Chapter 1871: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑪

Chapter 1871: Before the Ship Party Starts 11

The High-ranked God who governs the sea, God of Ocean Marine. She who rules the seas of the Demon Realm, one of the Dragon King's Executives, the Four Great Demon Dragons, Sea Dragon Eingana Those who know them know that the two of them don't get on well together.

This is mainly due to Marine's resentment towards Eingana, who is better known amongst the public, but Eingana herself is also prideful when it comes to sea-related matters and burns with a sense of rivalry.

[I see you're also here, Eingana-san.]

[Yes, Miyama Kaito-san is a person who is closely related to Magnawell-sama, and in the first place, this party will be held on the sea of the Demon Realm. Rather, I'm more surprised that you actually got acquainted with Miyama Kaito-san.]

[Hahaha, I suppose you're right. Eingana-san is the head of "Demon Realm's" seas after all.]

Keeping the smile pasted on her face, Marine spoke, emphasizing the "Demon Realm" part and clearly sensing the hostility in her words, Eingana defiantly grinned.

[Yes, I'm the one who rules the seas of the Demon Realm It's just, you see, whether it's the Demons or the Humans, when one speaks of the sea, they would tend to associate it with my name. I often get invited to events related to the Human Realm's seas, and I don't mean to brag, but apparently. I'm recognized as some kind of "Guardian God of the Sea".]


Eingana's clearly provocative words were indeed very effective against Marine, as upon hearing them, thick blue veins bulged on Marine's forehead, and the smile on her lips twisted.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

In actuality, Eingana is far better known in the Human Realm, and in some regions, she's even recognized as the God of Sea.

As one of the Six Kings' Executives, she sometimes attends the Festival of Heroes and other events, she's already known as an Executive, and moreover, with her original form being a gigantic Sea Dragon exceeding 1000 meters, the impact of her presence is tremendous.

On the other hand, although she's the God who governs the sea, she doesn't have a temple in the Human Realm because she's a High-ranked God, and even though she's the direct subordinate of the God of Life, Life, she's third in line after Sky and Gaia, so her fame is rather low.

[The heck are you doing, you idiots? You lot trying to start a fight at my comrade's party]

[N- Nidzveld!? N- No, but this is a matter of non-negotiable pride]

[Do you intend to smear Magnawell-sama's name?]

[Ahh, no I'm sorry. I got too passionate.]

Rebuked by Nidzveld, Eingana, whose head had cooled down, realized the danger of starting a fight here and bowed her head.

Watching Eingana bowing down, Marine had a satisfied smirk creep up her lips, but at that moment, a sharp scythe was placed against her neck.

[The same goes for you, God of Ocean. If you intend to spoil this party that Shallow Vernal-sama is looking forward to, make sure you're prepared for the consequences.]

[My apologies. I was shallow Umm, I'm reflecting on this, so please down your scythe, God of Disasters.]

The God of Ocean was also reprimanded by the God of Disasters, Shea, another High-ranked God who had received an invitation from Kaito. As she regained her composure, Marine seemed to understand that she had gone too far. She quickly apologized with a remorseful expression on her face, then just like Eingana who was taken away by Nidzveld, she left with Shea, moving away from the scene.

After that, as a natural consequence of their actions, Marine and Eingana were strictly forbidden by Shea and Nidzveld respectively from coming within a certain distance of each other during the party.


? ? ? : [Ohh, it's been quite a while since we've seen the cool Serious-senpai, Shea-san.]

Serious-senpai : [Eh? No, wait, when you say it like that, doesn't that make me the "uncool one"?]