Chapter 1900: Ship Party 25

Jane-san, a woman with a very unique and mysterious atmosphere, speaks to me in a voice so bright unimaginable from her face that still looked frozen with her eyebrows not even moving a twitch.

[Yes, yes! Kaito-sama, can I make my appeal here?]

[Unn? Make your appeal here?]

[Whoa there, I don't have any hint of emotions I should be guilty about, okay!? Things like "I'll skillfully integrate myself in and aim to marry to riches" or that "While I'm all dressed up for the party, I'll exaggerate my selling points by about 20% and earn myself some evaluation points"...... Well, I may be thinking about it quite a bit! But putting that aside, it's a chance to have Kaito-sama know about it, so please give me some time to present myself!]

[H- How should I say this...... You're quite honest.]ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

[Tahaa~~ My oh my, you've found one of my charms before I gave my presentation! It seems like Kaito-sama is a genius at finding the best in people huh?]

She was a very easy-going person, and lighthearted conversation with her was quite enjoyable. Well, the expression on her face is still the same as before, and her eyes are still vacant and devoid of light, but her voice is very energetic.

[Well, anyhow, I'm going to make my pitch, but don't you think I'm pretty good? I'm not so conceited as to say I'm a peerless beauty, but I'm reasonably good-looking, and I might be a bit biased in my self-assessment, but my overall abilities are pretty decent. I've also got a pretty decent pair of breasts, not too big or too small...... Whoops, well this is quite tough. I'm aiming to give myself a favorable evaluation, but I'm kinda concluding that all my selling points are just pretty decent...... I feel like crying a bit at my lack of outstanding merits.]

She really started to appeal to herself, but with her concluding her evaluation as "pretty decent", how should I say this...... I can't say I've disliked or liked her more.

[Hahaha, well, I also think it was kinda unfair, but we didn't particularly ask to be invited. Instead, the ones I brought along this time as companions don't hold very high noble titles.]

As a result of discussions among the countries, it was decided that each country would bring two companions this time. This is largely to show that Kaito and the country are on good terms.

Since the companions they brought aren't people Kaito knows, they plan not to burden Kaito with introductions. However, everyone still wants to go to places where they might have the chance to interact with Kaito, so as their King, invitations to events like this are an easy way to gain favor with the nobles.

[I have brought two nobles on the Innovation Side with me, but what about you, Your Majesty Laguna?]

[I wasn't sure who to bring. I could have brought nobles with me, but you see, the nobility don't have much authority in Hydra Kingdom...... so I chose two members of the Parliament to bring with me. Look, "the two of them are over there".]

Laguna answered Chris' question and pointed to a spot a few distance from their location. There were two people there dressed in beautiful formal wear, and they seemed to be hanging out together.

[Both of them are merchants and have quite promising futures. I'll introduce them to young Ryze and young Chris later. Well, as he already had so many people to greet, I would just be troubling Kaito if I were to introduce them to him, so I didn't introduce them earlier...... but I think it would be good for Hydra in the future if they could expand their connections with other people.]


Serious-senpai : [Whoa there, saying that she's accompanying Laguna was just casually mentioned to mislead Kaito huh...... She had really become someone whose identity is unknown.]