The carriage wheels rattled noisily, their rhythmic sound filling the air. Through the window, a whole new world unfolded, captivating to any child taking their first steps outside. However, Lewin Dee Dryerf seemed unaffected by the excitement.

“Young Master,” Alex called out, observing Lewin reclining in the spacious carriage.

“What is it?” Lewin replied, his tone nonchalant.

Alex wanted to say many things, looking at the young master in his relaxed state. But he chose his words carefully, exercising great patience.

“It can be dangerous if you fall off,” Alex finally uttered.

Lewin, despite his usual demeanor, adjusted his posture and nodded in agreement. “You’re right. It could be dangerous.”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed Lewin understood the potential risks involved.

“If I were to get hurt, both the coachman and you would be in trouble,” Lewin continued, contemplating the consequences.

Alex nodded, adding, “The knights serving as escorts would also face reprimand.”

Lewin pondered the situation and expressed his agreement. “Hmm, that might be the case.”

Alex found himself surprised by Lewin’s response. The young master seemed convinced by his words. However, just as Alex thought this, Lewin began adjusting his posture once again.

“Young Master?” Alex questioned, unsure if he had imagined the change.

Lewin appeared even more at ease than before, leaving Alex momentarily stunned.

“So, if it’s dangerous, you’ll catch me, right?” Lewin asked, a hint of expectation in his voice.

Alex fought the urge to blurt out, “Don’t lie down!” His superhuman patience barely held him back from voicing his desperate plea.

“Can I trust you?” Lewin followed up, his question chipping away at Alex’s patience.

“Young Master…” Alex began, his voice filled with sincerity. 

“I have faith in you.”

As someone who had dedicated most of his life to serving others, those were the words Alex longed to hear. Yet, why did it leave him feeling unsettled? Was this also a talent of Lewin’s? His ability to evoke such conflicting emotions amazed Alex.

“In that case, I will sleep soundly,” Lewin declared, seemingly content with Alex’s assurance.

“Young Master, this is your first time venturing into the outside world. Don’t you want to experience something different?” Alex asked, hoping to spark some curiosity.

“Just because it’s the outside world doesn’t mean it’s any different. Besides, I’ll have to face that world once I step out of this carriage, whether I like it or not. Wouldn’t it be better to conserve my energy until then?” Lewin explained, his words surprisingly mature for a ten-year-old.

It made sense, but it wasn’t the response one would expect from a child his age. Alex struggled to find the right words. At Lewin’s age, innocence should prevail. Where had it gone?

Understanding the person he served had become increasingly challenging for Alex.

‘Indeed, hardships do arise in the later years, just as the fortune teller had predicted,’ Alex recalled the words of a fortune teller he had encountered in the past.

Lewin’s journey progressed smoothly.

The routine was established: traveling by carriage, taking breaks for meals and sleep, and resuming the journey in the morning until reaching the next destination.

“Are you not bored?” Alex asked, aware of the monotony that typically troubles those embarking on their first journey.

However, Lewin, who seemed to have abandoned his dreams from the beginning, appeared different.

“Why would I be?” he replied, wearing a perplexed expression.

In reality, Lewin was occupied with enduring the challenges of this harsh world.

“It’s because you spend the entire day sleeping in the carriage,” Alex explained, urging him to stop lying down.

Understanding Alex’s concern, Lewin showed no intention of complying. “I am busy,” he stated matter-of-factly.

His words were not mere excuses. To an outsider, it might appear that Lewin was idly rolling around or dozing off, but he was actually engaged in a busy schedule.

He diligently practiced breathing exercises, channeling and controlling the mana that accumulated within him. This process paved the way for him to reach the state he had attained in his previous life. Once done, he would mentally review the final climactic battle with the Great Demon King Apelios.

‘I was truly fortunate,’ Lewin thought. His reckless actions had defied expectations. The disoriented Apelios was unable to unleash his full power, resulting in a close and intense fight.

Yet, even after reviewing the battle countless times, Lewin couldn’t envision a victory. He recognized the significant gap between his former self and Apelios, a gap that couldn’t be bridged with just analysis.

‘Demons grow stronger with time,’ Lewin contemplated. Just as the hero’s strength increased over time, so did that of the demon king. A formidable opponent, stronger than any he had faced in his nine previous lives, had emerged.

‘If the Demon King hasn’t experienced nine lives like me, humanity’s hope is dim.’ 

It would be inconvenient for mankind to perish just when he was beginning to enjoy life. Therefore, he needed to prepare for various scenarios, keeping himself occupied—too occupied.

“Are you really busy?” Alex asked, unable to perceive the extent of Lewin’s activities.

“Yes,” Lewin replied, rising from his seat as if to emphasize his words. “Today, we have other matters to attend to.”

“Young Master?”

“Yes, me.” 

Living a life filled with constant busyness, he had reasons to adhere to the Knights’ schedule. Since his birth, he had meticulously planned his life, contemplating the conditions necessary for his envisioned future countless times each day.

“So, I am counting on you today.” 

Alex Rumberg, the exclusive butler of Lewin Dee Dryerf, took great pride in serving the Dryerf Duke’s family. After all, it was an honor to serve the most esteemed family in the finest country on the continent. However, this pride had been frequently shaken as of late. Specifically, since he had become the exclusive butler to the youngest son of the family!

“Young Master, please remain in the carriage as usual,” Alex pleaded.

“No,” came Lewin’s firm response.

“I implore you, I beg of you.”

“Nope, I cannot comply,” Lewin’s voice echoed in Alex’s ears, leaving him in darkness, hoping it was all just a dream.

“The purpose of this journey lies here!”

Alex was roused from his slumber by the energetic voice, reluctantly opening his eyes. With a dazed expression, he lifted his head slightly.

