Chapter 665: [French Open]

Chapter 665 【Recovery of the French Open】

Like history, Thatcher was in a bad mood after the two-and-a-half-hour meeting.

After the meeting, Mrs. Thatcher walked out from the door lonely, her face solemn;

She stepped down the stone steps of the north gate of the Great Hall, raised her eyes to see the reporter at the bottom right, suddenly smiled, turned her head and signaled to the reporter, trying to show her composure;

As she continued to walk down, her high-heeled shoes stumbled on the stone steps, causing her body to lose balance. She fell under the stone steps, and her leather shoes and handbags were also thrown aside.

Fortunately, she was already on the ground, and she did not fall too hard;

The entourage and staff on the side immediately stepped forward to help her up. Mrs. Thatcher was worthy of being an iron lady, and she stood up with a calm expression, fully revealing her true nature as a "strong woman" who was not surprised at all.

Even if her fall was purely accidental, even if she walked and fell;

But today, Thatcher’s fall is obviously not the right time;

It can even be said that this is the most expensive trip in history.

Because reporters have filmed this scene one after another, and there are even a few TV stations that are doing live broadcasts, including TVB.

No need to explain from the reporter, the audience beside the TV can't help but sink.

And that afternoon, the Chinese government announced that it would resume its sovereignty in Hong Kong on July 1, 1997;

A series of news spread to Hong Kong, the already exhausted stock market and real estate fell in response, and even began to collapse.

Deep Water Bay Villa, in Wu Guangyao’s study;

Wu Guangyao and Fang Ge'er are viewing an ancient painting on their desk, signed by Qi Baishi.

"Hey! After there are more of these things, I find that it is the same!" Wu Guangyao sat down and looked at Brother Fang and said.

"Master, this antique is worth hundreds of thousands in the Mainland, but as long as it is taken back to Hong Kong, it can be instantly multiplied!" Fang Geer said obsessively.

These antiques are bought through formal channels from the mainland cultural relics store. The cultural relics store is not a store that only sells cultural relics. It is a cultural relics institution established by the state. It was once under the management of Xinhua Bookstore in the 1960s. Branches of cultural relics stores have been established all over the country, and the acquisition of cultural relics and organizing exports have become the main functions of cultural relics stores in various regions.

A particular era has created a special concept. At that time, "cultural relics are waste products, encouraging the exchange of old for new, cultural relics for foreign exchange, and supporting national construction" is the mainstream ideological public opinion in the cultural relics circle. This concept has also led to the loss of a large number of cultural relics overseas.

From now on, this concept is naturally very wrong, but at that time, many people couldn't eat enough, and the country couldn't even support themselves in steel. What value is there in pursuing the protection of cultural relics?

After the reform and opening up, people’s concept of cultural relics did not change too much immediately. In the eyes of many people, the cultural relics were picked up by scrap companies. It is said that the Beijing Cultural Relics Bureau also held an exhibition. The following cultural relics were selected from the scraps, and they are all authentic antiques!

In 1983, the state introduced the "Return of Personal Cultural Relics Policy". At that time, many young people were told to take back the collections of their parents, but they didn’t know the use of these "tattered". "Tattered" was sold at a low price. At that time, a genuine Qianlong jade ink was only sold for 5 yuan, and after another ten years, the price will be between 100,000 and 300,000 yuan.

At the same time, foreign businessmen have also noticed this profit. The purchase price is surprisingly low. An official kiln bowl is only 10 yuan, Qi Baishi's painting is 250 yuan, and even more black-hearted overseas Chinese are holding various colorful plastic bags. Going to the countryside to exchange antiques, these "zero-value" cultural relics were shipped abroad in containers.

As early as a few years ago, Wu Guangyao asked Fang Ge'er to purchase antiques and cultural relics through formal channels in the Mainland;

As more and more cultural relics arrived in Wu Guangyao's hands, Wu Guangyao deliberately took out more than a dozen villas to place them.

How many antiques Wu Guangyao has, there is no specific number, and it is estimated that there will be more than 100,000 pieces;

Compared with the number of cultural relics of the Forbidden City in the previous life, there are one-tenth of the Forbidden City, which should be more than that.

