Chapter 3 - Valentine's Day Party (Part 1)

It has been almost two weeks since the long, long spring break from college.

He has no significant plans, goes to a part-time job twice a week and goes to a club once a week to play basketball.

Other than that, my spring break was already about to be swallowed up by a colorless patterning, as I spent my time slacking off at home.

Many college students are excited about their long vacations before they begin, but once they start, they end up spending endless and meaningless time.

And when it comes time for lectures to resume, they regret not having spent more meaningful time.

There are several ways for lazy students like me to get out of the colorless life pattern.

One of them is to participate in some event.

Today is Valentine's Day, February 14.

Today is one of the few events I have scheduled during this long break.

"Senpai, I have plans tonight, so there will be no dinner."

"Uh, no problem, I have plans today too."

I reply in a flat voice to Shinohara, who says to me while reading a manga.

When Shinohara heard my response, she got up from her prone position and sat on her hut.

"Oh, that's unusual. I don't have a part-time job or circle day today."

"Why are you grasping it, I'm afraid. ......"

"Don't talk nonsense to me! It's obvious when I look at the calendar that my senpai has carefully written down his schedule!"

Shinohara pointed a bishop's finger in the direction of the calendar.

I looked over there as if caught by it, and sure enough, I marked my part-time job and circle days with a colored pen.

But the location of today's date remains blank.

Shinohara tilted his head slightly, as if in doubt about this.

"What are your plans for today, senior?"

"Maybe a party."

Natsuki invited me to a Valentine's Day party.

One of the few exciting events for me.

However, there is nothing special about it, just attending the party.

"Heh, a party! Sounds like fun, what kind of party is it?"

Shinohara asks with a twinkle in her eye.

"Unfortunately, this party is off-limits to minors."


Shinohara blushed when she heard my answer.

"...... that, is it right to send him off with a smile at a time like this?"


"It's something different when a girl says, have fun. ......"

"I don't know what kind of hilarious misunderstanding you have about ......, but it's a party for college students. You're overreacting to the word 'no minors allowed.'"

When I calmly responded, Shinohara paused for a moment and then opened her mouth.

"Let ...... seniors presently enjoy my abomination, pervert!"

"Don't be subtle with your good rhymes!"

"Anyone would misunderstand what you just said!"

Shinohara then gets off the bed and puts the manga back on the bookshelf.

Then he took out the continuation volume and sat down vigorously on my bed again.

Seeing Shinohara like that, I exhaled.

I have an appointment with Ayaka to meet her in front of the station at 18:00 to go to a party today.

The hands of the clock currently show 17:00, so I should start getting ready soon, but Shinohara, who was trying to read manga in front of me, prevented me from doing so.

I don't feel comfortable leaving one stranger at home to go out.

─ Strangers, huh?

Glancing sideways at Shinohara.

Shinohara visits my house several times a week.

Normally, one would not have a good feeling about this, but there was something about Shinohara that made it acceptable.

It's true that Shinohara is adding color to my routine life, and I guess I've kind of grown to like it.

"...... I heard some kind of cash line, but that's okay. I'm reading right now."

Whether reading manga counts as reading is a matter of opinion, but for now the first priority is to get Shinohara out of the house.

"So, Shinohara. I told you, I have plans today. I told you, I have plans today."

It is one hour to the appointed time. It takes more than forty minutes to get to the station where we are to meet, so we are getting very close to the time.

"I'm going home. But please wait a bit, I'm in a very nice place right now."

"Did I have a good scene that early in the game ......?"

"Yes, there is!"

Shinohara has been captivated by the manga in my room since the weekly shounen magazine I made her read the other day.

He had hardly ever read a boys' magazine until he started going to my house.

This junior is currently reading a manga that has been on a breakneck rise recently, so I can understand why he might feel compelled to indulge in reading it.

I have no choice but to give up on getting Shinohara out of the room and start preparing to go out.

Shinohara took refuge on the bed when I was looking for something, and took the least possible care not to disturb me.

When I finish getting ready, I call out to them bluntly.

"Honestly, are you going to leave the house? You have plans today, too, don't you?"

Like Ayaka, Shinohara also has a schedule, which has just been confirmed by her own mouth.

I think you are a little too optimistic to come to my house to read manga before that appointment.

If you had told me, I would have lent you as many comic books as you wanted.

"There it is. I'll go shopping too after I read this volume."

That he had no intention of leaving now was well conveyed in his reply.

But I've benefited too much from Shinohara to kick him out by force.

I reluctantly made up my mind and released the house key to Shinohara.

"Here, you can lock your door with this."

"Yes, ......? What key?"

Shinohara closes the manga and picks up the key that fell on his thigh.

I resist the urge to give you an off-the-mark reprimand about whether your enthusiasm for comics was such a thing.

We will only lose time if we sully the conversation.

Here are the keys. "Here are the keys," he said, "and make sure you put them in the mailbox. Don't lose it. It's surprisingly expensive to have another one made.

Experienced people speak.

I will never forget that when I was in junior high school, I lost my house key and had to get a new one made with my allowance, which caused me to run out of money for a while.

Unfortunately, I lost one of my keys about six months ago, and I don't currently have a duplicate key, so I need to make sure I get it back.

Besides, the key is filled with precious memories.

─ ─ I still don't want to give that key to Shinohara.

He instantly reconsidered and was about to offer his palm, when he saw the expression on Shinohara's face and retracted it.

"Or return it. You return it properly, not with a duplicate key or something. ─ ─ Well, I guess, but that's it, isn't it? It's a step forward."

Shinohara picks his keys carefully, his mouth relaxing as he looks at the key ring attached to them.

"And this keychain is just adorable."

"I know it's ......."

With that one word, I made up my mind to lend that key to Shinohara again.

