy back some!”

Neither of them tells the truth. Wu Guangyao has an eye on Land, this is a fact!

Jihe Group is worried about Wu Guangyao's opposing opponents, it is also true!

For Jardine Matheson, Wu Guangyao may look down upon;

But for the Land Company, it is jealous;

Every building in Central is priceless;

Not to mention, Hongkong Land owns a dozen buildings in Central!

"Well then! How many shares of the Hong Kong Telephone Company do you have?"

"3 million shares, according to yesterday's closing price of 12 Hong Kong dollars per share, the value is exactly 36 million Hong Kong dollars!"

The market value of the Hong Kong Telephone Company is not high, with a total market value of only 120 million and 10 million shares.

The market value of Land is 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars and the total share capital is 120 million shares.

Wu Guangyao was shocked when he heard that Jardine owns 30% of the shares of the Hong Kong Telephone Company. This is for himself!

If the share swap is not agreed, Hutchison Telecom will not be able to acquire it!

After all, it is not its own wholly-owned company, and Hutchison Telecommunications cannot be too expensive!

"Yes, Hutchison Group paid 36 million Hong Kong dollars for Jardine Group to buy the shares of the telephone company in your hands; while you paid 36 million Hong Kong dollars for me, I traded you 2.85 million shares of Land."

Such a transaction, Wu Guangyao personally suffered a loss because he did not receive a premium purchase!

But this little interest, Wu Guangyao doesn't care about it either!

Wu Guangyao has 15% of the shares of Land, sold 2.85 million shares, and also has 12.6% of the shares, which has little effect!

New Bijian continued: "We hope that Mr. Wu will sell us another 3.6 million shares of Land, and we are willing to buy it at a premium of 10%!"

It seems that the Jardine Matheson Group is not at ease, thinking about reducing its shareholding.

Wu Guangyao said: “You don’t go to the market to buy, but you actually buy from me. It seems that you are worried about raising the price! In this case, a 10% premium is obviously insincere!”

New Bijian responded: "Mr. Wu, you can't say that! The telephone company is an important industry in your industrial chain layout. Only when this link is complemented can it be considered complete. Therefore, in order to perfect you, we have also paid a lot of invisibility. Things; after all, we deployed the telephone company earlier than you, and it is a big loss to withdraw now!"

really took the handle of Wu Guangyao, because Wu Guangyao knew that the future telecommunications industry is an industry of hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars, so it is still very important;

Furthermore, the most important thing is not these hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars, but a complete layout that concerns oneself!

"Okay, deal!"

New Bijian saw that Wu Guangyao quickly agreed, and he couldn’t help feeling regretful again. He still wanted too little!

(End of this chapter)