Lin Xinghe felt that, in addition to being short-tempered, Xiao Zang was also a bit arrogant.

Having these attributes was always a good thing because it proved him to be more and more like a human being and not a zombie.

Lin Xinghe tentatively reached out and touched Xiao Zang’s head.

Xiao Zang turned his head away and roared at her.

However, because he was wearing a mask, the sound came out muffled by the cloth, so it was not so deterrent.

Lin Xinghe withdrew her hand without changing her expression and finally set her eyes on the two in front of her again.

She cleaned up Xiao Zang’s dirty and bloody body. Hishands that had touched blood and flesh for too long had turned wrinkled and peeling. She asked Qin Yan to produce a basin of water again and carefully cleaned the dirt between his fingers. Finally, she took out a tube of hand cream from her backpack in front of Qin Yan and Wang Mao. She applied a small amount of cream, rubbing slowly on the palm of his hand.

She said casually while rubbing, “I’m really sorry that I haven’t introduced myself yet. As you can see, I’m a bit special, and not in the matter of being able to communicate with zombies. I’m not really a human, I’m the most advanced of mutant zombies, and I prefer others to call me the zombie queen.”

“…I came from a parallel space. The era you live in now is somewhat similar to mine, but our technology is much more advanced than yours. We have also experienced the apocalypse, and scientists have tried their best to develop detoxifying serums to restore the world to normal, but unfortunately, the speed of scientific research is not as fast as the speed of zombie mutation…”

“We zombies gathered in one place and established our zombie kingdom. The world is divided into three, zombies, humans, and orcs. After all, we zombies evolved from humans and have the same language as humans…”

Lin Xinghe spoke eloquently.

If Wang Mao and Qin Yan hadn’t seen her communicating with the mutant zombie with their own eyes, they would definitely not have believed her at this time. However, even the mutant zombie was obedient to her. When they heard such a self-introduction, Wang Mao was still a little skeptical, but Qin Yan completely believed it.

If she were not a person with excellent strength, why would she apply hand cream in an environment like an apocalypse?

Wang Mao said to Lin Xinghe, “I can…”

He knew why Lin Xinghe left them alive, and he knew that something could be negotiated.

However, before the words were finished, the girl who was smiling with frowning eyes stretched out a finger and said sweetly, “It’s not that you can, it’s that you have to. You don’t have the capital to negotiate with me. Your life is in my hands. Here, I, the zombie queen, have the final say. If I say jump, you say how high—that’s the only way I will consider letting you live, otherwise I might just have you ripped into pieces!”

【This NPC is just a daydreamer! How could he actually negotiate with SL?】

【The leader really deserves to be a marketing leader. The words come to her so naturally that even I almost believed it. 】

【Congratulations to the sect master for mentioning the title of Queen of Zombies after Fire Maiden, Sea King Barbaras, Galaxy Robot, and Real Estate Boss Lin! Congrats again to the Queen of Zombies for her mount, Xiao Zang! 】

When Lin Xinghe’s livestream audience was mocking Principal Wang from a distance, her popularity increased. As soon as the familiar Lin Xinghe style came out, everyone talked about it with relish, and the chat became more and more daring.

While the atmosphere in the stream chat was harmonious, Lin Xinghe interrogated the other two about the current examination room.

This was an apocalypse, and the reason for the emergence of zombies was the same as that of most apocalyptic novels. With the destruction of the environment by human beings, resulting in global warming, the Antarctic glaciers melted, and prehistoric viruses that had been frozen for tens of thousands of years erupted from them. All people infected with the virus became zombies whose nature would drive them to chase the living and bite them to infect them with the zombie virus.

Thirty years had passed since the first zombie appeared.

The chaos ended after the government took over in the third year. Today, the country had two large survival bases, 18 medium-sized bases, and countless small bases. The large bases were District A and District B. District A was originally the capital of the country, and District B was special. It was originally just a small county town with an advantageous geographical environment. Under the leadership of wise leaders, it gradually developed into a large-scale survival base that could compete with the government’s.

The motorcade of Wang Mao and Qin Yan did not belong to any base, so they chose to become a traveling motorcade. They had 5 ability-wielding members, and although three of them were killed by Xiao Zang, previously, they had been living quite well.

Lin Xinghe asked, “Are there any strong people?”

Qin Yan said, “There are a lot.”

Lin Xinghe asked, “Are there any famous people? People who are known to everyone, to young and old, women and children?”

Qin Yan thought for a while and said, “A well-known boss… Xu Mo, the son of the leader of District B, is one of them. Although he has not awakened any supernatural powers, his IQ is extremely high. He is only twenty-three years old. The group of scientists in District B also praise Su Zikang, the lord of a small survival base in the south. Although he was ordinary at birth, when he was in his twenties, he awakened dual-type abilities. He went out on his own and built his own base. Because of his rare dual-type ability, Districts A and B sometimes pay him to help with S-level missions…”

As if thinking of something, Qin Yan continued, “By the way, there is also a very famous person called Cheng Sheng. No one in the post-apocalyptic world does not know his name. He also awakened an attack-type ability. In order to obtain supplies, he used the zombies to kill five people in a base in the central area. Previously, the traffic between the north and the south was smooth, but because of him, a large number of zombies gathered in the central area, and mutated plants also spawned. We call this the dead area. If you want to cross the central area, there are only two ways, either to climb over the mountains on the west side, or go through the sea…”

“…The plants have mutated, and some marine creatures have also mutated, so it’s just as dangerous to travel by sea. I heard from others that fish in the sea have mutated and grown wings and limbs, and they’re are all highly venomous. A bite from them is fatal.”