"How do you know how I feel?" Wang Hai's face was ferocious, "I call him brother, but he is behind his back..."

"Those who betray me are also my good friends. Wang Hai, it's not worthwhile for you to abuse yourself for them. " In a hurry, Lin AI blurted out.

Lu Jing looks at her, but she doesn't know when she knew.

Wang Hai shook his head in pain. He took the child as a treasure and raised it for six years. In the end, he raised his son for others. "Call Qin Qinghua over. I'll ask him personally what I'm sorry about Wang Hai!"

"Dad, I'm afraid." Xiao Wang Tao hugged his waist in tears. Even if he had a knife in his hand, it was still his father in his heart.

"Wang Hai, children are innocent. The person he trusts most is you. Do you have the heart to hurt him because of blood relationship after raising him for so many years? " Lin AI asked.

"Ah, don't push me!" Wang Hai did not dare to look down at Wang Tao's appearance. No one was more entangled than he was at the moment.

"He needs first aid now. You let him go. I'll be a hostage." Lin Ai saw Wang Tao suddenly roll his eyes, and in a hurry, he offered himself as an exchange.

"Are you a fool?" Lu Jing grabbed her.

"No, I'm not smart." Lin AI admits that she is stupid, but she can't watch an innocent person die.

Lu Jing looked at her with a complicated look, and a group of anger came out of her heart for no reason. "Who do you think you are? Virgin Mary? Don't you think you're ridiculous? "

"Stop it!" Wang Hai finally realized that Wang Tao was wrong. "Help my son quickly."

Lin AI walks over and is about to take over Wang Tao when Lin Xiaoyan suddenly rushes to take a step ahead. The appearance of Lin Xiaoyan greatly stimulated Wang Hai. He pulled Lin Xiaoyan and tore it up. Lin AI was suddenly hit and fell downstairs.

"Ah ~" she couldn't help shouting.

"Lin AI!" Lu Jing stretched out her hand and took her wrist, which was also taken out by the huge inertia.

Lin AI's brain is blank, holding hands with him, feeling the temperature between his fingers.

Fool, when you die, you implicate others.

Her eyes are blurred and she can't see Lu Jing's face clearly. He should also be annoyed!

Until they were wrapped in inflatable pads, Lin AI heard Lu Jing's usual tone: "stupid woman, you almost killed me!"

Oh, it's nice to be alive

Lin AI wakes up again. She is already in the hospital bed. She suddenly gets up and yells, "Lu Jing!"

"What's the name of the ghost?" Lu Jing said discontented in the next bed.

"Whew, I wish you were OK." Lin AI breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Jing raised her bandaged arm and said sarcastically, "if that's what you said, it's OK."

"Is your hand broken? Is it serious? " Lin AI asked urgently, "will amputation be necessary?"

"Stop!" Lu Jing stopped in a hurry, for fear that she would hear something unlucky in her mouth. However, her worried expression is quite acceptable. Her arm is just a little dislocated, but he does not intend to let her off easily. "I'm afraid it will be a little inconvenient in the future."

Lin AI was so anxious that she almost cried, "all blame me, all blame me."

Lu Jing touched her tears, a soft heart, comforted: "no big thing, can't die."

Hearing this, Lin AI was more convinced that his injury must be very heavy. She said with guilt, "Lu Jing, I'm sorry. You are such a good man. I don't blame me for this, but comfort me. "

Lu Jing coughed to cover up her embarrassment.

"Do you want water? I'll pour you water Lin AI poured him a glass of water and handed it to him.

Lu Jing gathered together and Lin AI helped him to drink. Lu Jing looks at her with a serious look, and her heart jumps inexplicably.

"All right."

Lu Jing doesn't drink any more water. She doesn't understand what the sudden palpitation is. Is it possible that her heart is broken?

"I'll take care of it." Lin AI put the glass aside.

"What are you responsible for?" Asked Lu Jing.

"I'll take care of you until you recover." Lin AI's face was sincere, afraid that he would not believe, and repeatedly assured, "you can rest assured."

"Brother, are you ok?" Lu Lin people have not arrived, the voice has penetrated. The door is pushed open, and Lu Lin walks in quickly. Seeing Lu Jing wrapped in bandages, she cries regardless of her image. "Brother, are you stupid? It's the eighth floor. What's going on with you? How can I tell my mother?"

Lin AI felt more guilty. If it had not been for her meddling, Lu Jing would not have been in trouble.

"Well, I'm fine! Don't tell mom about it. " Lu Jing touched her head and comforted her.

"I think she already knows." Lu Lin looked at Lin AI standing on one side, took out her mobile phone and opened it up, "you two are on hot search."

Lu Jing takes the mobile phone and says a curse. Lin AI looked at it curiously and was embarrassed when she saw the title. Chinese novel Library www.cnxsku.net

"The second young flower of the Lu family abandoned everything, and the woman was rescued after her death." Lu Jing sneered, "now people really have imagination."Pull down, "the second son of the Lu family and the rescued woman's one or two things", "what's the reason for the rescued woman's death?"

