Chapter 554: Saint Quartz is so cheap

Name:I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist! Author:
Saber was living the fgo story on the phone with a blank expression, raising her head to look at Liangyi and Mi from time to time and said, "What are you doing?"

"Me? Anyway, I know all about the plot behind it, so I'm not in a hurry. I'm doing dog food."

"Dog food?" Saber looked over suspiciously.

"That's it." Liangyi and Mi handed over the phone and said, "Of course, it can also be called fire or something, a prop used to increase the level of Servants. After all, it is still very difficult to push pictures at the first level. Much simpler."

"Hmm... There's also a special place to spawn tinder, I didn't pay attention to it before." Saber nodded, her Servant level is not level one, she has already used it before, and she just said it to Liangyi and Mi The term "dog food" is rather curious.

"Saber... 25,000 yen... no, it should be 98,000 yen, all... used up?"

Emiya Shiro looked at the used recharge cards all over the place, feeling his heart twitching.

an inattentive...

Just watching Saber say [the last picture] [this time is definitely the last time]...

And then... it's all pumped out!

"It's just over 90,'s not a lot, don't worry about it." Saber turned her head away from Emiya Shirou, with fine cold sweat breaking out on her forehead.

"If you save yourself, it's not impossible to eat for dozens of days or even a hundred days... Anyway, it's not a problem to eat for a month!" Emiya Shirou said while staring at Saber.

Although these were only bought for 25,000 yen, if they were sold, they would cost 98,000 yen...

Even if the calculation is a little less, if you sell it for 90, still earn more than 60,000.

The result is now... all gone!

"No... don't be so stingy!" Saber stared at the screen of her mobile phone without daring to raise her head: "Look, when I was dubbing, you gave me 100,000 yen a day, right? One day's salary, don't worry about it."

"...In the next month, there will only be pickles and rice."

"No! Shirou!" Saber quickly turned her head and said with tears in her eyes: "I know! It's over here, and there will be no more money!"

"I hope so." Emiya Shiro sighed, for some reason he always had a very bad feeling: "Even with Saber's previous income, our family is not rich... If we continue to spend like this, it won't take long. It will all be spent. If there is something that needs money, there will be nothing to do..."

Emiya Shiro said with emotion.


He still has a small coffer of his own.

Although Emiya Kiritsugu didn't leave him much money, but he himself earned a lot by doing several jobs, and he actually donated most of the money...

The remaining small part is kept, and the number is actually quite a lot.

But this part is purely just in case.

In case there is a place where money is needed, he won't fall to the ground with black eyes.

"I...I see."

Saber nodded vigorously: "It will definitely not be spent indiscriminately!"

"That's good." Emiya Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, but for some reason, there was always a bad premonition in his heart.

Ding dong—

"Shirou! Someone rang the doorbell!" Saber said immediately, wanting to change the subject.

Now she was full of respect for the man standing at the door.

No matter who that person is, she promises to treat her/him with the kindest face!

"Yes, I understand." Emiya Shirou sighed, stood up and walked towards the door.

"Damn it! I didn't draw anything..."

Sonoda-cho looked at the convenience store in front of him, took a deep breath and walked in...

Sure enough, krypton gold is still needed at this time!

Some time ago, there was an advertisement for a mobile phone on the TV station, and there was also an advertisement for a game called FGO. The different style of painting, the picture far surpassing this era suddenly attracted this person who was still living in an era when the game picture was barren. girl.

And after playing the prologue of FGO, in order to become stronger faster.

She decisively chose krypton gold!

Came here, in this convenience store...

"Well, please give me a gift card for this Fate/GrandOrder."

"Fate/GrandOrder?" The clerk looked at Sonoda and was silent for a few seconds, then said apologetically, "Sorry...Although we bought some of this card in our store, it has already been sold out... The store manager has gone to stock up, how about waiting for a while?"

"Huh? Sold out?"

Sonoda-cho said in disbelief, why did it sell out so quickly?

This game... is it so attractive?

Sonoda-cho feels very puzzled...

"Haha—well done! Kirei! These are your rewards!"

As Gilgamesh said, he casually picked up a stack from the recharge cards at the side and threw it to Kotomine Kirei.

Gilgamesh, who came back after going out for a walk, looked at the more than 30,000 stones on his ship and nodded with satisfaction.

He felt tired after recharging a few times before.

At that moment, he woke up—

Why does the King of Heroes want to do such a boring thing by himself! Wouldn't it be nice to leave such a boring thing like recharging to others!

"As long as you are satisfied."

Kotomine Kirei picked up the recharge card that had fallen in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction in his heart.

Sure enough, it was the right thing to hire one's own Servant at this time.

Gilgamesh didn't care about one thing, and that was... two Command Seals on Kotomine Kirei's arm were missing.

The first way is to order Cu Chulainn to come over and help recharge.

The second way is to order Cu Chulainn to go back immediately when Gilgamesh returns...

So he didn't do anything, he just spent two Command Spells that are completely useless in peacetime like now to finish the mission of King of Heroes, and...

Count carefully. There are a total of thirty-seven recharge cards, each of which costs 9,800 yen, which means a total of 362,600 yen.

"Worthy of being the King of Heroes, your actions are extravagant."

"Ha! The matter is far from over, Kirei... You have to help me recharge all of these later." Gilgamesh said and put a large pile of recharge cards on the table.