Chapter 1945: Illness' Consultation ⑥

Chapter 1945: Illness' Consultation 6

Despite becoming official lovers after expressing our feelings for each other, that doesn't mean things between Illness-san and I haven't changed immediately.

Since we were originally drinking wine together and the consultation was resolved, would it be okay to continue enjoying wine while chatting hereafter?

[Kaito-samaaa, while we're at it, would you mind if I sit next to youuuu?]

[Ah, yes. Of course.]

[Kuhihi, well then~~ If you'll excuse meeee.]

With that thought in mind, Illness-san proposed sitting next to me. We were currently sitting opposite each other across the table, and it's a long couch so there's no problem.

When I agreed, Illness-san stood up with her wine glass, circled around the table, and smoothly sat down to my right...... our distance was incredibly close. Our shoulders were almost touching...... but well, it's not strange to have this kind of distance as lovers.

[Kaito-sama, here you goooo.]

[T- Thank you.]

I thanked Illness-san for pouring wine into my glass, but how should I say this...... I'm feeling strangely nervous. Maybe it's the atmosphere after all? Quietly drinking wine with my lover at such close proximity, especially in this luxurious cabin on a cruise ship...... Well, it's certainly not a situation that happens everyday.

Illness-san's dress-like outfit had a somewhat formal feel to it, and with Illness-san herself exuding a mature aura, it created an atmosphere that I'm not used to experiencing much.

[......Errr, does this bother you?]

[Nooo. In fact, I feel happyyyy. It's juuuust, since it was sudden, I was a bit surprised and felt a bit embarraaaaaaassed. I also feel my heart beating faster than it was befooooore.]

......I see, she was surprised and felt embarrassed huh...... I can't read that from her expression at all though, as her gentle smile gives off an air of composure.

She's not like Shiro-san, whose expression doesn't change, but perhaps Illness-san is the type who doesn't easily show nervousness or embarrassment on her face...... When I used my Sympathy Magic to sense her feelings, I could indeed sense more nervousness from her than before.


Serious-senpai : [......A- Adult-like..... lovey-dovey......]

Makina : [Seems like the damage is considerable enough. I wonder if it's gonna come out soon...... Maple syrup would be nice, I'm in the mood for pancakes right now......]

Serious-senpai : [The heck are you here with your strange requests!? It's not like I'm doing that on purpose, so telling me to turn into maple syrup is out of the question!!!]

Makina : [Don't worry, maple syrup will come out...... "I had settled it so".]

Serious-senpai : [......You're a freaking devil...... I mean, if you want it that badly, go prepare it yourself!!!]