Chapter 503: The Destruction of the Artillery / Yuki

While we were away on a separate mission, Horostoi was to take command of the entire force.

It was not necessary to make large-scale movements, but it was necessary to attack intermittently to avoid the detection of the separate unit and to be prepared for unexpected attacks from the enemy.

The unit went to destroy the artillery guns, instructing Horostoi to attack on a small scale in order to divert the enemy’s attention.

The unit consisted of ten men, three of the Ten-War Gods and seven Exlanders (including Mary), and although small in number, we were capable of defeating even a division of mediocre opponents.

Unfortunately, however, Lacia is no ordinary opponent. There were also some very powerful riders, so we could not let our guard down.

“Let’s take the east route. The projecting rocks will give us a blind spot from the watchtower, so we’ll have less chance of being seen.”

“Another hard route to climb.”

“That’s why we’re trying to outwit the enemy.”

As expected, the enemy’s surveillance was thin, as they did not seem to expect a magicraft to climb the sheer cliff. Slowly but steadily, we began to climb the cliff.

Climbing steep cliffs is more important for mobility and dexterity than for power, and it is difficult even for a very high-ranki magicraft. However, it did not seem to be a difficult move for this unit and we were all following along without difficulty.

“Don’t drop a single rock, or they’ll notice you.”

Hearing Arjain’s words, I brace myself. It would indeed be dangerous if we were noticed while climbing the cliff and attacked so we carefully climbed up the cliff, making as little noise as possible.

Once we had a small rock fall, but it looked like we would be able to make it up the cliff. Rosetta, who was the first to climb, silenced the nearby guards by destroying their cockpits without giving them time to send warnings.

“We’ve all made the climb, and from here I don’t care if the enemy notices us, but we’ll get to our objective quickly.”

We decided to further split up our unit and work in pairs to destroy the enemy artillery and I would be in charge of the eastern flank with Mary.

After the first one was destroyed by the duo in charge of the west side, the enemy finally noticed something was wrong. An alarm rang out loudly, and the defending magicraft units moved about.

A squadron of magicrafts appeared in front of Mary and me.

I accelerated and closed the gap between us and skewered them with my rapier. At the same time, Mary used her sword to reap and destroy an enemy magicraft approaching from the side.

Moving quickly and without rest, we silenced enemy magicrafts one after another. In addition, in between, we targeted and destroyed the cores of nearby weapons. However, as one would expect in the midst of enemy lines, the number of enemies increased with each weapon destroyed.

“It’s getting a little tough.”

She complained, partly because she was tired from the increasing number of enemies she had to defeat.

“But I’m surprised that we haven’t faced any formidable opponents. I think we can get rid of this level of enemies no matter how many come.”

Certainly, there seemed to be no enemies that could be called strong, as the information indicated. Therefore, we were able to proceed with the destruction of the weapons without much difficulty.