"Oh, well, it's very slow to serve." Cheng Shitong nodded his head and said, "after a while, it's the peak of dining. Let's order first and wait for him slowly."

"Well!" The little rabbit nodded, and his eyes stopped on Gu Ning Shu, who was sitting beside Cheng Shitong, and said, "by the way, Gu Ningshu, where are you going to take an examination of?"


Hearing the rabbit call his name, Gu Ningshu raised his head, looked at the rabbit with both eyes, laughed, and replied in a low voice: "maybe it's going to the school in Beijing. In the future In case It's a little more convenient. "


The little rabbit was stunned slightly, and instantly understood what the pause in his tone meant.

Is he worried about his own body in case of what happens again? If he goes to school in Beijing, is he closer to the hospital??

After hearing what he said, rabbit felt a little stuffy in her heart. She laughed at Gu Ningshu, then turned to Cheng Shitong and asked, "what school are you going to test for?"

"Me?? Obviously, I also want to go to Beijing, so that I can follow him all the time. Hey, hey, he can't go to the hospital on his own Cheng Shitong smiles at the rabbit and replies briskly.

"Go to Beijing..." Rabbit heard her answer, although feel in anticipation, but in the heart or can not help but some lost.

After all, she has been classmates with her for so many years. It would be great if she could go to the same university.

Ah But

The little rabbit sighed softly.

"Don't sigh, anyway, we still have an appointment to play together in winter and summer." Cheng Shitong probably knew what little rabbit was thinking. She laughed at him and comforted her: "when you are admitted to Nanjing University, my brother-in-law also happens to be a graduate student of Nanjing University. In this way, you can't be in the same school, and you don't have to worry about the relationship between teachers and students?"

"Well..." The little rabbit nodded, the ruddy lip moved slightly, but finally did not say anything.

There was a knock at the door.

Then the waiter came in carrying the tray and pushing the door.

"This is what you just ordered. It's starry in summer night, sunny after rain and orange illusion." "Please take your time," the waiter told them as he placed a colorful drink on the table in front of them

"Yes, thank you." Cheng Shitong nodded, and the waiter went out with the tray.

"Ah?? What is this? It looks so beautiful. " Rabbit eyes full of surprise at their own in front of the three slender long goblet in the drink.

A cup is very thick dark blue, there are some bright white bubbles at the bottom of the cup. It looks like the bright stars in the summer sky. It is very beautiful.

There is also a cup of sky blue, a layer of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River floating above the sky blue, really like the blue sky after rain.

The last one is orange, with red, yellow, blue and purple smoothies in the middle. It's very attractive.

These three drinks really look like their names, dreamy and beautiful.

The rabbit couldn't help but reach out and take one of them. The cup looked like a star in summer night, and put it to his mouth to taste it.

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