The sound of the woman's footsteps went further and further until it disappeared.

There was no sound in the whole house, and when she moved her body a little, the tiny sound would be magnified infinitely and played back to her ears in horror.

It's so terrible to be alone. It's torture for her to be alone!

Ning Xi takes a deep breath, from the great compassion mantra back to the Qingxin mantra back to the Diamond Sutra to the core socialist values, and then looks at the room to distract himself.

There is only a white candle on the dressing table in this room. The light is more dim. It can be seen that the overall style of the room is the same as that of the outside. The only difference is that it is more gloomy and terrifying. Moreover, she found that this room is very large. From the perspective of structure and layout, it should be the master bedroom

Master bedroom!!!

Think of here, originally stood at the door watching Ning Xi brush to jump away from the door, far away to the corner.

It is said that the woman who committed suicide was hanged at the door of the master bedroom?

It's on the beam where she just stood!!!

She finally knew their plot. She was ready to frighten her to death!

Some things can't be overcome in a lifetime, such as the fear of ghosts in Ningxi.

When she was a child, when she was still with her foster parents, her grandmother gave priority to boys and tried to throw her away many times. One of them was to take her to a mass grave and leave her alone.

She stayed there alone for two whole days and nights

She did not dare to recall the situation at that time.

This also led to her fear of ghosts when she grew up. Even though she knew that it was only a vague thing, she could not overcome it and never watched any films related to ghosts.

Ning Xi took a deep breath, steadied his mind, and tried to untie the rope on his wrist, but the other side used a professional method. The material of the rope was also very special and could not be untied at all. He dragged his weak legs around the room and looked around the room. The only door and window were all locked and sealed.

Ning Xi saw a pale and pale face through the mirror of the dressing table. It was her own, just like the burial objects buried in the grave

Now she has no energy to think about the intention of closing herself up here

The only place in the room that made her feel better was probably the bed.

Ning Xi feet soft almost can't walk, slowly moved to the bed, and then holding a pillow, curled up into a group.

Time goes by bit by bit.

No one came, no voice.

It was as if she was the only living person left in the world.

Until, even the candles on the dresser were burned out and put out.

The room went dark.

Ning Xi's tight thread seems to have been broken. The things in her mind that she suppressed in the deepest place like ferocious beasts poured out in the dark

Little girl, little hand was mercilessly released, she was waiting in situ, waiting for only the terrible beast crying from the forest

She ran and ran, but she stumbled. Looking down, she saw a piece of white leg bone

She was lost in the forest full of corpse mounds, from night to day, and from day to night, waiting for no one , the fastest update of the webnovel!