Chapter 662: [The Funeral of the Ship King]

Chapter 662 [The Funeral of the Ship King]

In October, Cheung Kong Holdings and Land Corporation announced that they would jointly develop the sixth large-scale housing estate in Tin Shui Wai, which shocked the people of Hong Kong Island for a while;

Some time ago, the two companies only fought hotly at the auction;

After more than two months, it is surprising that the two parties have cooperated on such a large project!

Some Chinese-owned real estate developers have even begun to taste it. This Cheung Kong Industrial has let the Chinese-owned real estate developers not cooperate, and they have cooperated with British-owned real estate developers;

Of course, this is just a thought;

It should be noted that in the real estate cooperation on Hong Kong Island, Sino-British cooperation is too normal.

Another year passed in a flash, and the time came to April 1982.

Wu Guangyao thought that history had changed a lot by himself, but found that some history would not change because of his appearance.

On April 15, Wu Guangyao heard on the phone that Dong Yunhao, like history, died in the early morning because of a heart attack.

Putting down the phone, Wu Guangyao fell into thought;

Dong Yunhao's death was apparently due to heart disease, but it was actually due to the Hong Kong government;

Of course, the Hong Kong government did not know that there would be such consequences, but the Hong Kong government did not kill Boren, but Boren died because of him!

Before April of this year, the size of Dong’s fleet reached 11.5 million tons, with a total of 149 ships;

On April 17, Dong’s 150th ship will be launched in Taiwan. The ship’s name is ‘Charter’ and it is a 30,000-ton luxury cruise ship;

Dong’s has a shipping company registered on Taiwan Island, and the shipowner is the parent of the shipyard, which can drive a large number of jobs;

Therefore, the Taiwan Island side attached great importance to this Dong's ship launching ceremony. At that time, a large number of dignitaries gathered in Kaohsiung to support the Dong's.

Speaking of the launching ceremony, Wu Guangyao, as the owner of the ship, also attached great importance to it. It is normal for the launch of the new ship to invite dignitaries and celebrities;

But compared to the importance of the launching ceremony, I am afraid that no one in the world pays more attention to Dong Yunhao.

Dong Yunhao used to launch a new ship built in France. The French government sent a large number of deputy ministerial personnel to the scene for fear of improper reception, and all of them wore dresses;

However, Dong Yunhao is still dissatisfied, thinking that the stage is not grand enough;

Dong Yunhao dissatisfied with his friends and said: "I really want to show these French guys, my new boat is being launched in Japan!"

It turned out that Dong Yunhao’s launching ceremony in Japan was: after the champagne bottle was broken, he fired a 21-gun salute, and then the white pigeons were flying all over the sky. Then more than one hundred beauties in Japanese kimono walked down from the ship and led all the guests on board.

This time the launch ceremony of the new ship in Taiwan, the Dong family paid special attention to it, because recently the world media began to tout him as the'world's largest ship king';

The most beautiful thing for him is that on the day of the ceremony, he will fly to Kaohsiung with the Prince Rainier and his wife of Monaco;

Personally named the "Charter Number" by the beautiful princess, former Hollywood star Grace.

Such a beautiful side, naturally, Dong Yunhao has been very excited for a period of time, and his work is even more personal;

On April 14th, the Rainiers left for Europe and flew to Hong Kong;

Dong originally wanted to pick up the plane from the airport, and then flew to Kaohsiung with Rainier and his wife on April 17 to participate in the launch ceremony on April 17.

Unexpectedly, the Hong Kong government crossed a stick and refused to let Dong go to the airport to pick up the plane.

The consideration of the Hong Kong government is: Because of business relations, the Dong family has contact with Taiwan’s economic officials, and the Dong family even almost became a senior official of Taiwan’s ‘Ministry of Transportation’;

No matter how small the country is, Monaco is also a sovereign country. Its prince’s coming to Hong Kong naturally attracted the attention of the Hong Kong government and the Mainland Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

The time is when the British and the mainland are about to start negotiations on the ownership of Hong Kong;

Therefore, due to political considerations, the Hong Kong government does not allow Dong to pick up the plane at the airport.

At the moment of such glory, Dong's was actually blocked by the Hong Kong government, thinking it was a great insult, plus days of fatigue;

The unbearable Dong had a heart attack that night and was rushed to the Sanatorium and Hospital;

Early this morning (15th), the soul of a generation of ship king returned to the sea at the age of 71.

