‘The Silver World Where My Beloved Child Fell’ is classified as a light novel, a classic story in which the protagonist saves the world into which he has been reincarnated. The main character, dubbed “Beloved Child,” was born in a small village in the Kingdom of Lepherite. Then, in the aftermath of an incident, he began to remember that he had been reincarnated from another world, and while retrieving his memories, he fought to defeat a horde of demons that had upset the world’s balance.

In the Kingdom of Lepherite, magic is generally divided into six attributes (fire, water, wind, earth, light, and darkness), followed by other derivative magic such as ice and lightning. In rare cases, some people were given special magic called “skill,” or were granted divine protection called “blessing.” Oftentimes, it was still unclear how blessing magic worked, and it would often manifest itself in a person’s later years.

In addition to having the blessing of the Beloved Child of Light, the protagonist had none of the six attributes, but rather possessed the holy attribute, which was rarer and more powerful than the light attribute. It was this fact that caused all sorts of ripples to spread. Obviously, there were also a group of friends who aided the “Beloved child” and helped save the world.

The published manga series had that person in the ‘memory’ captivated, by how the comic’s wonderful illustrator brought the characters to life. The manga, which was faithfully and attractively drawn without destroying the novel’s original setting, soon became wildly popular. There were even plans to make the story into an anime series.

In addition to defeating the onslaught of demons, the [Beloved Child] and his companions became entangled in various conspiracies within the kingdom and were nearly caught in a trap. Their adversaries included not only demons but also real people. There were devious adults in the kingdom’s heart, as well as a “villainous son” who appeared in the light novel.

And that ‘villainous son’ is none other than myself, Edward Finley.

In “The School Chapter,” Edward played the role of antagonist, showing his hatred for the “beloved child” by getting in the way as the “beloved child” tried to assemble a group of friends. In the early chapters of the school chapter, I murdered my stepbrother, Alfred Grandes Finlay, and was sentenced to commit suicide myself.

For some reason, the person inside the ‘memory’ was very fond of Alfred Grandes Finley, the “villainous son’s” stepbrother. Alfred, in contrast to Edward as a child, was a quiet, gentle boy with a strong sense of justice who appeared to be harboring a secret. In spite of his mild demeanor, he had the courage to state his beliefs unequivocally, a trait that was further highlighted in the manga. There was also a connection between him and the friends who supported [Beloved Child], in which Alfred was occasionally depicted in their memories.

Although he was killed for antagonizing Edward, there was a scene depicting him thinking of his stepbrother in his own way, and in the scene where Alfred finally died, the person in the “Memory” wept as he thanked his god-like painter!

…I think? Many things baffled me, but I had such “memory” inside my head.

But in this world, I never want to witness the final moments of my Al nii-sama. No, it shouldn’t happen. Of course, I don’t want to be killed either!

“Now, let’s have some tea. Edward, you should rest after eating the pastries. You must have been exhausted after the long journey. ”

“Yes, Father.”

“Hmm~ That sounds nice…” The expression on my stepfather’s face softened and warmed.

“Eddie, I heard that these pastries are currently the most popular in the capital. Have some.”

“T-Thank you very much! …Mother Patty.”

“So cute! How in the world can you be so cute?”


Mother Patty stopped and elegantly covered her mouth with a fan when she heard Father’s voice. When brother Al noticed this, he pointed to the brightly colored pastries with his beautiful fingers.

“Look, Eddie. These are new pastries called macarons.”

“Pretty… Al nii-sama, this is my first time eating them!”

“There are many different flavors to choose from. So pick any kind you like.”

“So many flavors! I’m so excited!”

“Red is strawberry, green is apple, pink is—”

“I-I don’t know!”


“Al, darling?”

“Eddie is adorable. I’m grateful you’re my brother.”

“I-I’m glad Al nii-sama is my brother too!” My brother Al, whom I had only met today, gently stroked my soft milk tea-colored hair as I said this with my reddened face. However, his actions right now only caused my face to redden more.

Even though I had a ‘memory’ other than being four years old, I had no idea what was going on with the person in that ‘memory’.

That is why I will not be forcing this interaction. Besides, the words that come out of my mouth are like this no matter what I do, and it is impossible for me to speak even longer words. If I can move my mouth a little better, I’m sure I’ll be able to have a better conversation… than I do now.