It seems that it’s time to invest in a private museum and take out some repetitive antiques for display.

Wu Guangyao saw Fang Ge'er behaved like a financial fan, and said: "If you like yourself, keep a little bit more! Besides, are you short of money?"

Brother Fang resumed the expressions and movements of the year, and touched the back of his head embarrassedly.

"No shortage, I have not done anything with the young master over the years, and I have more than one billion Hong Kong dollars in net worth!"

Fang Ge'er always thinks that he is not very capable, the only thing useful to Wu Guangyao is loyalty;

But Wu Guangyao likes him exactly that. Over the years, he has successively arranged many company shares for him;

For example, Fang Geer now holds 2% of Cheung Kong's shares, even if the market value has fallen to 20 billion Hong Kong dollars, the value is 400 million Hong Kong dollars;

Even overseas, Fang Geer has property assets worth hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

Who calls him not only his own good brother, but also his own in-laws!

Wu Guangyao said with a smile: "I have not sold the shares of my company?"

Brother Fang said: “I didn’t sell a single share! I believe Master, Master said that these shares are worth several billion Hong Kong dollars, and they can definitely be achieved. Besides, I’m not short of money.”

Wu Guangyao nodded, and said, “Don’t sell the money if you don’t. Take it with me!”

Next, Wu Guangyao talked about the business, and the other brother said: "You can find someone to help me do something!"

Brother Fang nodded quickly, the young master looked solemn, it must be an important thing, and he can't mess it up.

Wu Guangyao said to Fang Ge'er that it turned out that Wu Guangyao planned to let the Carrian Group die in advance, so as not to continue to linger because of his own support of the market.

Telled the family history of Chen Songqing to Fang Geer one by one, and he was stunned by Fang Ge'er;

When    was over, Fang Geer took a long time to react and said, "This is almost like a storyteller! It is not an exaggeration to say that Chen Qingsong is the number one scammer in Hong Kong!"

Wu Guangyao said with a smile: "Maybe! But some scammers can not only swindle money, but also the law."

This is true. As far as Wu Guangyao knows, Hong Kong is a place where many individuals are born, and a big flicker is about to go online;

The big scammer first flicked the assets of several listed companies in Australia, and then returned to Hong Kong Island unscathed to continue cheating, allowing him to succeed again;

And the Australian Securities Regulatory Bureau officials came directly to Hong Kong to take up positions (the civil servants of the Commonwealth members are often transferred), and continue to search for evidence of this big liar;

As a result, the big liar turned his investment to the mainland again. This time it was not a scam, but a red background to deter others;

In the end, it was naturally unscathed, which was much higher than Chen Songqing's methods. This person was named Li Mingzhi.

To sum up, there are a few stock market talents in Hong Kong, as well as a few stock market mediocrities;

The most powerful stock market talent should be Li Mingzhi, followed by Luo Xurui and Da Liu, and finally Chen Songqing (In history, Chen Songqing was not sentenced except for bankruptcy.)

So the worst is probably Huang Yulang, who not only wiped out the company, but also got people in.

After understanding the matter, Wu Guangyao confessed: "You are looking for someone to report Zhong Zhengwen, intending to escape. The reason is that Yida Group owes a debt of 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, and also secured a loan of 1.6 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is insolvent. Then, you Then find the media to disclose Chen Qingsong’s scam"

Yes, Wu Guangyao wants to put these two people to death;

The reason is simple. Wu Guangyao intends to start stabilizing Hong Kong's economy recently. After all, it has plummeted for 2 months.

Of course, before supporting the market, a group of people have to be cleaned up to avoid being touched by these people.

Promoting the city is not changing Hong Kong’s current economic situation in one fell swoop, it is only a stabilizing effect;

After all, Hong Kong has panicked, and tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars cannot withstand this consumption unless it is tens of billions of dollars;

But Wu Guangyao is obviously not so stupid. The funds of the Wu family are always a mystery and cannot be exposed.

(End of this chapter)