Chapter 93: Threat (3)

Chapter 93: Threat (3)

Translator: Dreamscribe

Kang Woojin speculated that the suspect was Seo Chae-eun. However, this was just his intuition. His first impression of her wasn’t great, and he didn’t like how she always picked fights for no reason. But intuition alone couldn’t provide certainty. It’s like saying, “You look suspicious, so you must be the culprit.”

“Damn, isn’t there anything substantial?”

He needed something definite, anything. The problem was that, currently, only Woojin knew about this situation of due to the void space. Bluntly shouting that the grade of the ‘Island of the Missing’ has now dropped to D-level would just get him treated like a lunatic. In a way, he was the only one who could save ‘Island of the Missing’ now.

This was a serious matter, both to Woojin and to everyone involved in ‘Island of the Missing’.


Feeling the heavily weight of this on his shoulders, Woojin racked his brain. First things first, he needed to narrow down the suspects. Three was too many. He then thought of a trick.


It wasn’t exactly a clever trick, but it was a good idea. Soon, Kang Woojin quickly shouted, “Exit.” Having returned to his apartment, Woojin pondered for a moment, and clicked his tongue shortly.

“Annoying, especially when I’m already tired.”

He turned on the laptop placed on the living room table.

“Let’s start with Seo Chae-eun.”

He logged on to a portal site. The search keyword was Seo Chae-eun. Information and articles poured out. Among them, Woojin checked her other works, not ‘Island of the Missing’.

“Let there be— let there be—”

He needed something not from the past, but from the future. The projects that Seo Chae-eun participated in or would participate in. And fortunately,

‘There it is.’

He confirmed her future projects from several articles. Two movies in total. A romantic comedy movie ‘Natural Encounter’, which will be released in two months, and an action-comedy ‘Prosecutor’s Usage’, which is soon to wrap up filming. As expected of a top actress, her schedule was packed.

“‘Natural Encounter’ was filmed last year and is being released now.”

‘Prosecutor’s Usage’ would finish filming as soon as this month. Having confirmed up to this point, Kang Woojin searched for projects of Jeon Woo-chang and Kim Yi-won as well. They both had projects too. Jeon Woo-chang was filming a drama titled ‘Royal Company’ that would be broadcast in a few months. Kim Yi-won had a movie titled ‘Again Man’ nearing its release.

Fortunately, all of them were top actors with active schedules.

In any case, a total of 4 projects were identified. So why did Kang Woojin search for the projects of the three top actors? The answer was simple.

“First of all, I need to get the scripts or scenarios for these projects-”

He had to get the scripts and scenarios to enter the void space. Then, he could obtain an answer close to certainty. Surely, one of the three has a standout grade. The same as or lower than ‘Island of the Missing’.

Afterward, Kang Woojin noted down the four projects on his phone.

“It’s a bit late now.”

He went into the bathroom and started to shower. However, only one thought occupied Woojin’s mind.

“Shit, I will save it.”

He was determined to revive ‘The Island of the Missing’.

The next morning, the 24th.

Near Netflix, in the recording studio. The ‘Male Friend’ team gathered in the studio where Kang Woojin’s insane singing skills had been showcased. However, the actors were absent. There were roughly ten people present. The music director sat in front of the recording equipment with dark circles under his eyes, and Director Shin Dong-chun.

“I will play them in order. Woojin’s solo, Hwalin’s solo, and the duet.”

Executive Director Kim So-hyang with her arms crossed, writer Choi Na-na looking nervously excited, the production company staff, etc. All of the key production staff of ‘Male Friend’ were gathered.


The music director manipulated the device, and the first song resonated throughout the studio.


The tone was somber yet melodic. Somehow, it felt like any man or woman, when paired with this song, could create drama? Soon, starting with Kim So-hyang, who was stroking her chin, feedback poured out.

“It’s good...right? Really good. It doesn’t feel seasonal, either.”

“These are just the rough lyrics attached by the composer now, right? Ah- it’s so smooth on the ears, feels like a hit?”

“Wow! I think it will really suit Woojin!”

“Right? When Woojin sings, there’s a slightly muffled voice, which will be perfect.”

“Who’s the composer?”

The reactions were positive. Thanks to that, Director Shin Dong-chun, who had been pulling all-nighters for days, smiled faintly.

“I’m glad. I’ll tell you the detailed information after we listen to everything. Next is Hwalin’s song.”

The song quickly changed. This time it was a bit bouncier.


The tempo was slightly fast, with the violin joining in after the playful rhythm. Indeed, people seemed to enjoy this track too, judging by their positive reactions.

“Ms. Hwalin’s character really matches well with this!”

“It’s cute and then it takes a sharp turn in the latter part. So addictive-”

Then, finally.

It was the duet song that could arguably be considered the main track of the OST, and everyone’s eyes slightly widened as they listened to the flowing melody. Interestingly, the reaction was not as strong compared to the solo tracks. It wasn’t because it was bad.

It was because it was the most distinct.


A silent exclamation of admiration. From here.


