“It’s my first time seeing you since the wedding, your Majesty.”
When the guest welcomed her with a unique tone, Adele smiled back. Elizabeth Ulrich Grand was an unexpected visitor. She is the half-sister of the Emperor and made a strong impression with her blond hair and the Ulrich family’s characteristic purple eyes. While the Emperor exuded a sympathetic and astute aura, Elizabeth exuded a frigid and domineering air.
“Please take a seat,” Adele said, gesturing to the chair across from her.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
As the two women sat facing each other, the ladies-in-waiting offered them refreshments. Adele noticed that Elizabeth seemed to be studying the teacup in front of her, and she couldn’t help but wonder what was on the other woman’s mind.
“Could you give us a moment of privacy?” Adele asked the ladies-in-waiting.
“Of course, Your Majesty,” they replied, bowing and leaving the room.
Adele fixed her gaze on Elizabeth as the ladies-in-waiting rushed out of the room. Elizabeth watched the steam rise from the hot teacup and then focused on Adele’s shining golden eyes. It was a sunny day, and the light was streaming through the window. She noticed that Adele’s eyes seemed to have captured the sunlight, radiating with a bright, trapped glow.
“Is there something on my face?” Adele asked.
“I apologize, Your Majesty. I was simply mesmerized by the beauty of your eyes. Please forgive my staring,” Elizabeth replied, feeling embarrassed for staring too long.
“My eyes have an unusual color. That’s why they nicknamed me “Gottrov’s Black Panther” back home. Of course, behind my back,” Adele said with a smile.
“A black panther… I haven’t actually seen one, but I have the impression that I have,” Elizabeth said.
Adele raised her teacup with a smile and took a sip. Elizabeth watched the Empress as she drank her tea and then stared at her again. When Adele noticed Elizabeth’s strange gaze, she set down her teacup and met Elizabeth’s gaze directly. They stared at each other for a long time, neither smiling.
Elizabeth realized that Adele was quite small after looking at her for so long that she almost thought it was disrespectful. Adele appeared so small that the top of her head barely reached Elizabeth’s towering shoulders. Elizabeth couldn’t think to describe Adele as weak. She was someone who could intimidate her opponents by her mere presence. Elizabeth had seen this firsthand at her wedding and was now certain of it.
“Her Majesty the Empress is appealing to me.”
Adele’s brows furrowed at Elizabeth’s jumbled words. Unfortunately, Adele knew very little about Ehmont. Besides the fact that she was the Emperor’s half-sister, Adele knew nothing about the Grand Duchess sitting in front of her. Adele was confused about why the Grand Duchess had come to see her until Elizabeth spoke again.
“I heard you are searching for Countess Hannah Giggs. She used to be my nanny.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Doesn’t finding Countess Hannah Giggs mean that you have solidified your position as Empress in the palace?”
“Isn’t it natural for the Empress to correct the imperial palace’s discipline?”
“You are correct. You really should. However, it will not be easy.” Elizabeth said before adding, “The Emperor’s favorite is Diane Poitier, while Duke August Ulrich Despone is backing her.”
Elizabeth moistened her lips with tea and spoke cautiously.
“In that situation, Your Majesty must protect your status as Empress. You should not blindly trust the imperial palace right now.”
Adele sat quietly listening to Elizabeth. Her Empress, who seemed lost in thought for a moment, asked her, “What benefits do you offer me for solidifying my position in the imperial palace?”
Her voice was low, and her eyes shone brightly without dilating. Elizabeth momentarily stopped breathing when she saw a beast in the jungle lower its body and reveal its sharp claws. She, Elizabeth, was the princess of Ehmont and a duchess with a large estate. It was a simple question that made Elizabeth feel like she had been struck, but it also gave her a sense of comfort. So she spoke honestly.
“The Emperor is caught between the two of them and is not following the correct path. That’s why I hope the Empress will cut the connection between Diane Poitiers and Duke Despone.”
“By solidifying my position as Empress in the imperial palace?”
“That’s correct. Bringing in Countess Hannah Giggs would certainly be beneficial. However, since she was personally sent by the Emperor, if you were to appoint her as general manager, it would cause conflict. I think it would be sufficient to keep her by his side and seek her guidance.”
Adele remained silent, waiting for Elizabeth to continue.
“And one more piece of advice: seek help.”
“The empress’ assistant is a longstanding system. He is the one who directly coordinates the Empress’s schedule and tasks, and he sometimes makes payments on the empress’s behalf, depending on the position the empress assigns.”
“Is that your suggestion? I heard the general manager of the imperial palace is being used as a secretary.”
“The imperial palace general manager is responsible for managing the internal affairs of the royal palace. It is mostly women. The Empress’s assistants, on the other hand, are mostly men. When my father, the former emperor, changed his mistress, my mother-in-law proudly increased the number of assistants.”
Adele burst out laughing.
“So, if the Emperor has a concubine, I should have assistants, right?”
“I’m not sure what the atmosphere is like at the Gottrov Imperial Palace, but momentum is more important than anything else here in Ehmont.” Elizabeth said before adding, “I don’t intend to compete. However, if the Emperor remains silent after insulting Her Majesty in front of everyone, the nobility here will see Her Majesty as nothing more than the Emperor’s concubine. Ehmont is a country that values strength and despises weakness. You must not lose.”
Adele wiped the smile from her lips and focused on Elizabeth’s words. Elizabeth leaned closer to her empress as she sat down and listened attentively.
“Currently, the person who holds the real power here is Duke Despone. On the one hand, he controls the Order of Magic, while on the other, he uses Diane Poitier to capture the Emperor’s heart. Do you think there won’t be any opposing forces?”
“Do you mean those who oppose him will respond to my call for help?”
Elizabeth nodded.
“For generations, the empress’ assistants have been used as a means to check the emperor’s power. If only the meaning of government had been preserved, the people of Ehmont would have ventured to replace it with a lesser word.”
“Who would you recommend as an assistant if I bring one in?”
In response to the empress’ question, the Grand Duchess paused for a moment before listing the names of various households. Adele wrote down the duke’s words.
“Although it is unlikely, if Baldr’s family sends a candidate, I recommend selecting him without hesitation.”
“Prince Baldr?”
The Grand Duchess nodded slowly in response to Adele’s question.
“If you need any help from me, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We can easily reach you through Countess Hannah Giggs, Your Majesty.”