C463: Defeat / Cruz

Reina and I were fleeing for our lives as we retreated from the front lines.

[This is an extraordinary situation, let’s report it to the headquarters at once.]

Reina also seemed to be truly terrified by the monstrous magic machine and spoke up while trembling.

I didn’t expect that there was an opponent who could fight on equal terms with our trump card, the demon awakening……and that was an even more monstrous magicraft that surpassed even that.

If we continue to fight, there is no telling what kind of monsters will appear in the future. Although it is a humiliating choice right now, I decide that we have no choice but to retreat. Reyna did not oppose this either. It seems that she was very much afraid of that magicraft.

“The troops under the direct command of the ten war gods and the main body of the army should prepare to retreat. All other units and forces should block the enemy’s pursuit.”

I returned to the flagship and immediately gave that order. The reason I ordered them to block the enemy was because I was terrified of the white magicraft but they didn’t need to know that.

“Does that mean we are abandoning those units?”

One of the staff members said so, perhaps thinking of his subordinates.

“If they return alive, they will be rewarded with a suitable military medal, and it would be an honorable mission, wouldn’t it?”

He was silent, as if he could not find the words to say anything back.

It seems that those who have not realized the strength of that magic machine cannot understand this retreat.

I hear protests from the unit commanders as well. Certainly, if I were in the same position, I might have reacted in the same way.

I understand them but it is a different matter to allow a foolish act to go against me, and the unit commander who protested was punished accordingly.

My defeat as commander of the Western Area Army……will be unacceptable, but the unexpected forces on the enemy side were too powerful.

This was not my fault alone, as it was also the fault of the Elysian Imperial Intelligence Department, which failed to obtain information in advance.

Moreover, the demon awakening, which was said to be our absolute trump card, did not work. Needless to say, this was Rafishal’s gross negligence.

I had enough evidence to claim that I was not at fault. Therefore, I was not worried about withdrawing.

The retreat began with the main force in the lead. The enemy forces did not show any signs of pursuit, but it is thought that they have caught us off guard.

During the retreat, the army of the nobleman who is a traitor to the Allied Powers began to move suspiciously.

I thought I had given him the order to block the enemies during the retreat, but there was no sign that he was going to carry out his mission.

Well, I did not trust him in the slightest to begin with, but I did not feel good about him turning his back on me as soon as he learned that we were at a disadvantage so I ordered my subordinates as follows.

“Fire in the direction of the Marquis Deer Grafful’s army.”

The order was immediately carried out and shells exploded from the guns of the ride carriers, causing loud explosions.

“This is an ultimatum Marquis Deer Grafful. If you refuse to follow orders, the Elysian Empire will sentence you to death.”

If he is abandoned by the Elysian Empire after abandoning his country there will be no place for him to live on this continent. Marquis Deer Grafful seems to fully understand this and reluctantly begins to move to the rear.