As they listened to the duet, everyone began to imagine. How would it sound with Kang Woojin and Hwalin’s voices? Of course, it was just everyone’s individual imaginations, but they all firmly believed one thing.

‘They would really go well together, wouldn’t they?’

That the chemistry between Kang Woojin and Hwalin, the harmony with ‘Male Friend’, would be absolutely breathtaking. Thus, everyone was immersed until the song ended. A moment of silence. The silence was broken by Director Shin Dong-chun, the overall director.

“I’d like to settle on these 3 songs. What does everyone think, especially you, the writer?”

The weather had become quite hot. Therefore, Kang Woojin, who had left his apartment, was lightly dressed, and upon arriving at the underground parking lot, quickly moved to the waiting minivan.


Familiar faces were there. Jang Su-hwan and Choi Sung-gun. However, Han Ye-jung was not there, perhaps because she had something to do. Either way, as soon as Woojin got into the minivan.


He greeted in a low voice. Soon, Choi Sung-gun, with tired eyes, yawned and waved his hand.

“Ah- Woojin, did you get some sleep? You got to sleep in since it’s been a while since you had a late start to the day, right?”

No? I had a nightmare. In reality, Woojin had tossed and turned all last night. He also dreamed that ‘Island of the Missing’ was completely collapsing. However, Woojin, who was maintaining his image, knew that showing weakness wasn’t an option.

“Yes, I slept well.”

“Well done- Alright, let’s get going.”

The minivan smoothly started moving. At the same time, Choi Sung-gun’s phone, who had been reading his diary, rang, and seeing that the caller was from the company’s PR team, he put the phone to his ear.

“Hmm? Ah- Woojin’s fan signing event? Yes, tell me.”

Calmly listening to the report, Choi Sung-gun quickly gave instructions.

“Oh, ah- Is that so? Hmm, then let’s confirm it for that day. Ah. The scale? To the extent that it might seem a bit overboard. Still, it’s the first fan signing event Woojin is holding before his official fan meeting, so we have to give it some push. Yes, share it with Woojin’s fan club too. Let’s not specifically limit the number of people. Yes.”

After hanging up, Choi Sung-gun turned to Woojin with a faint smile.

“Your fan signing event is confirmed.”

It was the moment when Kang Woojin’s first fan signing event was decided. However, Woojin had no reaction.

“···Is that so?”

It was because Woojin was preoccupied with other thoughts at the moment. Choi Sung-gun, familiar with Woojin’s demeanor, gestured to Jang Su-hwan.

“Su-hwan, let’s head to the salon first.”


“Oh right, Woojin, you heard that Dae-young started working, right?”

“Yes. I was contacted yesterday.”

Choi Sung-gun chuckled heartily.

“He did well on his first day yesterday, I heard.”

To be honest, at the moment, Woojin wouldn’t have cared even if Kim Dae-young had pooped on the streets. His urgency was directed elsewhere.


Thus, Woojin asked Choi Sung-gun in a stern tone.

“May I ask for a favor before we go through the schedule?”

Choi Sung-gun, turning his body towards Woojin, locked eyes with him.

“A favor? Sure. I must listen even if the sky splits apart if it’s a request from our great actor Kang Woojin. What is it?”

“I want to get some scripts and scenarios.”

“All of a sudden? Why?”

Choi Sung-gun’s face swiftly filled with concern.

“Hey, it’s not healthy if you’re too workaholic, you know? Hye-yeon had to take a year off because she was the same. You already have more than enough on your plate.”

Naturally, Choi Sung-gun thought that Woojin wanted to add more work, and Woojin, pulling out his phone, slightly nodded his head.

“No. It’s not for me.”

“Oh? Then what do you need it for?”

“For verification. The works of Kim Yi-won, Jeon Woo-chang, and Seo Chae-eun, the seniors I saw yesterday.”

“Oh- Maybe you want to check their form? What projects they’ve taken?”

He had prepared a different explanation, but Woojin quietly agreed, finding this one suitable.

“Yes. I want to understand their acting a bit.”

“...But you never did that before.”

“Right. It’s just a light curiosity. I’m curious about what they’ve been shooting.”

“Well, it’s not particularly difficult. What do I need to get for you?”

Woojin, looking at his phone, listed a string of titles.

“‘Natural Encounter’, ‘Prosecutor’s Usage’, ‘Royal Company’, ‘Again Man’. Four in total.”

Choi Sung-gun blinked his eyes.

“That, that many?”

“Yes. All of them are works scheduled for release or broadcast, and for dramas, just the first part will do.”

“Uh-huh. Wait a bit, I have to write this down.”

As Choi Sung-gun unfolded his diary again, Woojin asked him seriously, trying not to seem too rushed.

“Receiving them today would be difficult, wouldn’t it?”


“I’d like to read them as soon as possible before things get busier.”

For a moment, Choi Sung-gun seemed to gain an unusual surge of energy. Woojin, usually nonchalant, was showing such passion that he couldn’t be sluggish.


“No? It can be done today.”

For Choi Sung-gun, with his extensive connections in the entertainment industry, it wasn’t a difficult task.

“I’ll get them for you before you leave work today.”