Key chain in the shape of a cute snow leopard.

His favorite keychain.

It is a bit awkward to lend the key ring to Shinohara, but it is a bit unnatural to collect only the key ring here.

I leave the living room with my freshly unloaded clutch bag in hand.

"Good bye!" I let out a gasp as I walked out the front door, receiving a cheerful greeting on my back.

White breath rises.

As I gazed at it in a daze, I thought about many things and came to the conclusion that today is Valentine's Day.

When I received a line from Shinohara saying, "I'll go to your house today, too," I was expecting to receive chocolate, but in the end Shinohara did not even show any pretense of bringing chocolate, let alone hand it to me.

Although I was not particularly disappointed that I did not receive chocolate, I still felt a little down.

Well, the result of not getting it may be in a sense a matter of course.

Still, I think that this feeling of ups and downs with the number of chocolates is the only thing that will not change even if I become a college student.

"What a pussy."

I muttered to myself and ran out to the station.


When I arrived at the station, it was 18:00, the appointed time.

In the midst of the busy crowd, I spot a familiar back figure.


Ayaka turned around at the call, her makeup slightly more eye-catching than usual. She was dressed in a luxurious black-based outfit with sparkling silver accessories, which explains why she was the first one to spot her in the crowd.

Ayaka checked me out and walked up to me, clacking her heels.

"Hey there, long time no see. We haven't seen each other since the drinking party."

"I don't think it's been that long. I don't think it's been that long."

Although I hadn't had a chance to see Ayaka since spring break, it didn't feel like it had been too long since we had called each other several times.

But her face, which made me feel even more beautiful than usual, made me slightly nervous.

He must be very determined to make me nervous even though we've known each other for a long time.

As for myself, I was dressed as usual for a college student's party.

Perhaps I should have dressed a little more properly.

As I was regretting it, Ayaka said to me as if to poke me in the eye.

"You're dressed too plainly. That's what you wear to a lecture."

"Yeah, that's all right. We're just having a drink and talking."

Ayaka makes an exasperated sound as I turn my face away from her, having hit a sore spot.

"You didn't see the picture that Natsuki sent me?"


"What's this ...... Valentine's Day project? If a guy and a girl are randomly paired up and have a chat, and if they like each other, the guy gets chocolate from the girl. That's what made it so hard for me to make chocolate."


──What a hellish project!

I hurriedly opened the talk screen with Natsuki to check and found that it really stated that.

If you can't get chocolate unless the first woman you meet likes you, fine, stay out of it.

But it doesn't change the fact that there is psychological damage for not getting it.

On the day I don't get one, I will cry to Ayaka.

"We're not going home now, are we?"

When I checked to make sure, Ayaka angrily held up the paper bag and showed it to me.

"Of course not. I went to the trouble of making chocolates for today. Without the pair, we wouldn't have been able to enter the venue in the first place."

"Well, you know, find a guy in a similar situation."

"I'm going to give you chocolate, so it won't be zero. Don't worry, I'm going to give you chocolate, so it won't be zero."

Hearing that response, I feel a little better.

I have known Ayaka for a long time, but she has never given me chocolate before.

Even if what you receive is a "righteous" chocolate, it is still a handmade one.

...... We can only take solace in that and endure the party.

"What's with that face? I'm not happy with my chocolate."

Ayaka looked up at me with a miffed expression.

I hurriedly wave my hand to deny it.

"No, I'm not complaining. I would be on the run right now if it weren't for that."

"I don't give chocolates to people unless it's an occasion like this. I basically don't give chocolates to people unless it's an occasion like this."


"Why? Because I learned a lesson a long time ago. I didn't want to get involved in a bloody war between women. After all, they said I was a bad judge of character."

I guess he is talking about when he was in high school.

I know firsthand that girls with good looks are more likely to get involved in such conflicts.

"Well, guys like you, no matter what you do, when they say it, they say it. Give it up."

"Hey, that's the part that comforts me. What are you trying to do to me?"

"I don't want to be consoled by you. I don't want to be consoled either."

"......Well, if you ask me, that's probably true. Yeah, that's why I got all worked up and made a bunch of chocolates today."

Ayaka held up the bag, saying, "What do you think?".

But before I peek inside, I tilt my head back, feeling that there are words mixed in that I should not have heard.

"Why did you bring so many chocolates? Isn't it normal to bring just one?"

When I asked, Ayaka replied in a tone of voice that sounded as if she was taken aback.

"You know, if we only gave one to each of you, there would be a lot of pathetic men like you. It was clearly stated that you had to make more than one."

"I see why everyone is making more. ...... It's tough, even for the girls."

If that's the case, Ayaka's chocolate will become less scarce.

I remain happy, but still a little disappointed.

With this in mind, I looked down at the paper bag that Ayaka was hanging from, and it clearly appeared to contain about ten pieces of chocolate.

"Even if you do, you're making too much of it. What are you making all this for?"

"Find a potential boyfriend, because there's never too many bullets."

"That's why guys like Motosaka come to me."

"Oh, no, that's not nice. A poor shot is just as good as a good one."

In light of what Ayaka said, it cannot be said that the management treats only men badly.

It seems that the girls are also forced to make troublesome chocolates, and if that's the case, I'm going to have to work hard today, too.

Just when I was about to think so, Ayaka added a single word I didn't want.

"The girls' entry fee is 500 yen, though."

"Hey, I'm sure it's 4,300 yen! You've got to be kidding me!"

"I'm sure all the dating parties are like that. It's rather inexpensive, and you should be grateful for the chocolate."

"I don't wanna go! At least let me change my clothes!"

"Hey, stop yelling!"

The back of the head is smacked with a bashin.

There was a loud noise, but the chest pain that I could imagine was about to occur was a much more serious problem than such pain.