Lin AI said angrily: "these people do not understand the truth, so scribble, it is too much, I go to them."

"Forget it." What do you say, Lu Jing? Said Wang Hai was a brother wearing a green hat, or for others to raise a son? "

Lin AI was so blocked that she couldn't speak. "Then, are you allowed to slander you?"

"I have a bad reputation anyway. It's nothing to do with more than that." Lu jinghun didn't care, "but Wang Hai can't get compensation. Someone saw that he fell down accidentally."

"Well..." Lin AI's language stopped, and he didn't say anything at last. People should be responsible for what they have done, good or bad. "I see."

Lu Jing looks at her in surprise. Unexpectedly, she doesn't plead.

"Brother, you still don't worry about other people's affairs now, or you should consider how to explain to my mother." Lu Lin looked helpless, "I think they are on the way to the hospital."

"Help me untie the bandage on my hand." Lu Jing used his uninjured left hand to solve the problem.

"You hurt your hand. This bandage can't be undone." Lin AI quickly stopped.

"If you don't want to get into trouble, do as I say." Lu Jing said, seeing that Lin AI didn't help, she looked at Lu Lin, "hurry up."

"Brother, can you do this?" Lu Lin also plays drums in her heart.

"Or you want her to teach you a lesson." Lu Jing accidentally touched his arm and snorted. As soon as Lu Lin thought of Mrs. Lu's broken recitation, she immediately compromised and helped Lu Jing solve the problem.

Lin AI stands beside and looks at the two brothers and sisters. Lu Lin has no experience. Lu Jing's face is twisted.

"I'll do it!" Lin AI took over Lu Lin's position and carefully untied the bandage. It's soft and crisp. Lu Jing didn't suffer too much, so he untied him.

"Miss Lin, you have a good level!" Lu Lin praised.

"I've taken care of patients before. I'm more experienced than you are." Lin AI put the bandage away and took down the fixed board. She felt even worse. She would rather have the wound fall on her own body.

Soon, the door was pushed open. A well maintained woman came in with the same character as Lu Lin and went straight to the hospital bed. Pull Lu Jing is a wave, see Lin AI scared.

"What's the matter with you, son?" Mrs. Lu asked, holding her hand on his arm.

"It's OK." Lu Jing endured the pain and said, "how did you come here?"

"Is that all right?" Mrs. Lu checked again and again, but she didn't see anything different. Then she was relieved. "You scared my mother to death. If you have something wrong, will mother still live?"

"Isn't there a saying that disasters last for thousands of years? Don't worry Lu Jing joked.

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, you don't have a good mouth!" Mrs. Lu was very angry when he said so. Looking up at Lin AI, she asked, "who is she?"

"You helped me with that." Lu Jinghui.

"So young." Mrs. Lu sighed, and soon her attention was attracted by Lu Jing. "Tell me, what's the matter with that woman? You've got a big belly? "

"Cough." Lu Jing coughed, "Mom, is your son so tasteless? It's all misunderstanding. It's a worker in the company who wanted to die. She and I were pushed down by accident. "

"Who is so bold, I will go to him!" Mrs. Lu was more angry.

"Mom, anger hurts. You see you have another wrinkle. Let Lu Lin solve this matter." Lu Jing gives Lu Lin a look.

"Yes, I'll do it." Lu Lin echoed.

"Well, it's not you two children who make trouble." Mrs. Lu took out her make-up mirror and looked at it for a while. "When can you save my mind? Lu Jing, you are almost thirty. Other children at this age can play soy sauce. When can you let me have a grandson?"

Lu Jing suddenly covered her head and said, "Mom, the doctor said I should rest more, or let me sleep again."

Mrs. Lu also wanted to nag again. Lin AI then said, "Madam Lu, the doctor said that Mr. Lu still needs to observe for a period of time to see if there is any sequelae of concussion. It is not suitable to be tired. Why don't you talk about Mr. Lu when he gets up? "

"Then lie down and have a rest." Mrs. Lu helped him lie down and sighed, "please take care of my son this time."

"Yes." Lin AI said.

"You come with me." Mrs. Lu suddenly took Lin AI to the outside.

Lu Lin saw Mrs. Lu go away and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that this Miss Lin is very clever. She was scared by my mother just now."

After a while, Lin AI came back, and Lu Lin left with Mrs. landing. Lin AI took out the bandage and splint, and carefully bound it back for him.

Lu Jing stared at her side face and asked, "what did my mother tell you?"

Lin AI wrapped it up carefully and said with a smile, "if you don't say anything, tell me to take care of you.""Worry about it." Lu Jing Ao Jiao's hum, "just like this?"

Lin AI's face suddenly turned red, and Mrs. Lu did not only explain that, "but also