“Well, I’d like to start discussing the items for the cultural festival again!”


“Ehー, it seems like there were several opinions that say if we were to seriously aim for first place, just having butlers won’t be enough.”


The boys are so noisy.

Good thing I was able to get away from being a butler by diverting the conversation.

In the first place, if I’m a butler it will be difficult for me to escape from being a butler since the girls were in charge of the cooking and the boys were in charge of the services.

“Ehー, then I think I’ll add some other components that seems lacking. Is there anything that you can think of!?”

“If we already have butlers for the boys, then how about maids for the girls!”

“I see〜. There’s that too〜. How about the girls?”


Well, I guess that’s to be expected. After all, they forced us to be butlers.

There’s no helping it.

“But, you knowーthe whole point of this discussion is to not just fish women customers into our store right?”

To fish………..

Yumekawa, word it differently!

“Well, that’s basically it in a nutshell.”

“To be honest, if we’re aiming for first place, I think our target audience is not the students of this school, but the adults who come on the day.”

“Well, that’s also true…..”

“I don’t think adults other than the parent’s of the students are allowed to come to the school festival.”

“Well, based on the results from the previous years’, yeah.”

“And so, the target audience for the butlers are going to be the students of this school and young women who are interested in the leaflets and decided to come right?”


“I don’t think this is a problem for butlers since those are the types that will come but I don’t think a good old man will come to a maid cafeー”

“I see…….That’s true”

“In that case, wouldn’t it be better to go with something else?”


“I guess that’s also true.”

The girls shout cheers of joy, while the boys become unable to retort.

This is definitely a sound argument.

While targeting the adults, we also need to do something that will make young people come as well.

You could just make the food that you serve delicious, but the advertising will be troublesome.

Or rather, making something delicious with a noticeable difference against the other competitors is not something easy to do.

“Then, what should we doー”

“Well, I think it’s nice to be able to dress up as a maid, but I guess it’s still embarrassing……This is not compulsory and only those who are willing to do it should do it. Well I’m willing to do it since I suggested it. And for adults who aren’t interested in maids, I think we have to play it safe and go for the taste.”

“Nnー, butー, it’s just something made by high school students, and more importantly, it’s hard to advertise.”

“Maybe we could do some advertising, like handing out flyers with tastings?”

“What should we do about the taste of the food?”

“How about we have some other shop make the food?”

“It’s like borrowing the name and taste of a sponsored restaurant while further raising the profile of that restaurant and its cuisine. …………”

“But is there anyone who can help me with that?”

Oh, there they are. Just the right people.


I recalled last year’s matter………..

It was difficult thanks to those two……

The morning of the day, they started fighting and I ended up being late to stop them.

I was even more angry than usual because I was really into the festival, and the two of them were also in a bad mood and tense during the festival.

And then there’s ………………… Well, I’m sure that guy will be happy to do it.

“Nnー, do you have any suggestions? Kouyou”

“Why do you ask me?”

“There’s more to it than meets the eye, isn’t there?”

I can’t argue with that……..

“I think the manager and the others from my part -time job can handle it.”

“But it’s not as captivating as it sounds. ………”

“No, ………… there is a secret menu.”

“……………What is that?”

“The manager is an idiot, so he admires the secret menu, and that secret menu is something he and Nene-san created together……”

“Hee, What kind of stuff do you have?”

“It’s all about the brown sauce of so-called B-grade gourmet foods like yakisoba and takoyaki……….”

“That’s also biased……..”

“It’s easy for Nene-san since she’s not in charge of cooking, and the manager adores the secret sauce.”

“The manager is free……Is that good?”

“I’ve had it a few times when I was working, and it’s pretty good. I cook it just the way I like it, so there’s that, but it’s still good enough to make me want to eat it voluntarily.”

“Oh……that’s great! Go ahead and order it!”

“No, …… actually, there’s another one: ………….”

“Eh! Really……”

“Personally, I don’t want to rely on them too much, but I’m sure they’ll have a lot to say after the festival anyway. ……”

“Heeー, who is it?”

“My father, a chef, who made my taste buds for food, and my mother, a pastry chef, who made me love sweets.”

“Eh, it’s no wonder……..”

Yes, it was my father’s fault that I became so obsessed with food, and it was my mother’s fault that I like sweet foods since she gave me so many sweets.

I’m sure they will come to the festival again this year.

But I don’t want to rely on them if I can help it. ………

However, if you’re relying on a restaurant that serves food and you don’t ask for help, you’ll get quite a lot of feedback.

Why don’t I want to rely on them……?

It’s not as if I’m a rebel or anything.

Probably because we’d get into a fight.

My parents don’t get along well with each other………

…………Enough to separate them.

Author’s Note:

Finally Kouyou’s parents are appearing

And the manager’s effort