Chapter 18: The Military Coup of December 8th (6)

Initially, Major Lee Je-dong's arrest team from the 22nd Military Police Battalion had planned to start their operation at 7:20 PM to secure the Prime Minister at his residence.However, with the emergency being declared earlier than expected, security around the residence was strengthened, making it impossible to even attempt the operation to secure the Prime Minister.

This was an unpleasant situation for the coup forces, their carefully laid plans unraveling.

No matter how much of a puppet the Prime Minister was, he was still the head of the executive branch representing the nation.

Colonel Kim Sung-Joo, the personnel staff officer of the Training Unit, who had just arrived at the Prime Minister's residence after escorting Park Han-jin to a safe house, couldn't hide his bewilderment upon receiving this report, his face etched with concern. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ N0ᴠᴇFɪre.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

"So, there are two companies of military police around the Prime Minister's residence now?"

"Yes, sir."

It was a force that the arrest team, even with their plainclothes operatives, couldn't subdue with just one company's strength.

At this rate, they wouldn't be able to do anything until the coup's main force, the Tank Regiment, pushed through to the Prime Minister's residence.

Of course, by that time, Prime Minister Roh Jae-woo was unlikely to remain in place.

"This is bad."

Just as Colonel Kim Sung-joo was anxiously biting his lip, a military vehicle bearing an official plate entered the Prime Minister's residence, its engine purring ominously.

"Oh, oh."

An officer was startled at the sight, his eyes widening.

"What is it, Captain Wi?"

"It was a vehicle with the Defense Security Command flag, sir."


Everyone's hair stood on end at the news of the Defense Security Commander's military vehicle appearing.

Why would the Defense Security Commander appear now?

To have a private audience with the Prime Minister.

"Damn it."

Colonel Kim Sung-joo sensed that the Prime Minister's escape was only a matter of time, his stomach churning with anxiety.

At this point, a risky move was necessary.

"Major Lee, listen carefully. The Prime Minister must not leave the residence before the General arrives."

"You mean..."

"We need to attack the area around the residence."

No matter how urgent the situation, if bullets start flying, even the Prime Minister wouldn't dare to poke his head out of the residence.

"This is a suicide mission, isn't it?"

"Revolution is always a matter of life and death. If we succeed, both you and I will be hailed as heroes of the revolution."

"......Yes, sir."

"Prepare the soldiers."

Lee Je-dong ordered the soldiers waiting in the trucks to jump out, their boots hitting the ground with determined thuds.

"Huh? Why are those guys doing that?"

The soldiers of the 11th Military Police Battalion guarding the Prime Minister's residence vaguely identified Lee Je-dong's arrest team as forces stuck in the chaotic mix of military police, marines, and regular police in the area.

With the commotion at nearby residences causing traffic control, many units from the police, marines, and military police headquarters were also stuck in place, adding to the confusion and tension in the air.

If they had been paying attention, they would have clearly identified friends from foes by checking unit affiliations, but the situation was so chaotic that there was no time for such scrutiny.

The 11th Military Police Battalion commander, who should have been commanding the MPs, had been taken away by the coup forces while with the Capital Defense Commander. The senior officers who should have taken command in his stead were out at the Taedong River bridge.

The head of the Prime Minister's security detail was temporarily in command, but as a long-retired old soldier, he was hardly capable of grasping the situation swiftly.

In a situation where no one was taking responsibility, the soldiers of the 11th Military Police Battalion would pay the price for their vague assumption about Lee Je-dong's group's affiliation.

As the MPs and plainclothes operatives who jumped from the trucks rushed forward, the 11th MP Battalion soldiers shouted:

"Stop! Stop!"

Major Lee Je-dong and the plainclothes attack team didn't hesitate to open fire on the restraining 11th MP Battalion soldiers.

As gunfire rang out continuously, the 11th MP Battalion soldiers hastily sought cover, crouching low, their hearts pounding in their chests.

"What's that sound?"

"It sounds like gunfire, sir."

Defense Security Commander Lee Jeong-ju, who was at the Prime Minister's residence, was startled as soon as he heard the gunshots.

He hurriedly ran towards the Prime Minister's office, leaving his sidearm with his aide, his footsteps echoing in the hallway.

A few MPs guarding the Prime Minister's office approached, insisting on following proper procedures.

"General, if you could wait a moment, I'll inform His Excellen–"

"Out of my way!"

Flustered by the fact that the coup forces were attacking the Prime Minister's residence, he opened the door without seeking permission, his hand trembling slightly.

As it happened, a few hastily summoned cabinet officials were seated in the Prime Minister's office.

They gave the Defense Security Commander, who had barged in abruptly, a sour look as they were in the middle of a conversation.

"What brings the Defense Security Commander here?"

Prime Minister Roh Jae-woo asked with a gentle expression.

Though the Prime Minister was known as "the chameleon" for his adaptable nature, he was far from being a doormat.

Military men who tried to take him lightly based on this attitude often paid a heavy price later.

Lee Jeong-ju wasn't unaware of this, but the current situation was extremely urgent.

"Gunfire is erupting in front of the Prime Minister's residence right now."


The Prime Minister's face paled, his composure cracking for a moment as the gravity of the situation sank in.

The faint sound of gunfire could be heard through the open office door, a chilling reminder of the chaos outside.

"General Lee. What's going on here? Aren't the rebels supposed to be on the other side of the Taedong River?"

Due to the military's intentional delay in reporting information, the cabinet still hadn't grasped the full situation, their faces etched with confusion and growing concern.

Lee Jeong-ju's mouth went dry, his tongue feeling like sandpaper.