A bustling crowd surrounded them, the clamor of various voices filling the air. The name of this place, resembling a bustling commercial city from the outside, imprinted itself on his retinas.

The Beltesis Slave Market.

It was one of the five slave markets officially recognized by the Empire. Here, people who couldn’t repay their debts, those defeated in wars, and other lawful slaves converged.

Yes, lawful—this market operated within the bounds of the law. It wasn’t an illicit slave market rife with abductions and illegal human trafficking.


‘This is definitely not a place for a seven-year-old to wander around,’ Alex doubted whether the young master truly comprehended the concept of slavery.

“Alex, the butler,” a voice called out.

“Yes, Sir Garen?” Alex responded, meeting the knight’s gaze.

“With the young master…” Sir Garen’s voice trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.

Can they proceed?

Alex gave a heavy nod, indicating his acceptance. The knight chuckled and moved forward, beckoning them to follow.

“Huh,” Alex exhaled softly, questioning whether this was truly permissible. He shifted his gaze away from the departing knight.

“Young master, even now, if we were to turn back…” Alex began, but before he could finish his sentence, Lewin interrupted.

“Didn’t I say I’m going?” Lewin’s refusal was unwavering, leaving Alex crestfallen, helpless in the face of his master’s determination.

The relationship between Lewin and Alex was that of master and servant. If the young master desired something, Alex was bound to follow. All he could do now was to keep his concerns buried deep within his heart and fervently pray that his young master would avoid any mishaps.

“Has the Duke of Dryerf arrived?”

“Is it already time?”

“Today is the day when your fate is decided! Give it your all—for me, for yourself!”

Loyalty was one of the most valued virtues for a knight. It entailed being willing to sacrifice one’s life for their lord, but such loyalty didn’t materialize overnight upon donning the knight’s mantle.

Many noble families sought external talent for their ranks, recruiting individuals from outside their bloodline. They also purchased young slaves from the slave market, raising them to become knights. The motivations behind these decisions varied.

Some believed that slaves, bound by their circumstances, would never betray their masters. Others saw offering salvation to fallen slaves as a means to secure loyalty. Some simply found it convenient and easy to acquire individuals through this method, subjecting them to rigorous training. And then there were those who followed suit because other families did so.


“Imagine the tales of the hero, Derden! You can become a hero too!”

The legend of the hero who saved the world, Derden De Blade, held immense sway over the minds of many. The story of a hero who bought slaves and forged a deep friendship with them became a renowned legend within the slave market from a young age.

But was that all?

The slaves who were sold and subsequently made significant contributions in the decisive battle against the demons were hailed as heroes. Their stories were revered, etching themselves into the annals of history.

“You can achieve the same greatness!”

Families bearing their names spanned across the continent.

That’s what the slave traders would tell the slaves.

“You can be like them.”

“You can achieve greatness too.”

These words were meant to maximize the value of their merchandise, but for the slaves, they also represented their last glimmer of hope.

“It’s the Dryerf family!”

This time, their distinguished guest was none other than the renowned Dryerf Duke’s family, known throughout the continent. Whether they were slaves or slave traders, being chosen by the Dryerf family meant a chance at happiness. It was the ultimate honor.

“I’ve been eagerly anticipating this day.”

Baran Degrenta, a seasoned slave trader with thirty years of experience in the Beltesis slave market, had been waiting for a day like today.

He had encountered extraordinary slaves throughout his travels across the continent. There was the former gladiator slave who earned his freedom after winning several battles in the empire’s arena at a young age. Then, there was the prodigious swordsman who fell from grace overnight due to his father’s involvement in a crime. And let’s not forget the talented individual who had caught the attention of a prestigious mercenary group, only to be sold as a slave after being captured in a battle he had fought in.

Having witnessed such exceptional individuals, Baran patiently awaited the arrival of the members of the Dryerf Ducal Family.

“I have a feeling.”

After mentally preparing himself for about an hour, the emblem of the Dryerf Ducal Family finally came into view before the stand Baran operated. But then…

“What is this?”

It was small. Too small.

No matter how slow the growth rate, seeing a young boy who couldn’t have been more than ten years old standing at the forefront left Baran momentarily dumbfounded.

“Are you conducting business?”

“Young master!” 

The elderly butler exclaimed, snapping Baran back to reality.

‘What does it matter if it’s a child?’

To a merchant, it made no difference whether the client was a man or a woman, a child or an elder. The only thing that mattered was money. It was the sole standard in this cutthroat world.

“No, we are open for business, indeed.”

Baran nodded his head, assuming a submissive posture as he scrutinized the young boy before him.

‘Young master.’

As Baran caught sight of the Dryerf Ducal Family’s emblem and heard the title ‘young master,’ he mentally ran through the names of those who held such a title within the Dryerf Ducal Family.

“If you don’t mind me asking, may I know your name?”

“Lewin Dee Dryerf.”

“It is an honor to meet the third star of the Dryerf Ducal Family,” Baran replied, relieved that he remembered the name.

Now, he observed Lewin even more deferentially.

“Do you have a specific type of slave in mind?”

Baran nodded with a satisfied expression.

‘Not bad.’

In fact, it was better than expected.

The course of action had already been determined.

No matter the reason, Baran simply needed to adjust to the child’s pace.

‘Although I can’t inflate the price dealing with the Dryerf family.’

Nevertheless, he might be able to sell a few more slaves.

Not by selling himself, but by making the other party desire them.

“Yes,” the young child affirmed.

Baran assumed he would express a desire for slaves who would become knights. He was ready to deliver his well-prepared lines when…

“Somebody with a handsome face.”


“It doesn’t matter if they are male or female, as long as they are exceptionally good-looking.”

“Excuse me?”

“Bring them all.”

The child before him uttered words that Baran hadn’t anticipated at all.