Chapter 209: Year End (10)

Chapter 209: Year End (10)

The day after the Grand Bell Awards ceremony ended, the morning of the 27th.

Currently, the world was deeply immersed in the year-end atmosphere. Especially, various portal sites and numerous media outlets were fully focused on producing news about the awards.

And everywhere, the front page was all about Kang Woojin.

[Grand Bell] Declaration of War Kang Woojin not fazed at all, Will settle controversies next year

He had already stirred up the Blue Dragon Film Awards, and now he added more to his collection at the Grand Bell Awards.

However, starting today, the media shifted their focus from Kang Woojins spirited remarks to something else. It was the trophies Woojin was collecting.

[Star Photo] Kang Woojin on his pay to receive his fourth award/ Photo

Already a four-time winner Monster rookie Kang Woojin once again delivers a powerful remark

It was rare to attend the awards ceremony in ones debut year, let alone Kang Woojin had grabbed a total of four awards including the Best New Actor and Popularity Award. All were firsts.

An unprecedented record.

Sweeping Best New Actor at both Blue Dragon and Grand Bell Awards, including Popular Star Award, Kang Woojin takes home four trophies

Thanks to that, the previously critical public opinion started to turn. It was becoming clear that Kang Woojin was not just a someone who talked big. The image of Woojin overflowing in SNS and communities was flipping. The more it fluctuated, the more the media continued to add fuel to the fire.

Netizens say Its about time for Kang Woojin, public opinion changes in just one day after Kang Woojin wins four awardsVIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

This wave extended beyond Korea to Japan.

The Eerie Sacrifice of a Strangers Kang Woojin Four-time winner at Koreas Blue Dragon and Grand Bell Awards and his shocking acceptance speech

Kang Woojin has fans and fan clubs in Japan too. They were already quite substantial.

Congratulations Kang Woojin!!! Im always cheering for you!!

I wanted to go to Korea to see him.

I watched Kang Woojins acceptance speech through Youtube and was really surprised! Such things could never happen in Japan!

wwwwKang Woojins real character seems to be a bit out of the ordinary

So, when is he coming to Japan again????

Winning four awards in his debut year! Im thrilled!!!

Due to Kang Woojins loud firsts rapidly increased his presence. He was already a giant in size, but there is no end to the realm of recognition. It can continue to grow.

What to note here is that it was only about halfway through the year-end.

Already with history-making four trophies, Kang Woojin still has the Acting Grand Prize ahead

Currently, Kang Woojin was getting ready for work. There was no time to enjoy the noisy, landslide-like situation.

But a moment was possible.


Woojin, wearing a cap, smiled contently as he looked at the five trophies on the living room table.

Already five? Its the peak of my life right now.

One from Mise-en-scne, two from the Blue Dragon Film Awards, and two from the Grand Bell Awards, making a total of five. Each was different in shape, but their meanings were the same. They recognized Kang Woojin from the awards ceremonies. Thus, Woojin laughed heartily without solemnity, true to his genuine self.

Ah, no, thats not right.

Feeling exceedingly uplifted, Woojin slapped his mouth repeatedly. To become serious again. He might burst into giggles unknowingly if he continued like this.

Then, after taking a deep breath, Kang Woojin.


He left the house. Even so, he kept doing mind control. Be nonchalant. Be cool-headed.



A short vibration came from the smartphone inside Kang Woojins long padding jacket. Was it the CEO waiting in the parking lot? It turned out not. It was a message from the assistant director of Island of the Missing about todays shoot including the entire January shooting schedule.

Ah- thats right.

Woojin muttered to himself as he got on the elevator.

January was the end, huh?

The end was in sight for Woojins shooting of Island of the Missing.

The next day around noon, Netflix Korea.

The weekend passed and Monday the 28th dawned bright. Thus, Netflix Korea was also bustling with employees who had just come to work. Its the end of the year, so its extremely hectic. Inside such a busy office, on the sofa of the Executive Directors office, two women sat facing each other.

One side was occupied by Kim So-hyang, the Executive Director.

First, lets have some tea.

Responding from the opposite side was Choi Na-na, the writer, wearing round glasses.

Ah! Yes, thank you!

The two, sitting face to face, sipped their tea first. It had been quite a while since they last met after Male Friend, but the air wasnt awkward between them. At that moment, the plump Kim So-hyang set down her teacup and asked Choi Na-na,

I heard a rumor that you started writing a new work. Is that true?

Eh? Ah! Yes, yes.

The slender writer Choi Na-na replied timidly.

Im working hard on it.

Thats impressive, Male Friend is still hot in both Korea and Japan and youve already started on your next project? Itll be a full-length this time, right? Who are you working with?

Thats still something I cant disclose.

Ah, sorry. I got curious without realizing. Im looking forward to what kind of work youll write this time. Thanks to Male Friend, youll have no problem casting actors.