On April 17, it was originally scheduled to be the launching ceremony on Taiwan Island and it became a funeral in Hong Kong.

On this day, Wu Guangyao personally helped Dong Yunhao to help Dong Yunhao, and walked in the forefront with Prince Rainier of Monaco;

Other support staff sometimes served as Hong Kong Chief Secretary Xia Dingji, Financial Secretary Peng Lizhi, Run Run Run Shaw, Huang Lisong, etc.;

At the same time, more than 3,000 celebrities gathered at the funeral;

U.S. President Reagan and Taiwanese leader Xiao Jiang also made special calls of condolences.

After attending the funeral, Wu Guangyao walked up to Bao Yugang to talk;

"Lao Bao, although Lao Dong's death was a bit accidental, there was a problem with his body; you should pay attention to it. There should be no less annual medical examinations, and it is best to go to the United States for medical examinations."

Bao Yugang nodded and said seriously: "Don't worry! I go to the United States every year for inspections!"

Wu Guangyao began to remind Bao Yugang a few years ago;

If he goes to the U.S. every year for check-ups, as he said, it means that he has not developed cancer.

If the disease will still appear in him, it is estimated that it will be detected within one or two years;

Of course, there may be changes in history, and this disease will not occur. This is of course a good thing.

"Old Dong is afraid that he has left a mess! It is in the eventful autumn, and the shipping winter is obviously here, but there are always people who can't see the situation clearly, worry about it!"

Naturally, Wu Guangyao hopes that all shipowners on Hong Kong Island can escape the ship disaster.

Bao Yugang said: “From the beginning to the end, there was a problem with shipping. Hong Kong’s real estate seems to have a problem too. I am afraid that there will be a plunge next!”

In the first half of the year, Hong Kong real estate has already shown clear signals, and most real estate developers have already smelled it.

Wu Guangyao said: “You can rest assured that as long as we have no debt problems, there will be an upward trend in the next few years. We don’t need to consider political factors. If we get what we want, we will treat Hong Kong well.”

Bao Yugang nodded and said, "I think so too!"

The conversation between the two was not defensive, but they didn’t talk about politics either. They just expressed optimism about the future of Hong Kong.

Zhao Congyan, who was next to   , heard the conversation between the two and hurriedly got in.

"Guangyao, why are you so optimistic?"

Wu Guangyao said with a smile: "We have been on Hong Kong Island for more than 30 years, and we have experienced too many winds and waves. Every time a storm occurs on Hong Kong Island, some people can't wait to flee; the storm subsides and they return to life on Hong Kong Island. Just ask, they How much property was lost?"

The economy plummeted, these people sold their assets and ran away from Hong Kong; when they came back again, the selling price was far from being able to buy back the original assets.

There is something in Wu Guangyao’s words, which is also to remind Zhao Congyan;

At this time, Wu Guangyao no longer needs Hong Kong's economic collapse, so that he can buy the bottom;

The Wu family has no shortage of that money!

Even, Wu Guangyao has made up his mind and tried his best to maintain the stability of Hong Kong during the negotiations.

Of course, if some people don’t believe in Wu Guangyao, it is their loss;

Although the Wu family is not short of that money, to maintain the stability of Hong Kong’s economy, it is bound to ‘buy the bottom’ to prove that they are optimistic about Hong Kong and play a leading role;

Then, you can only passively accept some ‘bargain hunting’ profits!

Zhao Congyan smiled and said: "I have always been optimistic about Hong Kong, but I am also optimistic about the shipping industry. Hong Kong is a treasured land for the development of shipping. If global shipping rises, it is bound to start in Hong Kong first."

Hong Kong is indeed a treasured shipping destination, but the times are indeed different!

Wu Guangyao said helplessly: "Maybe!"

Zhao Congyan is optimistic about the shipping industry. His biggest loophole is that he does not believe in the mainland, so he bought a lot of ships and turned his funds into portable assets;

Once there is a change, it is easy to leave when driving the boat;

I think back then, he and his son arrived in Hong Kong from Shanghai on a boat;

The ‘Victoria Star’ brought great benefits to the Zhao family. Not only did it help their family escape, but later also helped Zhao’s family earn more money to buy the boat, which was much higher than Bao Yu’s first start;

Because of this, Zhao Congyan is so obsessed with shipping. He firmly believes that'ships are portable assets and antiques are also portable assets'.

(End of this chapter)