Chapter 1931: Ship Party 50

Well, in the end, no one stayed inside the hall to watch the fireworks through the windows; everyone moved to the deck to watch the fireworks.

The party started while it was still bright, but now the sun had completely set, providing a perfect setting for the fireworks.

[Master, thank you for the hard work.]

[I'm the one who should be telling you that, Anima. You've been directing things the whole time, haven't you? Thank you...... Now it's just greeting and seeing people off, then cleaning up, so we can be a bit more relaxed.]


While waiting for the fireworks to start, Anima came close, and we exchanged words of appreciation. Anima had mostly been working behind the scenes, directing everything. Unlike Caraway, who I occasionally saw hosting the event, or Eta and Theta, who were moving art pieces, I barely saw Anima during the party.

As we talked, the fireworks began. With a loud sound, colorful fireworks appeared in the night sky, captivating us with their beauty.

Since we were on the open sea with no obstructions, the view was incredibly clear and felt quite luxurious. Actually, given how far out at sea we were, it wasn't a place where fireworks would normally be set off, so these fireworks created using Gods' power were indeed quite extravagant.

[It's a magnificent sight. I've seen fireworks before, but these seem much more vivid and intricately designed than what I'm familiar with.]

[In my world, events called fireworks festivals exist...... They're events where watching the fireworks was the main attraction, and they were quite popular.]

This time, with Makina-san's involvement, the fireworks were quite elaborate, reminding me of the fireworks festivals I attended in the past. Glancing to my side, I saw Anima enjoying the display, her eyes shining as she looked up at the sky.

Well, since she was right beside me, I gently held Anima's hand...... She looked surprised for a moment, but then she smiled and intertwined her fingers with mine.

As I thought, Ein had probably been so well-behaved during the party because Kuro told her to.

[Kuro too, thank you.]

[No, it was a fun party. With Kaito-kun hosting the event, it’s nice because we can enjoy ourselves without worrying too much about our status. I’m looking forward to the next one.]

I see, since I’m not affiliated with any major faction in a public sense, it seems like people were able to enjoy the party without worrying about their respective statuses.

Indeed, in a normal party, someone like Kuro, one of the Six Kings, would be a significant VIP and would likely receive a lot of special attention, which she probably doesn’t enjoy.

In that sense, there’s a demand for parties hosted by me...... It might be a good idea to consider a second one after some time.

With these thoughts in mind, I handed out souvenirs and exchanged a few words with each person...... and just like that, the first party I ever hosted ended.


Serious-senpai : [Alright, that's the end of the party. There was a bit of flirting at the end, but that much is fine. Now then, on to the next arc.]

? ? ? : [There's still the event where Pandemonium visits with the wine she got from Nebula-san, remember?]

Serious-senpai : [Ah...... Ahhh...... R- Right......]