Chapter Vol 2 16: For Aldia's survival

Name:I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist! Author:
The seventh day after the coup d'état.

"That's right, the content described in that book is indeed true—" Pixis looked at the book in the middle of the table that had been read by countless people and said: "All those people have already confessed, probably because they thought As long as the power of the original giant is still there, a rebellion like ours can be suppressed anytime and directly rewrite our memory."

"Do you think it's true now?" Darius stroked his beard: "I already thought it was true! The moment it allowed me to complete the coup d'etat..."

"..." Pixis was slightly silent, and then looked at Erwin: "That's it, we have taken away the power of the king's government, and then humans... no, We Eldians will be able to step into a brighter future, right?"

"I don't know." Erwin directly denied Pixis's commander: "No one knows how the ending will be, no... there is no such thing as an ending at all. What we have to do is to do it on our own. against the entire world...or even...maybe until we, the nation of Eldia, disappear."

"Ahem...Ervin, what do you mean?" Rod Reyce coughed twice, wiped the corner of his mouth and said.

As the real king inside the wall, Historia's father had also read that book with his daughter before...

They've all seen it, even Kenny...

Some distrust of the future, including confusion about what to do in the future, appeared in Rod Reyce's heart...

He finally knew the true face of the ancestor giant.

Before his younger brother, Uli Reyce, inherited the giant's power.

Both of them once thought that no matter what, they must defeat the power of their ancestors this time, and then drive the giant out!

However...after Uli inherited the giant's power and opened his eyes...

Ah, Rhodes understood that this kind of thing is no longer possible.

And at this time, he finally understood why...【Oath of No War】...the...curse imposed on the ancestor giant!

"It's very simple... For example, if you are a person of other races in this world, and beside you, your neighbor is an Eldia, who may turn into a huge giant and lose his mind at any time Eat you does that feel?" Erwin said in silence for a moment: "We all didn't know these things before, just think about it in another place and it will be very clear...everyone Can't wait for this nation to disappear from this world—”

"Haha, I don't think those things are very strong." Kenny put his feet on the table and completely ignored the people in the room and the etiquette and said: "As long as there is a three-dimensional mobile device, I can kill that kind of thing myself!"

"That's right, that's right." Erwin nodded: "This is what I'm going to say—one of the possibilities if you want to end this situation."

"Erwin...what do you mean." Levi looked at Erwin, wondering what he was going to say next.

"The first one is that we will once again become the former Eldia Empire, enslaving all humans in the world. To accomplish this, we must activate the earth chime and destroy the world."

Erwin glanced at the shocked people in the room and continued.

"The second type... With the continued development of science and technology, within a hundred years, the outside world has invented weapons capable of breaking the armor of the armored giant... So what will happen if it continues? One day, sooner or later, The power of giants is no longer terrifying. Humans will only be afraid of existences stronger than themselves, but...if giants become weaker existences, no one else will care about this. Want to accomplish this.. .First of all, we need to shock the nations with the sound of the earth, and then keep up with our own military power and continue to develop...keep up with the pace of the world until we can become a superpower by relying on pure military power. This is the same as Kai Ni's statement is similar...but he means that he is not afraid of giants, and I mean...the whole world is not afraid of giants, but how long will this day be...fifty years? One hundred years.. . or more is unknown."

"To complete this situation, we must maintain a leading position in military power." Irwin said the conclusion.

"The third type..." Erwin said: "Continue to explore the giant's secrets, find out...the 'demon' who signed a contract with Ymir! Then...find a way for him to grant this ability All the other races in the world, or... let him cancel the particularity of our Eldia race."

"However, in this way, we will face the artillery fire of other countries... After all, the hatred has already been planted."

"That's true." Erwin nodded: "However, as long as we are not the kind of race that will directly become giants as long as we are injected with spinal fluid, then...we are no better than the power to keep ahead...time will Erase the hatred, long as we form an alliance with other countries...although the book is relatively cryptic, but we seem to have completed this, after that...we don't have to keep the leading military, Just make them feel 'not worth it'."

Erwin was silent for nearly a minute, and there was no other words in the room at this time, and it fell silent.



Erwin and Pixis spoke at the same time, then glanced at each other, and Pixis signaled, "You can do whatever you want."

Erwin continued: "There are definitely more than these three real possibilities. This is just a generalization. Generally speaking, we need to [explore the truth about the origin of giants] [develop military power] [establish Diplomacy] [Controlling the Earth Singing]. As long as some of the above four points are met... we Eldians can truly survive."

"So, any clues?" Pixis asked.

"Everyone knows the direction of the last three, and the first one [Explore the truth about the origin of giants]... I think it should be from the memory of [Warhammer Giant], [Ancestral Giant] and [Attack on Titan]... .And 【Giantress】—Arnie Leonard to start with."