Choi Na-na, reminded of Kang Woojin, who was a hot topic covertly, shyly smiled.

Yes, fortunately.

Similarly smiling, Kim So-hyang slid a tablet across the table to Choi Na-na and said,

Getting back to the main point. Writer, would you like to take a look?

The Profiler Hanryang team, which had written a history with a 25% viewership rating.

Since it was a legendary work not just for SBC but across the entire drama industry, the large camera often lingered on the Hanryang team. Whatever happened, Yeon Baek-kwang and his teams celebratory performance had ended.

Soon, famous comedians and female broadcasters as hosts began their banter.

Occasionally, they threw questions to the actors in the hall.

Wow- Profiler Hanryang. It was a hit, I watched it a lot when the drama was airing.

Right. Its really amazing that all those actors are sitting right in front of us. Should we do some interviews?

AhRyu Jung-min-ssi. The baby perm really suited you, where did the genius profiler Yu Ji-hyeong go?

Ryu Jung-min answered with a laugh.

Hes gone home, he really hates working.

The ceremony had a mix of awards and variety show vibes. Naturally, questions were also thrown at the poker-faced Kang Woojin.

This years protagonist headline-maker, Kang Woojin-ssi!

Id like him to do some lines as Park Dae-ri, but they are not appropriate, so its a bit tough.

Woojin-ssi, its been a while since youve returned as Park Dae-ri. How does it feel?

Kang Woojin took the microphone with a cool voice, mixing his persona with a bit of playfulness.

Should I do a line from Park Dae-ri?

The hosts panicked and stopped him.

No! No no no! You know this is live, right?

That would be a disaster, a real mess!

Kang Woojin slowly nodded and lowered the microphone. He seemed more relaxed, perhaps due to his growing experience. Not just on the outside, but also on the inside.

Thus, after some time of loosening up the atmosphere, the Drama Awards moved into the official awards segment.

This started differently from film festivals.

Lets go! The first award category is the Scene Stealer Award! This is given to the actor who played the most impressive character of the year, and it will be awarded to two people.

The announcement was made by an SBC drama department executive with a protruding belly.

The first actor announced was,

SBC Drama Awards, Scene Stealer Award. Profiler Hanryangs Park Dae-ri, Kang Woojin-ssi!

What more is there to say? Kang Woojin, who even spawned catchphrases, was the top among all the actors receiving awards and trophies.

It wasnt the Grand Prize or even the Best Actor Award.

This years SBC Grand Prize went to Ryu Jung-min, and the Best Actress Award went to Hong Hye-yeon. Of course, it wasnt the Supporting Actor or Excellence Awards either.

Best New Actor, male category! From Profiler Hanryang, Kang Woojin-ssi!! Congratulations!!

Yet, Kang Woojin was still the top.

At todays SBC Drama Awards, only Kang Woojin.

Special Performance Award! Wow- isnt this the first time?? Congratulations!! Park Dae-ri Kang Woojin-ssi!!

Because he won 3 awards.

The following night, December 31st.

Just after SBC, both KBC and MBSs Drama Awards had also concluded. The time was now 10:30 PM. About 1 hour and 30 minutes remained until the end of the year.

Soon, January 1st, 2021, would begin.

At this point, Kang Woojin in a van driving on the road was looking out the window with an indifferent face. Naturally, he was dancing with joy internally but forced himself to refrain. In his hand, he held a new trophy. The inscription on the front of the trophy read:

-KBC Drama Awards

-Best New Actor

-Kang Woojin

The media was eagerly churning out articles in the last hour of the year. These articles confirmed Kang Woojins major record.

[Film Festival] From acceptance speeches to the number of trophies, all are legendary records Monstrous Actor Kang Woojin finally achieves finally achieves 8 wins!

[Star Talk] Record Maker Kang Woojin, an unrivaled mark in the history of Koreas entertainment industry

This year alone, 8 trophies, a miraculous epic made by Kang Woojin An actor like him will neither be seen in the past nor in the future


The veteran Director, Ahn Ga-bok, who wrapped up the year with a company dinner, arrived at a huge house while stroking his short white hair.


His phone emitted a long vibration. It was a call. The number wasnt saved, but Director Ahn Ga-bok, smiling with wrinkles, pressed the phone to his ear, as if he had already heard the contents. The interesting part was that the language he used was English.

Yes, Ive been waiting for your call.

Fairly fluent. Perhaps due to his years of experience? Regardless, English was heard from the other end of the phone as well.

Hello, Director Ahn. This is Producer Joseph Felton. Do you remember me?

The caller was the Hollywood big-shot producer, Joseph Felton.

Of course, I remember. How could I forget such a famous producer like you? So, whats the reason for your call?

First, Id ask to keep our conversation confidential.

Soon, Joseph on the other end asked Director Ahn.

Director Ahn, can I visit your shooting site?


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