“…Could I please have the red one?”

“Of course. Mother had it all ready for Eddie. You can eat all you want.”

“I appreciate it.”

I bit into the pastry, which was sweet with a hint of sourness that made me happy.

“It’s very, very delicious.”

“I’m glad.”

“Yes! Oh, Al nii-sama, please have some too.”


As she sipped her tea, Mother Patty, who was watching us, smiled. “I’m so glad. It looks like you two are getting along nicely already. Eddie, I hope you’re looking forward to dinner. You need to add some more meat on you. I wonder what’s your favorite food?”

Mother Patty’s words made me think as I held the last of the red macarons in my hands. However, nothing came to mind.

What’s my favorite, I wonder?

Marie did her best to bring me food back then, but there were times when I couldn’t find anything to eat, and on those occasions, Marie would give me slightly salty cookies.

“My favorite… I don’t know it.”

“…I see. Then, is there anything you don’t like?”

I thought about it again after being asked.

“…I don’t know.”

Mother Patty’s expression changed to one of mild sadness before she laughed in response to my troubled expression, “Then let’s make a lot of your favorite foods from now on.”

“Oh, I found one of my favorite foods. The red macarons, I love them!”

I bit into the macaron in my hand. As soon as I told them, I noticed that all three of them were beaming. It seemed that my introduction to my new family went well. Unlike in the novel, I think we were having a harmonious time.

“Hehe, Eddie, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the green, pink, purple, and yellow macarons, too, right?”

“Eh! Al nii-sama, that’s a big problem!! I can’t possibly eat that many!!”

When I panicked, Father laughed at me and said, “It’s alright, there’s no need to rush. The chef will whip it up for Edward again, no matter how much you want.”

“Yes. Erm, erm, I know it’s not food, but I really like Father’s phrase, ‘alright’.”

“Fufufu. That’s what you always say.”

“Huh? Is that so? That’s something I didn’t realize. “However, it’s nice to hear Edward say he likes me.”

“I’ll try to get Eddie to tell me he likes me soon too.”

“I-I also like the way Mother Patty hugged me!”

“Oh my! Then I should shower you with hugs.” Mother Patty hugged me again, and I quickly popped the rest of the macarons into my mouth.

It would be a catastrophe if I stain the dress. But this makes it difficult for me to breathe!


“Patty, that’s enough. Let’s let him rest now.”

“Fufufu, yes. Let’s give you another hug later.”

“Then, I’ll take Eddie to his room. Let’s go, Eddie.” Brother Al extended his hand towards me.

“Oh, erm, yes…”

I hurriedly wiped my hands, which were a little sticky from the macarons, and grabbed my brother’s hand. His hands were beautiful, warm, and bigger than mine.

“Alfred, Edward, see you at dinnertime.”

“Yes, dear Father.[1]”


we both responded and began walking hand in hand, and I noticed Brother Al walking slowly to match my steps.

“Fufufu,” I couldn’t help but laugh to which my brother turned to me and said, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m happy.”

“Is Eddie happy to walk with me?”


As I ascended the stairs, I reminded myself once again, “I don’t want to be a ⟦villainous son⟧.”

And I definitely don’t want to hurt ani-sama. So, I will never, ever, be a bad boy! I’ll greet everyone properly and get along with everybody. Then I’m sure it will be different from the novel.

“Al nii-sama.”

“What is it?”

“Thank you for getting along with me.”

“Hmm. Eddie too, thanks for getting along with me as well.”


Even me. Not anyone else, but me!



My feet came to a halt, seemingly at the door to my room. Marie and another maid who had quietly followed us opened the door.

“I like you, Al nii-sama!”

I hugged him tightly for a moment before rushing into the room. What a bold thing I had done, even though I was extremely happy and unsure of my next move.

When I nervously turned around, my brother greeted me with a chuckle and a wave from the door, saying, “Me, too.”



[1] There’s a difference between the way Alfred and Edward call their father here. Alfred is calling David in a more formal, old-fashioned way ‘chichiue-sama’ which basically means ‘exalted father’ while Edward is calling him ‘otou-sama’, although formal, albeit more endearment calling in this context.

Translator’s Notes

And there you have it! One happy family! So, what do you ppl think about the characters? I would love to hear your comments below.