Unable to evade the situation with lies, he explained briefly, his voice tense,

"The rebels' Tank Regiment has crossed the Taedong River. Their troops will soon reach the Prime Minister's residence and the Army Ministry."

Although the Training Unit's tanks were equipped with outdated 37mm rapid-fire gun models, a tank is still a tank.

It wasn't something mere infantry could stand against, the thought sending a shiver down Lee Jeong-ju's spine.


"How on earth is the Army allowing this to happen?!”

Under normal circumstances, the ministers wouldn't have dared to rebuke a military heavyweight like the Defense Security Commander.

But given the situation, even the ministers had lost their fear, their voices rising with panic and indignation.

"Now, now. Calm down, everyone. General Lee?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"If the rebel main force is heading here, what's the gunfire nearby?"

"It's most likely the enemy military police."

"Then how are we supposed to get out of here?"

"If we move with a thick escort..."

"Don't be ridiculous. How can you expose His Excellency to gunfire!"

"General Lee! If you want to escort His Excellency elsewhere, deal with that gunfire first!"

Lee Jeong-ju was at a loss for words, sweat beading on his forehead.

He saluted the cabinet members and hurriedly left the office, his heart pounding in his chest.

Though he thought this, if roles were reversed, he wouldn't have moved from the residence either.

After all, civilian officials were "targets to be secured" by the coup forces, not threats.

In any case, persuading the Prime Minister had failed.

Lee Jeong-ju picked up the phone as soon as he entered the Prime Minister's secretariat, his fingers trembling slightly.

"Operator! Connect me to the Defense Security Command. Oh, Chief of Staff? Check the rebel situation and report to this residence every 5 minutes!"

Lee Jeong-ju dialed again, his voice urgent.

"Connect me to the Military Police Headquarters. Ah, General Oh? This is Lee Jeong-ju. The Prime Minister's residence is under attack. Yes. Please mobilize all available military police. It's urgent!"

The sound of gunfire outside seemed to grow louder, a stark reminder of the dire situation they were in.

Lee Jeong-ju also requested support from the Marine Corps, his voice tinged with urgency.

While the main Marine force was outside the capital, most of the military compound security was handled by the Marines.

He thought that by mobilizing these security details, they might be able to repel the enemy around the Prime Minister's residence for now, a glimmer of hope in the chaos.

The Marine Corps Commander, Senior General Shin Hee-beom promised to cooperate as soon as he received this request, his voice steady and reassuring.

In fact, while the Army was caught off guard and in disarray, the Marine Corps was faithfully carrying out requested tasks like compound security and 5-minute standby deployments.

"If the Army formally requests, I'll deploy the 1st Marine Division to the Capital."

"We'll carefully consider that at the Army Ministry."

The truth was, that the Army Ministry didn't lack troops to deploy.

They had already ordered the 12th and 33rd Infantry Divisions in the capital region to move out and put reserve divisions in the Wonsan area connected to the Capital on standby.

Lee Jeong-ju anxiously waited for the enemy around the Prime Minister's residence to be subdued, his fingers drumming nervously on the desk.

At the same time, the Army command directing suppression operations at the Army Ministry faced a serious dilemma, tension palpable in the air.

"The rebel forces are advancing towards the Army Ministry and the Prime Minister's residence. If this continues, we'll have no choice but to surrender."

"So what do you suggest we do, General Ha?"

"Let's move the CP to the Defense Security Command."

Generals stirred at the suggestion of Army Operations Chief Ha Jung-yeon, their faces a mix of concern and contemplation.

"General Ha, if we move the CP to the DSC, how will we command the field units?"

"Then, do you have any better ideas here?"

"We absolutely cannot give up the Army Ministry. If we give this up, we're giving up the entire government district. What will happen if the rebels get their hands on the broadcasting station?"

"But without troops, what can we do?"

"If only our Armored Regiment would arrive..."

"Why are we talking about troops we don't have at our disposal now?"

The room buzzed with heated debate, the gravity of their situation weighing heavily on every word spoken.

While most argued, Acting Chief of Staff General Park Seong-ryeol couldn't easily come to a conclusion, his brow furrowed with concern.

In truth, there was no guarantee the generals would follow even if he did make a decision.

From the start, it was difficult for anyone to take charge and command in a situation without a clear supreme commander, the absence of leadership palpable in the tense atmosphere.

If there were at least a general in a position like the Capital Defense Commander with responsibility, they could delegate full authority to him, but even that wasn't possible.

Park Seong-ryeol took a sip of water, but his throat stayed parched, as the cool liquid provided little comfort.

At that moment, Provost Marshal Oh Jung-gu slammed the table, the sudden noise making everyone jump.

"Are we all just going to sit here talking nonsense? Even as we speak, my men are fighting the rebels, while we all sit here in armchair discussions. Well done, everyone….Well Done!"

His voice dripped with sarcasm, his eyes blazing with frustration and determination.

"Provost Marshal Oh!"

"I'm going to the Prime Minister's residence. Whatever happens, happens. I’m done with this meeting."

General Oh left the situation room, taking his subordinates with him, his footsteps echoing with purpose.

The generals watched Oh Jung-gu's retreating figure with complex expressions, a mix of shame, admiration, and uncertainty written on their faces.

One hour and 30 minutes have passed since the coup's outbreak.

The situation had tilted greatly in favor of the rebel forces, the balance of power shifting like sand in an hourglass.

But the decisive blow hadn't been struck yet.

Time was the greatest ally of the suppression forces, each passing minute both a blessing and a curse.

The air in the room was thick with tension, the weight of their decisions - or indecisions - hanging heavy over them all.
